Update: March 31, 2006
VWS Last minute reminders and requests-Spring meeting
Sheryl has kindly reminded us that on Sunday morning we set our clocks an hour ahead. Sleepyheads beware!
REQUEST: Due to allergies and sensitivities amongst our members, please refrain from wearing scented products and perfumes to the meeting. It will be much appreciated.
We will have over 60 attendees at this meeting! We have been re-located to a larger room- look for signs or ask at the desk where we will be.
PALETTES OF VERMONT: If you’ve painted one and feel like bringing it, please do. If you don’t have a palette yet, I understand you can get one from any Chittenden bank. Or you can now buy one for $4.50. Go here for more info:
I don’t know at this point if we can get a batch for VWS for free, but I doubt it- I didn’t perceive much interest in the idea , but we can discuss it at the meeting. Individuals might still like to hook up with a local display or organization:
Barbara Storrs is the co-ordinator for the Black River Art Guild in Ludlow, and I have written Pentangle Council for the Arts in Woodstock about a group show.
It has been suggested that doing watercolor on the new watercolor canvas and gluing it to the palette might work well.
WHIMSY SHOW in WOODSTOCK…comes down today. Be sure to get your work picked up on time.
Joan White has alerted us to this great article about the Whimsy show from the Rutland Herald Sunday Magazine:
Creature Kinships
Animal Paintings, Portraits and Prints
Update: March 23, 2006
I spoke to the Cortina Inn about final arrangements yesterday, and they would like to know by March 29 how many people would like a VEGETARIAN meal at the luncheon. Chicken stir-fry with rice is on the menu, but tofu can be substituted for chicken if we know in advance. Please let me know your preference, ONLY if you wish to choose vegetarian. Thanks.
Judy Laliberte has very kindly offered to pick up paintings for people from the Woodstock show and bring them to the meeting. Please let her know by Wednesday, March 29 if you would like her to do that. Thank you Judy!
Update - March 22
It doesn’t look or feel much like spring at the moment, so I guess we’ll just have to make our own festivities at or Spring meeting/luncheon. Perhaps in a few days we will be seeing daffodils and steam coming from the sugarhouses. Which is my roundabout way of reminding you that it’s time to get those checks in to Marlene to reserve your spot at the meeting.. We are hoping to get them all by March 25th- that’s this coming Saturday. If you have a last-minute urge to go but haven’t sent a check by the 25th, be sure to call me or Marlene and send the check ASAP or pay at the meeting. But you have to make a commitment to pay if you say you are coming, even if you don’t show up. We need to let the Inn know before Thursday, March 30 how many are going to attend.
Marlene Kramer
Cindy Crawford
In addition to our guest speaker, ARTIST’S MEDIUM, an art store in Williston, Vt. Has kindly agreed to bring some interesting items for demo and for sale. Chelsea, the owner, has advised me to tell you they do not take credit cards, so if you wish to make a purchase, bring cash or checks.
Date: March 10, 2006
From: cindy@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: VWS-Spring Meeting and more news
Vermont Watercolor Society will be holding it's annual Spring Meeting soon. You will be getting a written newsletter with a tear-off section to send your checks to Marlene Kramer. This is just an advance email notice since many of you have inquired.
Here's the information;
Spring Meeting:
Our spring meeting will again be held at the Cortina Inn in Rutland Vermont. You will find a tear-off section in this newsletter to fill out. It must be returned to Marlene Kramer along with your payment by MARCH 25. Although the Inn has been generous about setting up for the odd last minute arrival, they cannot instantly prepare a dozen extra meals. Guests are welcome- be sure to include your guest’s name and payment on the form.
Date: April 2, 2006
Time 12:00 PM – 4 PM
Location: Cortina Inn and Resort
103 US route 4
Rutland Vt. 05701
Cost: $24.00 per person
12-12:30 arrivals, check-in, peruse display tables
12:30 Luncheon and official VWS meeting
AGENDA for Spring Meeting:
1. Old Business-officers’ reports and committee reports
2. New business:
3. A. Discussion about expanding membership to areas outside Vermont. If a proposal is made and agreed upon, it will be warned and voted on at the Annual meeting in November.
B. Discussion about elections, call for potential candidates, nominating committee.
C. Discussion about fund-raising, expenses, fees
4. Announcements
1:30 Presentations, coffee, dessert
1. Dave O’Neill from Northlight Digital will guide us through the process of making prints of your artwork, transferring work from slides to CDs or CDs to slides, scanning artwork, and estimated costs. Dave and his family team are experts in the field of digital imaging and photography, as well as owning and operating a state-of-the–art business in White River Junction Vermont. You can visit their website at www.northlightdigital.com. There is currently a “Giclee Print Show” at their gallery in the Tip Top Building 85 North Main St. White River Junction, Vermont, where you can see a wonderful array of print samples. This show will be up until May 24th.
2. Melissa Snyder, our esteemed webmaster, will give a brief overview of what members need to know about being on the site and setting up an individual gallery page. Melissa has done a great job for us and has also helped some of our members set up their own websites. Visit our site at www.vermontwatercolorsociety.com, and visit Melissa’s business at www.barleywinegraphics.com
3:30 Socialize, visit vendors
4 PM end of meeting, clean up (help needed)
Times are approximate…
Creature Kinships
Animal Paintings, Portraits and Prints
Back to VWS Web page
This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.
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