Greetings VWS Community !
You are perhaps wondering what happened at the Annual Meeting if you didn’t attend. Well, this will be a brief report for now- perhaps some of those who attended would like to make some comments to pass along later. This is my perspective:
We were greeted by a warm and inviting staff, had an excellent meal and enjoyed a beautiful environment at the Middlebury Inn in Middlebury, Vt. I feel particularly gratified that those in attendance were willing and thoughtful participants in making history for VWS. The by-laws were amended to include four new board positions, and we now have a code of ethics incorporated into the by-law language. The important things for you all to know right now are these:
President: Cynthia Crawford- Norwich. Vt.
Vice president: Jan Olmstead – Bondville, Vt.
Secretary: Adrienne Fisk- Norwich, Vt.
Treasurer: Everett Webber- W. Lebanon, N.H.
New Positions:
Director of Exhibitions: Rob O’Brien- Perkinsville, Vt.
Director of Programs and Events: Annelein Beukenkamp- Burlington, Vt.
Director of Volunteers: Karen Casper- S. Burlington, Vt.
Director of Publicity: Diane Bell- Weston. Vt.
Karen Casper and Diane Bell volunteered from the floor at the meeting- this was wholly unexpected and wonderfully welcome. Thank-you ALL for making up an exciting new leadership. We are a diverse group, geographically quite well distributed, and ready to launch this Society into uncharted waters !
New Signature Members:
Suzanne Clark
Isobel Cochran
Larry Coffin
Lois Macuga
Jan Olmstead
Barbara Tampasis
We are now about 134 members with 27 new members in 2007 and 3 new members so far for 2008.
Reminders and other important info from the new by-laws:
Dues are (still) $35.00 a year, due by Dec. 31. You will not be able to participate in shows if your dues are not paid. If you are a signature member and do not pay your dues for a year, your Signature membership is terminated and if you re-join you will have to go through the Signature membership process again.
Send you $35.00 checks NOW to:
Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784
More about the meeting later.
SHOWS 2008:
CALL FOR ENTRIES: We have not had much response yet to a call for an image of a painting that you would like to enter in the 2008 Southern Vermont Art Center Show in Dec. 2008. This entry will be used on the post card for that prestigious event. Send a high resolution (300 dpi, approx. 4”x 5” ) on a CD to:
Rob O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151
DEADLINE: (yikes!!) This Friday, NOVEMBER 30. Do it NOW!
NEW SHOW coming up soonish:
Claremont Opera House Open Show, Claremont, N.H. , Jan. 18 to Feb. 25. Details to follow shortly.
Thanks to Diane Miller-Liggett of Cornish, N.H. for finding this one for us. She will also be the show coordinator.
That’s it for now from your once and future happy VWS President.
Cynthia Crawford VWS President 2005-2008
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.