Good Morning!
Election Day!! Get out there and Vote!!
And while you’re at it, come to the VWS annual meeting for our exciting Presidential elections and more!
You should all have your paper copies of the newsletter in hand by now. (Thank you, Diane Bell, for another fine publication). Ummm- a bit of a discrepancy though….the cost for the meeting is $29.00. (As seen on the form on the VWS web site.) The newsletter says $30.00. So, if you’ve sent $30.00 you are entitled to a $1.00 refund, which will be given to you at the meeting. Or, you can write it off as a donation to VWS, if you’d prefer. Just let Everett Webber know so he can be prepared to dole out the cash or put you in the books for a $1.00. Sorry about that.
NOTE: The form for the meeting is also online, as always, in the “This Just In” page:
10:45 AM-11:45 AM Check-in, Social hour, visit vendors
12:-12:30 Welcome address and reports
12:30-1 PM Lunch (visit vendors, who leave at 1 PM)
1:00- 2:00 PM- Business meeting: Elections & by-law revisions
2:00-2:45 Pm Keynote speaker Woody Jackson
2:45- 3:00 PM Break
3:00-3:30 PM Round Table Discussions
3:30- 3:45 PM Reports from discussions, new Regional point persons
3:45-4:PM Wrap-up, Survey, Goodies, DOOR PRIZES! Spring Meeting announcement
Don’t forget to bring an Art Book, if you have one (or several) for the fund-raiser. This is a great opportunity to pick up that special book someone else doesn’t want, too. Mark hardcovers around $10.00(depending on condition), and Softcovers no more than $8.00. There will be a special table for this ongoing exchange. Thank You!!
Everett needs to have your forms and payments in hand by Wednesday, November 12. That’s REAL soon, so please sign up ASAP. HOWEVER, if you don’t make the deadline by mail, and still want to attend, you can call our treasurer, Everett Webber (603-643-5450) or email him, ( NO LATER THAN 10 AM on Friday Nov. 14. Tell him you plan to attend and how many are in your party. You can then pay when you arrive at the meeting. If you do not show up, you will still be charged. (We have to tell the Middlebury Inn how many people are attending by 10 AM Friday, so VWS will have to pay for that many meals.) (We do consider refunds if something occurs that is beyond your control to prevent you from attending. )
ANNUAL DUES: Also not mentioned in the “paper” newsletter: Annual dues are due anytime from Oct. 1 through December 31st. Now is a great opportunity to send you check for $35.00 dues along with you payment for the Annual meeting to:
Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
W.Lebanon, N.H. 03784
As announced in the Newsletter, we have 12 new signature members this year. Congratulations to all. Certificates will be handed out at the upcoming Annual Meeting. If you have achieved signature membership but have not yet received your certificate, please let me know. ( We try to keep accurate records, but sometimes little miscommunications occur. (see above .) ;-)
“Artists may reside in any state, region or country.
There are four forms of membership in the VWS.
[1] Signature Member:
[a] Allows a member to use the initials VWS after her/his signature on watercolor paintings. To attain this form of membership, a member must be accepted into no less than three shows in a five year period with three different watercolors, by a jury/juror of specific Vermont Watercolor Society juried shows to obtain the right to put the initials "VWS" after her/his name.
[b] Signature Member status is forfeited, and the initials VWS can no longer be used when membership status is no longer in effect, when it has become terminated for any reason.
[2] Member:
[a] Open to any watercolor artist.
[b] Members may apply at any time to be upgraded to Signature Member in accordance with the procedure stated above.
[3] Honorary Member:
[a] The Board of Directors, hereinafter also referred to as the Board, may, for a variety of reasons, choose to award an honorary membership to a deserving individual.
[4] Lifetime Member:
[a] Anyone who has served as President of the VWS for one year or more is entitled to a Lifetime Membership at no cost.
[5] Voting rights:
[a] Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter
submitted to a vote of the members.”
Note: Elsewhere stated in the by-laws:
“[5] No Member shall be nominated, or elected in her/his absence unless such member has indicated intention to accept such office in writing prior to the election.
[6] Nomination for elected office and directorship positions shall be made from the floor, prior to the Membership vote, at the Annual Meeting in November.
[7] Proxy vote will not be allowed.”
Copies of the by-laws will be available at the Annual Meeting. Please read through the revisions in your newsletters and be prepared to vote on the changes. If you want a complete copy of the by-laws before the meeting, please email me and I will send you an attachment.
Rob O’Brien reports that our show at the Southern Vermont Art Center looks great, and the gallery is very pleased with the quality of work. If you missed the opening, you can still see the show until Dec. 2. Rob was interviewed by the Manchester Journal about VWS and this show, so if you live near-by, look for the article..(and save us a copy if you can- thanks!)
Pegasus Gallery: Closing Party this Friday, Nov. 7, 5-7 PM. Thanks , Sheryl Trainor, for all your VWS support over the years. We are sorry to see this fine little gallery go.
SEE YOU at the ANNUAL MEETING , if not sooner!
Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2008
VWS web site:
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.