VWS News and Reminders 7-25-07
Greetings !
Here are the latest updates on our shows and events:
Drop-off times are this Sunday and Monday, July 29 and 30, from 10:30 AM to 5 PM.
Opening: August 11, 4-7 PM
For full details, go to our website newsletter page:
All the details are in the July 9th newsletter.
You should all have received a postcard announcing this show, beautifully put together by the Gallery and Gary Eckhart with a painting by Gallery member Sean Callahan. Thank you, all. If there are extras at the gallery when you drop off your work, please take a few and send them to your friends, patrons, etc.
Kate More, from Sharon, Vt. Has offered to transport paintings to the Artisan’s Gallery. She will be going on Sunday. Please call her at 802-763-2906 after 7 AM and before 10 PM, or email her at kmore@valley.net . Plan to bring your work to her house. Thank you, Kate!
Pick-up for paintings from our show at the Miller Art Center is August 11 from 11 AM to 5 PM. (Also detailed in our last newsletter)
NEW ! You can also pick up at the Miller on Friday, August 10, from 11 AM to 6 PM. This will mean that there won’t be a conflict with going to the opening at the Artisan’s Show.
As many of you know by now, Elaine Reed, co-owner of the Reed Gallery in Chester, Vermont, has had an unfortunate fall while painting at Monhegan, and has shattered her wrist. She and Bob have decided that it would be best, therefore, to cancel our show there, originally scheduled For September this year. We’ve had some wonderful shows and generous hospitality at the Reed Gallery, so we have much to be grateful for. We wish Elaine a speedy recovery and send our best wishes to them both. Thank you, Elaine and Bob, for being such loyal VWS members and hosts. We look forward to seeing your gallery thrive in the future and hope you can find some ease during recovery.
As news of this change in plans became known, we had several offers for a replacement venue. Although we have had our sights on a possible Northern location for a show, it is not forthcoming at this time. We will be working on making that happen next year. Meanwhile, Doris Ingram has arranged for a show at the West River Gallery in Weston, Vermont. Tentative opening date would be October 3. A lovely location for a fall foliage show. More details to follow.
Anyone who has work up at the Cortina Inn should have gotten a letter from Ann McFarren with instructions as to how to continue showing there or remove your work. Ann has been a volunteer there for 11 years, co-ordinating shows and handling all the necessary clerical work. She will be retiring at the end of July, and states that “ If you wish to continue showing with this gallery, you will need to establish connections with the Inn through the front desk. I have no names to give you at this time as management has changed hands. I still have my card file with your information and gallery listings. If you wish to check on the status of your work or remove or change it by the end of July, call or email me. 802-773-2197 admcfarren@cs.com “
The phone # at the Cortina Inn is 1-800-451-6108
THANK_YOU, Ann, for all your hard work and support!
John Lynch one day workshop, Queechee, Vt . Sponsored by Pegasus Gallery. Sunday August 12 from 11 AM to 4 Pm. Cost $30.00. Limit 15 people. Contact Sheryl Trainor if you are interested: strai6098@aol.com 802-296-7693 .
Deadline for inquiries is Aug. 3 by 5 PM. Please send your checks to Sheryl by August 8 if you have signed up.
Sheryl Trainor
866 Bliss Rd.
(P.O. Box 1257)
Quechee, Vt. 05059
There will also be a potluck barbecue after the workshop. If you want to stay for that, call Sheryl and let her know you are going to be there and what you can bring.
John will also have a show at the Pegasus Gallery Aug. 10- Sept. 3.
See previous newsletter for details about John’s work.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Rob O'Brien has just received notice that his work entitled "Golden Spikes" has been accepted into the National Watercolor Society show in Brea, California. Oct. 13-Dec. 15
Congratulations, Rob!
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.
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