This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Monday, December 03, 2007

VWS Newsletter 12-3-07

Welcome to Winter- I hope you are all either enjoying the snow or staying snug at home, pain brush in hand. We’re in for an exciting year, with a busy show schedule, warming right up.

First, though, a reminder: Pick-up for the Southern Vermont show is tomorrow, (Tuesday) Dec. 4 between 12 and 3 PM. Rob O’Brien will be there to take down the show and help get your paintings together. Hopefully everyone has a car pool arrangement for this pick-up. Please don’t keep Rob there waiting for you to show up.


Our first show of the year will be at the Claremont Opera house, in Claremont, N.H. This is an OPEN (non-juried) show- bring ONE painting, no larger than 42” on one side, well framed in wood, and white or neutral matting. Use hanging wire- no saw-tooth hangers, please.

Delivery for Claremont is January 15 from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Opening reception is January 18 in the evening (no times yet).
The show runs from Jan. 18- Feb. 25- a Monday, which is also pick-up day.

The Claremont Opera House has a gorgeous atrium for our show with excellent lighting, and a good clientele. It should be just lovely. They only take a 20% commission on sales. Diane Miller-Liggett will be our show coordinator, with Rob O’Brien assisting.

Get directions here:

Our next show, right on the heels of Claremont, is at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon, N.H. This was an opportunity that came up rather quickly, and we decided to go with it even though it’s in the same area, geographically. (W WILL have shows in other parts of the state/area later in the year. )

This is a show with a difference. It is for Signature members only- a bit of a reward for those of you who have worked hard to get your signature membership. Each Signature member can bring 2 watercolors- use your best quality frames and mats (white or off-white). Our own Judy Laliberte will have a concurrent solo show there (congratulations, Judy!), as will Larry Howard, a venerable local watercolorist and teacher, so this will be a big watercolor event.

Ava has just done extensive renovations on their multi-purpose building, once a Carter’s clothing factory, and it is also a wonderful venue, and a well-known one in the area and beyond.

Show Dates are Feb. 22-March 22. More details later.

AVA Gallery site:

We will have a spring show at the Red Roof Gallery in Enfield, N.H., a summer show at the Chaffee Art Center in Rutland, Vermont, , then hopefully something at a gallery in the Burlington area in the fall, and our annual fall/winter show at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, Vermont in Nov.-Dec.

OTHER MATTERS: As most of you have discovered, I sent out an email query to see how the mailing list is working, as we have had several problems with spam filters etc. It is virtually impossible to catch all the mis-firings that occur, but I am hoping that by sending this newsletter via gmail, it will reach the maximum number of members. Thank you all for replying to my query, and I apologize to those of you who got 2 of the same message. That wasn’t supposed to happen, and hopefully you’ll get only one of these, but if you get 2, kindly let me know. With your cooperation, we’ll do our best to get everyone on board. However, you would be well advised to check “this just In” on our web site every week or so, in case your spam filter has suddenly decided to eat your newsletter!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford