This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Friday, January 26, 2007

VWS News 1-27-07

Greeting everyone

I hope you are all feeling inspired and warming up those brushes for our upcoming VWS shows and events.

First, however, the inevitable reminder….if you haven’t paid you 2007 dues yet, trade in that brush momentarily for a pen, get out the ol’ checkbook and decorate a check with “Vermont Watercolor Society” and $35.00. Put “dues 2007” in the subject line and send it off to:

Everett Webber
VWS treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
W. Lebanon, N.H. 03784

He will be delighted with your creation, as will I! The end of January is our official dues due date. Many of you have already renewed- thank you!

I would also like to welcome some new members at this time:

Nancy Ball from Nokomis Fla., and Grafton (?) Vt.
Kristin Chamberlain from Warren, Vt.
Isobel Cochran from Hanover, N.H.
Robert Cornog from Sag Harbor, N.Y.
Mildred Davison from Cornish, N.H.
Sandra Ershow from Waterbury, Vt.
Brenda Myrick from Lincoln, Vt.
Ann Semprebon from Hanover, N.H.

Thank you for joining us!



If you have questions do NOT call the gallery! Please contact me.

Call for Entries:

This juried show will run from April 20th through May 20th, 2007. An opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 3-6 PM.

Artists may submit up to 2 paintings to be judged by jury. The number of paintings accepted will depend on the strength of the watercolors submitted.

Metal frames are OK as long as they are GOOD QUALITY. ( They must have regular wire hangers-no single hooks). Mats should be WHITE or OFF-WHITE and paintings should be properly prepared for hanging. Glass or plexi-glass should be UV protected. There are no size restrictions. (Use sturdy, high-quality wod or metal frames with secure wire. Label on the back:

Title of Painting
Your name, address and phone number
Size of painting

The gallery will accept 45% of the proceeds for the work sold. Price your paintings accordingly.

Paintings may be dropped off at the Gallery between April 11th-April 13th between the hours of 11-6.



For those of you new to VWS- we usually supply the postcard image for these shows. You may submit ONE entry, to be juried by the gallery, for the postcard image. Here are the details:

Send a slide or 300 DPI 4” x 5” tiff, dmg or jpg on a CD to me starting in February. Deadline postmark is MARCH 3. Be sure to label your image with the title of your work and your name. If you want your slide or CD back, you MUST send a return envelope with your name and address and return postage affixed. Otherwise, your image will go into the VWS archives.

If your image has been on a postcard last year (2006) you must wait another year to submit a postcard entry.

Send to:

Cynthia Crawford
VWS President
P.O. Box 347
Norwich, Vt. 05055

I will be posting more about our other shows soon- keep in touch, and stay warm.

Submitted by
Cindy Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints

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