This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Monday, July 10, 2006

VWS Workshop Cancellation, Cortina Show and other News

Hello everyone

Some good news and some bad news.

Sean Callahan's painting workshop on Saturday, July 15, has been canceled- if you had planned to come at the last minute....don't! We barely made the minimum quota, and Sean has some pressing family matters to attend to. We may try to reschedule in the fall if there is interest and Sean is free. If you sent a check to Marlene you will get it back, or a refund.

The GOOD news: The "Grand Opening" of our open show at the Cortina will be from 11-1:30 on Sunday. We will have 65+ paintings on display. If you attend the accompanying luncheon and you have paintings in the show, you will get in for HALF PRICE! ($15.00). (This does not include the cost of the champagne tasting-a separate cost).

I hope some of you will attend this event and support the Inn's generous efforts to support US. Many many thanks to our hard-working member Ann McFarren, who will be hanging this show today.


We have several new members -please welcome :

Shanley Triggs from Milton Vt.
Sandra Noble from Stowe, Vt.
Sandy and Joseph Roe from Rutland Vt.

From Gene parent;



The Paletteers 50^th Annual Art Show is scheduled for Barre’s Homecoming Weekend and will take place at the Aldrich Public Library, Milne Room, Barre, Thursday, July 27 [11am-5pm], Friday, July 28 [10am-6pm] and Saturday, July 29 [8:30am-4:30pm]. Most works may be purchased. Registration on July 21, 1pm-4pm, and July 22, 10am-12noon in the Milne Room. Non-members may enter. Guidelines and forms can be obtained from Brent Martin at 276-3003 or Gene Parent at 485-8266.
Reception will take place at 6pm, Wednesday, July 26. Meet the artists and talk with them about their works. This year’s show is dedicated to the memory of Charter member Lesley Bell who has always been a very active artist. She has served very ably as an officer for many years.

Gene Parent

WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY: from Annette Compton:

*3-Day Hands-on Plein Air Pastel Workshop with Sean Dye*
*October, 18, 19, 20, 2006, at Gibson House Bed and Breakfast Haverhill, New Hampshire** *
*/Workshop, Room and Meals included/*
* *
for more info email Sean at or call 802-482-6421
*Show me the Pigment: Pastel and Mixed Media*
3-Day Hands-on Plein Air Workshop
All levels
Have you ever been mesmerized by a pastel painting? Pure pastel pigment sits vibrantly on the surface. Learn how to effectively use under-painting. Make your own painting using some of Sean’s favorite combinations of materials. Sean has been recognized nationally as a leading expert in mixed-media techniques such as those discussed in his new book /The Mixed-Media Sourcebook/. Through demonstration and slides Sean will explain how and why certain supplies were used. Paper, pastel samples, gesso and alternative materials will be provided. Please bring sketches or reference photos and
your favorite set/sets of pastels.
*2006 Bio:*
Award winning Artist Sean Dye received his MFA from Pratt Institute. He teaches painting at the University of Vermont, conducts popular workshops throughout North America. His work has appeared in /The Artists Magazine, Pastel Artist International, International Artist,/ and /The Pastel Journal./ He is a member of Pastel Society of America, The Degas, Sierra and Vermont Pastel Societies (founder) and has judged several import exhibitions. In 2006 he was the Juror for The Pastel Painters of Maine National Exhibition. His works hang in many private and corporate collections here and abroad. His book /The Mixed-Media Sourcebook / was released by Watson-Guptill in 2004. He also authored /Painting with Water Soluble Oils/, NorthLight, 2001. His first instructional video, /Palette Knife Landscape/, was released in 2005 by Creative Catalyst Productions.
Tuition: $325 includes all surfaces, pastel samples and all under-painting mediums
Room and Meals:$125 per night includes breakfast and lunch, $150 for 2 people
Maximum Number of Students: 10
*To Register, Contact:*

Gibson House Bed and Breakfast
Susie Klein and Marty Cohen, Innkeepers

To see the Inn, visit:
341 Dartmouth College Highway
Route 10 and Court Street
Haverhill, NH 03765
(603) 989-3125
(800) 989-2150**

*Email: *

Sean Dye Studio
*681 Willow Brook Lane
St. George, VT 05495
802-482-6421 (Studio)
802-482-3579 (Home) *
Posted by:
Cindy Crawford VWS president

Creature Kinships
Animal Paintings, Portraits and Prints