This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Monday, October 01, 2007

VWS News 9-28-07

Fall Greetings, watercolorists!

It’s announcement time again….I will try to keep it concise. You already have the basics.

As always, please look on the VWS web site for past information before you ask me about an event. However, I do miss important things on occasion. In that case, please let me know.
Look under:

"This Just In"

Now,for a moment, a bit of a digression. I get all kinds of announcements for shows, workshops, accomplishments and items of general interest. I love hearing from you all, but these newsletters would be 3 pages long if I included every announcement, and I would become a full-time new correspondent. There should be a place where you can all make and see these announcements yourselves. We’re working on it. Meanwhile, for the moment, I am announcing only workshops or classes that are generated by the membership, either sponsored by a VWS member or presented by a VWS member. If there happens to be some information regarding that person’s credentials or achievements, I might include some of that.

As part of our efforts to make VWS more user-friendly, we have also been working on a major overhaul in the Board structure. You will be receiving an overview of those efforts shortly. It will be very important to review this information in preparation for the annual meeting, as there are many changes to the by-laws proposed. You will receive a separate (paper) announcement of the meeting and the by-law revisions later.

Now, for "official" announcements:

_VWS ANNUAL MEETING:_ This is the “big” one. Elections will be held and by-law revisions will be considered. Something else in the way of a program will be offered as well. Stay Tuned!

Date: Sunday November 18
Place: The Middlebury Inn, Middlebury Vermont.
Time: to be announced (probably 11:30-4:30)

By the way, Middlebury College has an excellent Museum of fine Arts

If anyone wants to stay overnight at the Inn, they will be offering accommodations at a discount price for VWS members. More about that in the next newsletter.


_West River Gallery, Weston, Vermont:_

DELIVERY : Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1st and 2nd. Please note: TIMES: 1-5 PM each day. Reminder: one painting per person, well framed, no larger than ½ sheet. LABELED with your name, address, phone number and price.

West River Gallery is located in Weston, Vermont on Rt. 100 at the South end of town. Address is 614 Main St. Phone # is 802-824-3250.

Opening Reception:

Friday, October 5, 5:30-7:30 PM.
Show ends Nov. 4.

_Southern Vermont Arts Center juried show-Manchester, Vermont. _

All entries must be POSTMARKED no later than OCT. 1 2007. See directions for entry on our web site. You should also have an orange entry form in hand. Fill out and send to Rob O’Brien as directed.

Delivery: Wednesday, Oct. 31 10AM-4 PM.
Opening reception: Saturday Nov. 3 2-4 PM
Show ends Dec. 4 Pick-up is between 12-3 PM


There is still time to sign up for Rob O’Brien’s painting class/workshop in Woodstock on October 27 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. Cost $65.00.
NOTE: It would be best to sign up in advance for this workshop, but Rob says it’s OK if, at the last minute you suddenly want to go, you can just “drop in”.
For questions, call Rob at 802-263-9294.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS President 2006-2007