Hello again-I hope you are all managing to enjoy the summer despite our daily dose of rainfall. This will be brief- there are just a few important updates and items of interest that you will want to be aware of.
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O’Brien rjoartist@yahoo.com
(802) 263-9394
1. This class will be limited to 15 participants
2. The fee is $55.00, but we are asking for another $15.00 or more voluntary contribution to offset the cost of renting the building. This is still a very reasonable price for an excellent opportunity to work with an excellent instructor, a much-celebrated artist, and….one of our very own!
While I’m at it, I would like to thank Rob for all the work he does as well as our Exhibitions Director. Which leads to our next bit of information-Rob has just sent out flyers with all the details for our last show of the year at Southern Vermont Arts Center. Look for the bright yellow-green flyer in your mailbox –I got mine today.
This show, thanks again to Rob, is a yearly invitational and we hope it will continue to be so. The quality of work presented there has always been excellent.
After each juried show we tally up everyone’s points towards Signature membership. Certificates are presented at the Annual meeting, which will be held this year (again) at the Middlebury Inn on Sunday, November 16. (Mark your calendars now!) More details to follow at a later date.
New signature members following the Chaffee show are:
Kathleen A. Bergeron
Joann DiNicola
Ayn Baldwin Riehle
Congratulations all!
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.