It’s been a looong week with power outages and delays of all sorts. Here, finally, are the juried show results for the Green Mountain Fine Arts Gallery:
Beach Lisa Trout Club porch
Beaney Judy Summer Shadows
Bergeron Kathleen Stowe Restaurant
Beukenkamp Annelein Front and Center
Callahan Sean On the Lookout
Cannon Jean Mud Season #3
Casper Karen Only the Best for Mom
Clark Suzanne Treasure Trove
Cochran Isobel Queen Ann's lace
Cochran Isobel Dance of the Iris-R
Cornog Robert Peachy
Cornog Robert Three Pears-R
Crawford Cynthia How Now
Dayton Harry Papillion
DiNicola JoAnn Retired in Vermont
Ershow Sandra Owl's Head light
Gordon Ann Early Morning Garden
Gottesman Rebecca Through the Greenhouse
Gould Judith Sugar Snow
Gould Judith Flowering Fields-R
Hamilton Debbie The Howe Farm
Hamilton Debbie Stopping to Rest-R
Hamilton Owen Sugar Snow
Harissis Jane Providence Gate
Hayward Sandra Peony
Herzberg Vickie Studio Still Life
LaLiberte Judy Listening to Jimmy Buffet
Liggett Diane Intermission
Lloyd Mary Fran Spring Thaw
Newsham Charles Spring Fairway
Olmstead Jan Divergent Energies
Olmstead Jan The Guardians-R
Paul Colette Summer Field
Pealer Jud Beyond
Pealer Sandra Side by Side
Pealer Sandra Paper Whites-R
Pfaelzer Lou Tulips
Pfaelzer Lou Anemone + Tulip-R
Ravenhorst-Adams Kathy The Art Critic
Riley Dorothy Humpbacked Bridge
Riley Dorothy Windy Wash Day
Sciore Alice Beauty in the Forest
Somerset Theresa Lesser of 2 Evils
Somerset Theresa Pampered-R
Stone Nancy Mosaic
Sydorowich Bob Early Spring
Tate Jo Rights of Spring
Tate Jo White overture-R
Voight Brad Sugar Shack
Winters Nancy The First Flowers
Please excuse if titles and/or names are not quite correctly spelled- we had to do this in a hurry to get this out to you before the show! You will see an “R” after some of the titles. These are paintings that got in the show but are not hung. They are being held in reserve, to be put up when something sells. Signature status credit applies to ONE painting only, and only if that painting has not been given credit from a past show. There were 59 people entering the show and 137 paintings!! This was an enormous task for Green Mountain to process and we owe them many thanks for their very hard work- a week’s worth of processing, sorting and hanging. Congratulations to all who participated, whether you got in or not- everyone put a lot of effort into this show, often dealing with difficult weather conditions. You can all be proud of our Society and the people like Sandy and Scott Noble, owners of Green Mountain, who have helped to make the Society a super organization. And if you didn’t get in, don’t forget we will be having an open show next, in which everyone will be allowed one entry.
Please remember to be courteous and considerate and appreciative in your dealings with the owners of our hosting Galleries. Anyone with a complaint or concern can write directly to me or one of our officers. This letter is sent from a mail server with a different address than the one I prefer for correspondence. Write to me at:
Any work not accepted in this show may be picked up at the gallery during regular gallery hours, 11-6 daily except Tuesdays, from now till April 29. At the end of the show, works not sold can be picked up form May 21-26, same hours.
There is a lovely write-up about our show on the gallery web site here:
There will be three artists, Sean Callahan, Bob Sydorowich and Lisa Beach doing demos during the opening-(Sunday April 22, 3-6 PM ). See you there!
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS president 2006-2007
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
VWS Newslwtter 4-3-07
Greetings, and Happy Spring to you all. We are about to embark on our first show of the year at the Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery. Below is the information for entry once again:
Call for Entries:
This juried show will run from April 20th through May 20th, 2007. An opening reception and watercolor Demos will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 3-6 PM.
Artists may submit up to 2 paintings to be judged by jury. The number of paintings accepted will depend on the strength of the watercolors submitted.
Metal frames are OK as long as they are GOOD QUALITY. ( They must have regular wire hangers-no single hooks). Mats should be WHITE or OFF-WHITE and paintings should be properly prepared for hanging. Glass or plexi-glass should be UV protected. There are no size restrictions. (Use sturdy, high-quality wood or metal frames with secure wire. Label on the back:
Title of Painting
Your name, address and phone number
Size of painting
The gallery will accept 45% of the proceeds for the work sold. Price your paintings accordingly.
Paintings may be dropped off at the Gallery between April 11th-April 13th between the hours of 11-6.
If your entry is not juried in, you may pick it up at the opening reception or make special arrangements with the gallery. Please make every effort to come to the opening, even if you do not get into this show. It is always a wonderful and educational experience to see our work hung in a gallery. If you are new to VWS, it is a great way to see what kind of work people are doing in the Society. Don’t forget, however, if you don’t get into this show, that these choices reflect the taste and interest of this particular gallery, and this does not necessarily mean that your work would not be accepted at a different gallery. Some of the juried decisions we have encountered over the years included, besides quality of work:
1. Does it suit the theme of the show ? (if there is one)
2. How much space is there in the gallery ?
3. Is the work well presented ? (framing and matting)
4. Does the work fit harmoniously with the other works chosen? (i.e.- how does the show look as a whole)
5. Are there too many paintings of one subject? (say, barns, cats, trees, whatever).
6. Each gallery has it’s own preferences for style, color, technique, etc.
I look forward to seeing everyone, and meeting some of our new members on April 22.
By the way, this is a good opportunity to make use of the membership list to car-pool, both for getting your work to the gallery and attending the show.
New Members:
Please welcome:
Louisa Pfaelzer from Morrisvile, Vt.
Liza Myers invites you to join her in Peru
for An Artist's Journey 2007, July 3-12
Paint, write, photograph, sketch, contemplate the mysteries and
This is an opportunity to BE in Peru with a group of creative people;
the emphasis being on personal artistic choice.
Take the time to fully see, and fully experience the Sacred Valley of
the Incas,
where the Urubamba River rushes and tumbles through the steep,
terraced valleys of the high Andes on its way to the rainforest.
The nature of this immersion is intense, but we will keep the pace as
individualized as possible.
Within our flexible schedule there will be room for thoughtful artistic
and cultural exploration.
Time to draw, paint, write and/or photograph will be part of each day.
Each of the fabulous areas where we'll spend time is chosen for its
uniqueness and beauty.
We will travel to each location and experience that site in an
unhurried way.
Liza, who is bi-lingual in English and Spanish, will be available for
painting consultation, plein air demonstration and translation.
For detailed information please check
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007
VWS newsletters online:
Call for Entries:
This juried show will run from April 20th through May 20th, 2007. An opening reception and watercolor Demos will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 3-6 PM.
Artists may submit up to 2 paintings to be judged by jury. The number of paintings accepted will depend on the strength of the watercolors submitted.
Metal frames are OK as long as they are GOOD QUALITY. ( They must have regular wire hangers-no single hooks). Mats should be WHITE or OFF-WHITE and paintings should be properly prepared for hanging. Glass or plexi-glass should be UV protected. There are no size restrictions. (Use sturdy, high-quality wood or metal frames with secure wire. Label on the back:
Title of Painting
Your name, address and phone number
Size of painting
The gallery will accept 45% of the proceeds for the work sold. Price your paintings accordingly.
Paintings may be dropped off at the Gallery between April 11th-April 13th between the hours of 11-6.
If your entry is not juried in, you may pick it up at the opening reception or make special arrangements with the gallery. Please make every effort to come to the opening, even if you do not get into this show. It is always a wonderful and educational experience to see our work hung in a gallery. If you are new to VWS, it is a great way to see what kind of work people are doing in the Society. Don’t forget, however, if you don’t get into this show, that these choices reflect the taste and interest of this particular gallery, and this does not necessarily mean that your work would not be accepted at a different gallery. Some of the juried decisions we have encountered over the years included, besides quality of work:
1. Does it suit the theme of the show ? (if there is one)
2. How much space is there in the gallery ?
3. Is the work well presented ? (framing and matting)
4. Does the work fit harmoniously with the other works chosen? (i.e.- how does the show look as a whole)
5. Are there too many paintings of one subject? (say, barns, cats, trees, whatever).
6. Each gallery has it’s own preferences for style, color, technique, etc.
I look forward to seeing everyone, and meeting some of our new members on April 22.
By the way, this is a good opportunity to make use of the membership list to car-pool, both for getting your work to the gallery and attending the show.
New Members:
Please welcome:
Louisa Pfaelzer from Morrisvile, Vt.
Liza Myers invites you to join her in Peru
for An Artist's Journey 2007, July 3-12
Paint, write, photograph, sketch, contemplate the mysteries and
This is an opportunity to BE in Peru with a group of creative people;
the emphasis being on personal artistic choice.
Take the time to fully see, and fully experience the Sacred Valley of
the Incas,
where the Urubamba River rushes and tumbles through the steep,
terraced valleys of the high Andes on its way to the rainforest.
The nature of this immersion is intense, but we will keep the pace as
individualized as possible.
Within our flexible schedule there will be room for thoughtful artistic
and cultural exploration.
Time to draw, paint, write and/or photograph will be part of each day.
Each of the fabulous areas where we'll spend time is chosen for its
uniqueness and beauty.
We will travel to each location and experience that site in an
unhurried way.
Liza, who is bi-lingual in English and Spanish, will be available for
painting consultation, plein air demonstration and translation.
For detailed information please check
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007
VWS newsletters online: