This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

VWS news update

The image for next year's SVAC post card has been chosen. Here's the message from Rob O'Brien:

Nancy E. Winters innovative watercolor,"Yard Sail", was chosen by the juror to represent VWS for the Southern Vt. Arts Center's Festival of the Arts Catalogue for 2007-' 08.
Congratulations to Nancy and thanks to everyone who submitted an image. There were some good submissions. Needless to say, the juror had his work cut out for him.

Juror's Statement:

"Yard Sail" is filled with wit and whimsy. At the same time, it is a
serious and successful undertaking of a well constructed and complex
design. The painting readily displays competence in the handling of the
medium. I was captivated by the way the color effect is unified in a
serene-like manner despite the vitality of the color accents and the
painting's lively interaction of forms. As in every other aspect in
this painting, the reflections of the sails reflect the artist's solid
knowledge of painting. I congratulate the artist in being selected to
visually represent the Vermont Watercolor Society in the Southern
Vermont Arts Center's 2007 catalogue.

All other CD's will be mailed back soon.


Sounds like a fine painting-congratulations, Nancy !

Pick-up for paintings at SVAC is Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 12 PM-4 PM. We will try to let you know if anything has sold to save you a trip. Please be sure to retrieve you painting at this time or arrange for someone to pick it up for you.

We would like some feedback from any of you who were at the luncheon/annual meeting. We've had some complaints about the food-and some good comments, and I would like to be able to give the Inn some feedback, positive or negative.

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

VWS Annual Meeting Brief Summary


Our annual meeting was very well attended with 50+ members. We covered a LOT of ground, and some exciting things are coming up. However, I will not give you a full run-down at this time, just the essentials.


President-Cynthia Crawford

Vice President-Jan Olmstead

Treasurer_Everett Webber

Recording Secretary- Sheryl Trainor

If you have not yet paid your dues for 2007, please send a check for $35.00 made out to “Vermont Watercolor Society” to:

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784


All amendments were passed. This, in a nutshell, means that our membership is now open to any watercolorist living anywhere, who wishes to apply. This membership policy will be in effect for the year 2007, starting Jan. 1, 2007. If someone applies for membership from out-of-state before 2007(which is fine to do) , they will automatically be entered into the roster as 2007 members. In fact, all membership applications and renewals will be assumed to apply to 2007 at this point, unless we hear otherwise.

The other amendments allowed for leeway as to when and how we meet with a requirement for at least 2 meetings a year. It was confirmed that anyone who has served a President of the Society, past or present, receives a lifetime complimentary membership. Current officers receive complimentary memberships during their terms of office.

To view the exact wording, please refer to the document sent to you by mail or see it online on our website.

We had several people volunteer for various committees and tasks THANK YOU! - a list will be posted when I get all the information. If you volunteered for exhibition or program committees, please be sure to contact me and the committee members before taking any action. This is because we need to ensure that proper procedure is followed and so that there are no scheduling conflicts. In particular, if you contact a gallery about a possible show, please just get a rough idea if the gallery might be at all interested and a rough idea when they could accommodate us. Do not make any formal arrangements unless you have talked to me and the committee members about it. This is not to discourage you from inquiries- they are most welcome. It is just necessary to be sure the left hand knows what the right is doing….or visa versa (I’m left-handed…grin).

At present the Exhibition Committee chairs are :

Judy Laliberte

Rob O’Brien

The Programs Committee Chairs are, at present:

Tina Bielenberg

Elaine Reed

Marijke Westberg

Our new Vice President, Jan Olmstead, is jumping right in with plans to formulate a survey which will be sent to you, inquiring about your wishes and preferences for this Society. We had some great discussion about this at the meeting, but more needs to be known for us to best meet your needs and desires. THANK YOU, Jan!

More news will be forthcoming soon.

Thanks to all who came to the meeting and your active participation. It is much appreciated and will benefit everyone.

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

VWS Calendar and a new idea

VWS Calendar and a new idea

It seems like the end of the year is fast approaching. Here’s a list of dates and events to keep in mind:

Oct. 30 & 31: Bring juried work to Southern Vermont Art Center –go DIRECTLY to Gallery 8, at the Yester House. (upstairs and to the right.) Delivery Hours are 11-4

November 4: Southern Vermont Art Center show –opening reception 2-4 PM
November 8: postmark deadline for annual meeting sign-up
November 19: Annual Meeting, 11:30-4:30 Three Stallion Inn, Randolph, Vt.
November 20 Postmark deadline for CD or Transparency entries for SVAC postcard 2007. Include SASE.
December 5: Pick up unsold paintings, SVAC between 3 and 4 PM
Jan. 1, 2007: Happy New Year! Annual $35.00 Dues should be paid up. You CAN pay your 2007 dues anytime between now and then.


Welcome to new members Peter Bramhall of Bridgewater, Vt., Peter Jeziorski of Grafton, Vt. And Terry Hodgdon of Montpelier, Vt. I hope I have not forgotten to announce others- we have had quite a few enrollments in the past few months.

I have activated a Yahoo discussion group for Vermont Watercolor Society. Here’s how it works. Everyone will receive an invitation to sign up. There is no obligation to do so whatsoever. It is simply a place where people can communicate with each other if they choose. When you sign up you have to create a name for yourself and a password. You will be given the option of receiving any messages posted to the group at your present mail address, or you can opt to receive a digest which is sent daily, I think, or you can choose to not get messages in you mailbox. In that case you would go to the site (I would bookmark it), to read any messages sent. This means, of course, remembering to check on the site for mail. I am in a few similar groups and choose to read the mail on site to avoid getting too much mail in my inbox. I see a number of good uses for this kind of site:

Personal show announcements- I can’t really keep up with everyone’s posts and send them out in time when I send out VWS news.
Car Pooling to shows, both people and paintings
Discussions about VWS issues
Sharing of information such as where to get slides made, where to get good frames, what kind of paints do you use, etc.
On the sidebar there are places to put information relevant to the society such as the By-laws, member lists, etc.

So this is a little experiment to see what interest there might be and if we can be more in touch with each other. I hope some of you will be interested, but again, this is not at all mandatory.

Look for an invitation soon from Yahoo. I can only invite 50 people at a time, so everyone won’t be invited at once, but all will soon be invited.

Member News;

Well, I guess it’s OK to announce my own solo show- at the Norwich Public Library, 368 Main St. Norwich, Vt. 05055. , Nov. 3-Dec. 30. Opening Reception 5-7 PM Friday Nov. 3. Call 802-649-1184 for library hours. All are welcome.

Cindy Crawford

Monday, November 06, 2006

VWS Annual Meeting-sign up now! and other news

Annual Meeting:

Send your payment for the Annual Meeting to :

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784.

If you have lost the tear off sheet that was mailed to you, you can see it and copy it online at:

Deadline for POSTMARK is this Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2006.
Be sure to indicate your meal preference.
If you do not meet this deadline but still want to attend, you must notify me :

by Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006, 6 PM. An email notification must include the following: (copy and paste):

I will attend the Vermont Watercolor Society Annual Meeting at the Three stallion Inn, Randolph, Vt. Starting at 11:30 AM on Sunday, November 19, 2006. I am paying $26.00 per person for ____people, and my meal preference is for

I understand that this email implies a commitment to make the payment I have indicated above.. I will send a check and the above information to Everett Webber at the above address before Nov. 17, 2006.

Anyone who makes a commitment but does not attend the meeting must still pay and will not receive a refund. This is because we have to tell the Inn on November 13th how many meals to prepare in advance, and pay for them in advance, regardless of how many people actually attend.
When you come to the meeting, bring any new slides that you would like to add to our slide collection, which we use for presentations to gallery owners when inquiring about possible shows at their location(s). This is an important part of the process of getting into galleries. Your slides represent the type and quality of our collective image. In addition, we have a very special offer from member Jean Cannon:

Jean has volunteered to take your slides and convert them to CDs for a reasonable fee. (yet to be determined). So bring slides that you would like to have on CD as well. (They could be the same slides- just let us know.) We are finding that more and more galleries are either accepting CDs and slides, or want CDs only, so this is a great opportunity to make the conversion. We can also use CDs for our collection of images, so you can bring them if you have them, or get a duplicate made. For VWS, please bring 3 images only, and mark them clearly on the slide or CD with your name, title of the piece and size of the piece.

The book with everyone’s slides and CDs will be at the meeting so you can look for your name and replace old images with new ones if you have them.

HELP WANTED: We will need a few members to volunteer at the Annual meeting to help with:

1. Passing out name tags and written information, if any.
2. Assisting the Treasurer in ensuring that people are checked in, paid up, and that their names, addresses and emails are current.
3. Setting up the slide show, if we have one, and looking after the slide exchange, keeping track of who has brought in new slides or CDs and who wants CDs made.

Most of this needs to be done at 11:30, before the meeting and meal begins.
Don’t forget to send an image to Rob O’Brien for the SVAC postcard entry, deadline postmarked Nov. 20, 2006. See web page (cited above) for complete instructions.
Cortina Inn

If you have work at the Cortina that has been there over 3 months, it’s time to pick it up and/or exchange it for new works.

See you on the 19th!

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

VWS call for Entries and More Exciting News

Robert O’Brien was asked if VWS would like to have another show at the Southern Vermont Art Center in November 2007. . After some discussion amongst Board and Committee members, it was agreed that this would be an excellent opportunity for VWS. If you are not familiar with the Center (SVAC), be sure to attend our opening reception there tomorrow (Sat. ) 2-4 PM. You will see that this is a top professional organization. They need, however, to prepare their literature a year in advance. This means that we have to get an image to them for the postcard before the end of THIS month.

Here are the requirements for juried entries for the postcard image . PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, and follow directions as stated.
(Hopefully they will be 100% accurate- apologies again for my previous misinformation…)

1. Entries must be on a CD (high-quality 300dpi image, approx 4x5”), OR on a 4”x5” color TRANSPARENCY, OR, a high-quality PROFESSIONAL color PRINT (8.5 x11).



2.Send your entries to :

Robert O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Center Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151

2. INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE (SASE) for the return of your material. If you do not do this, you will not get it back.


Other good news:

Rob O’Brien has distinguished himself once again by becoming a signature member of the National Watercolor Society. Where can you go from here, ROB? I don’t think there will be much more room after your signature for more honors! (grin). Congratulations, and many thanks for your excellent and continuing volunteer contributions to VWS. Robert hung our current show as well as taking entries and co-ordinating all the details and negotiations.

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

VWS official Annual Meeting Notification

This is a duplicate of the notice sent by mail to all members. You do not have to be a member to attend this meeting, however you cannot vote if you are not a member.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
11:30 AM-4 PM
Location: Three Stallion Inn, 665 Stock Farm Rd. Randolph, Vermont 05060
Cost: $26.00 per person

Directions: From Burlington, Vermont:
Mileage: 60 miles
Take I-89S to exit 4 towards Randolph. Take a right off of the interstate ramp and follow for 2 miles. Turn left onto stock farm road and follow .5 miles.

From Rutland, Vermont:
Take Route 4 east for 10 miles. Take a slight left onto VT-100 and follow for 10 miles. Turn right onto VT 107 and follow for 10 miles. Take a left onto Main Street which is VT 12 and follow for 8 miles stay straight and go onto Central St. VT-66. Take a right on Stock Farm Road and follow for .5 miles.

From White River Junction, Vermont:
Mileage: 32 miles
Take I-89N and follow for 27 miles. Take exit 4 towards Randolph. Go left off of the interstate ramp and follow for 2 miles. Turn left onto Stock Farm Road and follow .5 miles.

Agenda: (subject to change as needed) The time of arrival and departure will remain the same unless the membership wishes to extend discussion to 4:30
11:30 AM: Arrive, check in coffee, drinks
12 PM: Luncheon and Society Business, Elections
1 PM: Break
1:15 PM Dessert- By-Laws changes-discussion and voting
2 PM Program: “Who Are We and Where are We Going”- a Panel presentation and discussion
4-(4:30) PM end
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION as required by the by-laws:

Proposed changes to Vermont Watercolor Society By-Laws:

Article II: Purpose
As written:
(1) To maintain and extend appreciation of Vermont Watercolor Artists and the art of Watercolor painting in the State of Vermont.
(2) To further the exhibition and education of fine Watercolor Artists in Vermont.
(1) To maintain and extend appreciation of Watercolor Artists and the art of Watercolor painting .
(2)To further the exhibition and education of fine Watercolor Artists.

Artist members must maintain a residence in Vermont.
Artists may reside in any state, region or country
Original language:
(1) All elected officers of VWS must be legal (full time) residents of the State of Vermont.
(1) All elected officers may be from any state, region or country.
Anyone who has served as President of Vermont Watercolor Society for one year or more is entitled to a lifetime membership at no cost. Currently serving officers do not have to pay dues during their terms of service.

Original language: MEETINGS: Unless otherwise provided by amendment hereto, monthly meetings shall be held during the months April through November. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the elected officers.

MEETINGS: There shall be at least two membership meetings during the year. One shall be in the Spring, and the Annual Meeting shall be in November. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the elected officers.

Fill the section below out, cut off, and return it with your check for $26.00 PER PERSON, to:

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784

THIS FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 8, 2006. It is critical that we give the Inn an accurate count on November 13. Please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian meal. YOUCAN ALSO PAY YOUR 2007 DUES of $35.00 AT THIS TIME. SEE BELOW.

Due to some severe allergies amongst several of our members, we request that you refrain from wearing perfumes or scented products at this meeting. THANK YOU!

Prepared by Cynthia Crawford- VWS President 802-649-1411
Three Stallion Inn, Randolph Vermont.

I_______________________________________________ am enclosing $_______________ for __________________people at the rate of $26.00 per person. I understand that this fee serves as a non-refundable reservation for attendance and luncheon. This payment will be postmarked no later than NOVEMBER 8, 2006.

I prefer a vegetarian meal_______
I prefer a meal including meat______
(Select one)
I agree to come to this meeting as “unscented” as possible, in consideration for allergic members.






Please Make Checks Payable to: Vermont Watercolor Society
____I am also enclosing my dues of $35.00 for the year 2007 on a SEPARATE CHECK

____I cannot attend but I am enclosing my dues of $35.00 for the year 2007

Return to:

Everett Webber-VWS Treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N. H. 03784

Saturday, October 21, 2006

VWS Annual Meeting-official notification

Well, here it is, finally. This email notice will also be printed and sent to ALL members via "snail-mail". You will also receive a copy of the by-laws with indications of revisions.

If you want to print this version and tear off the form at the bottom, please feel free to do so- we will be happy to receive your checks ASAP!

Many thanks to Everett Webber for taking on the appointment of Treasurer at this time, and jumping in for the Annual Meeting. Our best wishes and thanks to Marlene Kramer for her work as Treasurer this past 9 months.

Cindy Crawford


Sunday, November 19, 2006
11:30 AM-4 PM
Location: Three Stallion Inn, 665 Stock Farm Rd. Randolph, Vermont 05060
Cost: $26.00 per person

Directions: From Burlington, Vermont:
Mileage: 60 miles
Take I-89S to exit 4 towards Randolph. Take a right off of the interstate ramp and follow for 2 miles. Turn left onto stock farm road and follow .5 miles.

From Rutland, Vermont:
Take Route 4 east for 10 miles. Take a slight left onto VT-100 and follow for 10 miles. Turn right onto VT 107 and follow for 10 miles. Take a left onto Main Street which is VT 12 and follow for 8 miles stay straight and go onto Central St. VT-66. Take a right on Stock Farm Road and follow for .5 miles.

From White River Junction, Vermont:
Mileage: 32 miles
Take I-89N and follow for 27 miles. Take exit 4 towards Randolph. Go left off of the interstate ramp and follow for 2 miles. Turn left onto Stock Farm Road and follow .5 miles.

Agenda: (subject to change as needed) The time of arrival and departure will remain the same unless the membership wishes to extend discussion to 4:30
11:30 AM: Arrive, check in coffee, drinks
12 PM: Luncheon and Society Business, Elections
1 PM: Break
1:15 PM Dessert- By-Laws changes-discussion and voting
2 PM Program: “Who Are We and Where are We Going”- a Panel presentation and discussion
4-(4:30) PM end
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION as required by the by-laws:

Proposed changes to Vermont Watercolor Society By-Laws:

Article II: Purpose
As written:
(1) To maintain and extend appreciation of Vermont Watercolor Artists and the art of Watercolor painting in the State of Vermont.
(2) To further the exhibition and education of fine Watercolor Artists in Vermont.
(1) To maintain and extend appreciation of Watercolor Artists and the art of Watercolor painting .
(2)To further the exhibition and education of fine Watercolor Artists.

Artist members must maintain a residence in Vermont.
Artists may reside in any state, region or country
Original language:
(1) All elected officers of VWS must be legal (full time) residents of the State of Vermont.
(1) All elected officers may be from any state, region or country.
Anyone who has served as President of Vermont Watercolor Society for one year or more is entitled to a lifetime membership at no cost. Currently serving officers do not have to pay dues during their terms of service.

Original language: MEETINGS: Unless otherwise provided by amendment hereto, monthly meetings shall be held during the months April through November. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the elected officers.

MEETINGS: There shall be at least two membership meetings during the year. One shall be in the Spring, and the Annual Meeting shall be in November. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the elected officers.

Fill the section below out, cut off, and return it with your check for $26.00 PER PERSON, to:

Everett Webber-VWS Treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784

THIS FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 8, 2006. It is critical that we give the Inn an accurate count on November 13. Please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian meal. YOUCAN ALSO PAY YOUR 2007 DUES of $35.00 AT THIS TIME. SEE BELOW.

Due to some severe allergies amongst several of our members, we request that you refrain from wearing perfumes or scented products at this meeting. THANK YOU!

Prepared by Cynthia Crawford- VWS President 802-649-1411
______________________________________________________________________________________cut here...

Three Stallion Inn, Randolph Vermont.

I_______________________________________________ am enclosing $_______________ for __________________people at the rate of $26.00 per person. I understand that this fee serves as a non-refundable reservation for attendance and luncheon. This payment will be postmarked no later than NOVEMBER 8, 2006.

I prefer a vegetarian meal_______
I prefer a meal including meat______
(Select one)
I agree to come to this meeting as “unscented” as possible, in consideration for allergic members.






Please Make Checks Payable to: Vermont Watercolor Society
____I am also enclosing my dues of $35.00 for the year 2007 on a SEPARATE CHECK

____I cannot attend but I am enclosing my dues of $35.00 for the year 2007

Return to:

Everett Webber-VWS Treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N. H. 03784

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

VWS Signature Membership

Dear Watercolorists,

You will receive a notice about our upcoming Annual Meeting on Friday, and a written notice will follow. Briefly, it will be at the Three Stallion Inn in Randolph, Vermont on Sunday, November 19, 2006. The meeting begins at 11:30 AM. Cost per person will be $26.00 More info to follow.

Meanwhile, here is a reiteration, hopefully accurate, of our Signature Membership policies and your status.

Signature Membership in Vermont Watercolor Society

I recently posted a list of new signature members. There may have been some errors of omission or inclusion. I have just updated the database to the best of my ability. As it entailed hours of work, I may have made some mistakes. However, I generated a list of all current Signature Members, ordered by date and gallery at which the status was achieved. Please note: they are alphabetical by year. If you see an error, please let me know and I will double-check our records.

If you have not yet received an official certificate, please let me know (if you haven’t already), and BE SURE TO ALSO NOTIFY SEAN CALLAHAN, who will be making the certificates. This is *your* responsibility. If you’ve told me but not Sean, you need to tell him also.

Sean Callahan
357 Mountain Rd.
Addison, Vermont 05491

Do this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so Sean has time to make your certificates to hand out at the Annual Meeting. If you are not at the meeting, your certificate will be sent to you.

WE have 60 signature members out of an active membership of about 104.

Here is a quote from our by-laws to refresh your memory as to the requirements for Signature Membership:


(Artist members must maintain a residence in Vermont.) * There are two forms of membership in the VWS.

(1) Signature Member: allows member to use the initials VWS after signature on watercolor painting. To attain this form of membership, members must be accepted into no less than 3 shows in a five year period with three different watercolors by the jury of specific Vermont Watercolor Society Juried Shows to obtain the right to put the initials "VWS" after your name.
(2) Associate Member: open to any watercolor artist. Associate Members may apply at any time to be upgraded to Signature Member in accordance with the procedure stated above.

*This section will be changed if we vote to open VWS membership to any watercolorist at the Annual Meeting. That change will be effective for the year 2007.

Things to remember:

If you successfully entered 2 or more works in a juried show, only one painting counts towards your signature membership
If you were successful at the same gallery on two or more different occasions, only one occasion counts
If the same painting was accepted in two different shows, that painting can only count one time towards your signature membership.

Last First Gallery Year

Crabtree Sherri Chaffee 2003
Crawford Cynthia Gifford 2003
Roberts Doris Gifford 2003
Viereck Ellen Gifford 2003
Westberg Marijke Gifford 2003

Beaney Judy Pegasus 2004
Beukenkamp Annelein Pegasus 2004
Callahan Sean Green Mtn. 2004
Compton Annette Pegasus 2004
Cooper Peter Green Mtn. 2004
Foster Sheila Pegasus 2004
Harrington Maurie Pegasus 2004
Huntoon Peter Pegasus 2004
Kramer Marlene Pegasus 2004
Laliberte Judy Green Mtn 2004
Lloyd Mary Fran Green Mtn 2004
Pafume Barbara Green Mtn 2004
Stone Nancy Green Mtn 2004
Sydorowich Robery Pegasus 2004
Voight Brad Pegasus 2004
Wallace Alison Pegasus 2004
Webber Everett Green Mtn 2004

Beach Lisa Enigma 2005
Bielenberg Kristina Enigma 2005
Blomberg-Riley Dorothy Governer's 05 2005
Cannon Jean Govenor's 2005
DiMauro Nancy Reed 2005
Drew Joan V Gallery 2005
Eckert Gary V Gallery 2005
Gordon Anne V Gallery 2005
Gould Mary Lou Governer's 05 2005
Hamilton Debby V Gallery 2005
Hayward Sandra V Gallery 2005
Ingram Doris Governer's 05 2005
Koutrakos Donna Enigma 2005
MacKenzie Jo Governer's 05 2005
Mollica Sandra Reed05 2005
Newsham Charles Governer's 05 2005
O'Brien Robert Governer's 05 2005
Reed Elaine Enigma 2005
Senior Gillian Enigma 2005
Smith Joan T. Reed05 2005
Storrs Barbara V Gallery 2005
Tate Jo Reed05 2005

Casper Karen Reed 2006
Dayton Harry Pegasus 2006
Dean Nancy SVAC 2006
Fisk Adrienne Woodstock 2006
Hamilton Owen Pegasus 2006
More Kate SVAC06 2006
Paul Colette Reed 2006
Pealer Judson Pegasus 2006
Pealer Sandra Woodstock Folk 2006
Ravenhorst-Adams Kathrena Pegasus 2006
Sciore Alice Woodstock Folk 2006
Somerset Theresa SVAC06 2006
Winters Nancy Reed 2006

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS President

Creature Kinships
Animal Paintings, Portraits and Prints

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

VSAC INSTRUCTIONS and some corrections to last post


From Rob O’Brien:

There were 46 artists who submitted a total of 82 paintings. A good number I think.
We had a lot of good diverse work and I think the juror did an excellent job in choosing a wide variety of subject matter and styles. The juror was duly impressed with the diversity and quality of work. It was not an easy job.There were several good paintings that were not chosen, do not despair...keep trying. It happens to all of us.


All delivered artwork must be brought DIRECTLY to Gallery 8 at the Yester House Gallery which is upstairs and to the right. ( There will be people directing where to go ). Please do NOT leave work downstairs or at the door.
The rules for framing and matting will be strictly enforced. Any artist not complying with these rules (stated on the prospectus and in your email) will NOT BE HUNG.

As far as glazing is concerned either glass or plexi is okay. It is recommended that larger pieces be glazed with plexi but this is not required.

I don't believe Jocelyn will be there on Tuesday but she knows that we will begin delivering that day. She will have someone there to direct the artists, but most importantly artists should go directly to Gallery 8 to drop off their work. I will not be there on Tuesday but will be on Wednesday to hang the show. Those artists delivering Tuesday MUST have all appropriate info on the back of their paintings. (That goes for Wednesday as well).

A FEW CORRECTIONS from my recent post:

Regarding NEW Signature Members:

Sandra Pealer was listed as a new signature member. She has been a signature member since our show in Woodstock, I believe, and has her certificate.

Colette Paul IS a new signature member since the Reed gallery show.

If anyone else feels they should be included in the current list, please let me know. I may have missed someone in looking over the records.

You will, hopefully, receive your certificates at the annual meeting. Please contact Sean Callahan

if you have not yet received a certificate. Send me the same message so I can verify our records.

Cindy Crawford

VWS news-SVAC juried show results and other news

Congratulations to the following members juried into the Southern Vermont Arts Center show. (SVAC).

Name Town Title
Annelein Beukenkamp-Winant Burlington “Petals of Purple”
Sean Callahan Addison “Something Fishy”
Jean Cannon Burlington “White Pitcher & Dozen Eggs
Annette Compton Woodstock “It Gives a Lovely Light”
Cynthia Crawford Norwich “Maine Coon Cat”
Nancy H. Dean Norwich “Highland Home”
Sheila Foster Manchester “Bad Hair Day”
Marlene Kramer Westminster “First Class”
Judy Laliberte Quechee “Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd”
Jo Mackenzie Adamant “Emily”
Lois Simmonds Macuga Quechee “Strings”
Kate More Sharon “Maine Idyll”
Charles Newsham Colchester “Moonlight on Peggy’s Cove”
Robert O’Brien Weathersfield “September Petunias”
Jan Olmstead Bondville “A Winter Respite”
Jud Pealer Windsor “Chess Match”
Sandra Pealer Windsor “Autumn Light”
Lynn Powers Essex Jct. “Lilies”
Elaine Reed Chester “Monhegan Island”
Ayn Baldwin Riehle Grand Isle “Ferns in Dark Woods”
Alice Sciore Killington “Les Chanteuses de Cirque de Soliel”
Theresa Somerset Essex Jct. “Carnival of Birds II”
Nancy Stone Williston “Thicket”
Robert Sydorowich Andover “Sharon”
Sheryl Trainor Quechee “It Began With Bears”
Everett Webber White River Jct. “Shadows”
Nancy E. Winters Chittenden “Truck Between Houses”

There were over 70 paintings entered and 27 chosen.
A slight change in the HOURS: SVAC is open on October 31 and Nov.1- Hours for receipt of our paintings are now 11 AM to 4 PM. (Previously 10 AM- 4 PM.)

1. Best quality WOODEN Frames.
2. Secure wire hangers- no single hooks.
3. Best quality (archival) white or off-white mats only
4. Delivery and pick-up on time
5. Properly labeled painting on the back, including Name, Address, Phone and/or email, Title of painting, Size of painting and PRICE.
6. glazing:

About the entry process:

This was our first show juried by slide and CD. There were a few glitches:
Several people did not send complete information about their work as was clearly spelled out in the flyer and in subsequent emails. This meant we had to call or write to people to get the information. One person entered was 2 years behind in dues. This person did not qualify for jurying. Most people did not send a SASE for the return of their slides or CD’s. If you don’t send return postage, you may not get your items back. If you don’t want them back, please say so.

If this were a juried show for most professional organizations, any lack of compliance would result in a disqualification. And there would be an entry fee of $15.00-$25.00++ per entry. You might want count your blessings this time and start considering the fact that this IS a professional entry process and a real privilege. Exit soapbox.


Congratulations to the following:

After the Reed show:

Adrienne Fisk
Sandra Pealer
Alice Sciore

After the SVAC show

Nancy Dean
Kate More
Theresa Somerset
Sheryl Trainor

More GOOD NEWS from Bob Reed at the Reed Gallery: So far, these paintings have sold:
Alison Wallace-Pendulus
Adrienne Fisk-Anger
Sandra Pealer-Autumn Walk
Lisa Beach-Nestled By The Mountain
Everett Weber-What do Muses Do?
Marijke Westberg, "Mexican Window"

Congratulations, all, and let’s hope for more. Thank you, Bob for the update.


SAVE THE DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2006. Time and place to be determined soon.

We have a nominating committee (Judy Laliberte and Marijke Westberg) working hard to find candidates for 2006 office. Everett Webber has offered to run for TREASURER, and has kindly stepped up to the plate to act as appointed CURRENT TREASURER. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Marlene Kramer has had to step down for the remainder of the year. Best wishes, Marlene, and thank you for your work these past 9 months. And many thanks to Everett for taking over at a crucial time in our fiscal year.

All future payments should now go to Everett Webber, (Made out to Vermont Watercolor Society)
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, New Hampshire 03784

Candidacy is still open for all positions, although we’ve never had a contested position….yet.

Below is a list of volunteer possibilities and officers’ duties. These are generalities for the most part- there is some flexibility in how responsibilities are distributed except for those determined in the by-laws. These are suggestions, and certainly don’t cover the scope of functions and tasks required to keep this Society afloat.

Exhibition Committee

1.Approaching local galleries for possible venues.
Skills: knowledge of our membership and who we are. Slides need to be sent or taken personally, and a packet of information about our artists. Good communication skills. Willingness to follow through and perhaps become the show coordinator. Need good organization skills and willingness to visit gallery a number of times, see that all goes smoothly, and also check with the Board/President about final arrangements. For instance, what commission do they expect, reception, post cards, jury procedure, understanding and co-operation with our system- i.e. signature membership. All this has to be coordinated with any other shows or events going on during the year.

Clerical Help
2. Computer skills: data entry, basic word/excel/ type skills
This has become a requirement for participating as president or Treasurer, and would be useful for Secretary and Vice President. FileMaker Pro (our database) can be learned if basic skills are there. However, someone with such skills could also assist the officers.

Advanced computer skills- layout-Quark-photoshop-useful for publications and information compilation.

3.Activities/Programs Committee

Networking- organizing events, checking on members who might be feeling left out, welcoming new members, arranging local events such as painting days and pot-lucks, which, in the past, have not worked out very well-

Serving on the events or exhibition committees…. Talk to members who are already doing this.

Publicity- contact appropriate newspapers, journals, on-line organizations for specific events. Distribute brochures, look for opportunities to make people aware of who we are and what we do.

4. Nominating Committee- making sure there are candidates for the next election and looking for people who might be willing to serve further into the future.

5.Serving on the Board.

President: orchestrates the events and functions, runs meetings, sends out newsletters, checks on all aspects of Society- establishes some policies, resolves questions and disputes, keeps records of shows, events and membership. Computer skills fairly important. 5-20 hrs/week depending on what is going on at the time.

Vice President:
Can do much the same thing as the president although the by-laws do not specify anything but acting as back-up for the president. We have been trying to ensure that the V.P. will be elected with the intention of becoming president, however that is not a requirement.

Treasurer: takes in all dues and fees, keeps records of same, sends out packets to new members, works closely with president and board on budget, balances bank account. Data entry in FileMaker Pro. Book-keeping skills.

Secretary: Does mailings, takes notes at meetings- could take on new member welcome packet, possibly, and assist with publications.

All officers attend several meetings per year to discuss policies, etc. Officers should stay informed and support the overall structure of the society.


From Karen Casper:

I am pleased to announce the group show by the Northern Vermont Artist's Association October 1 to October 31, 2006 at the Union Station Gallery at One Main Street in Burlington. This show will feature an exhibit of the Palettes of Vermont program, the statewide community arts project for 2006 presented by the Vermont Arts Council. Over 7,000 wooden artist palettes have been distributed to artists throughout the state. These 12"x16" Vermont wooden palettes have been made into works of art in every kinds of media. The Vermont Arts Council is hoping that this will represent the World's Largest Exhibition Space for Artwork, spanning Vermonts 9600+ square miles through the end of October at various sponsoring venues. Palettes prepared by NVAA artists can be seen at this show -- this wil be the last exhibit of these works by the NVAA. I have two palettes that are on exhibit, "Ah'r Family Portrait" and "Dangers of Ice Fishing."

This show will also exhibit other framed and matted paintings by NVAA artists. I also have one painting in this part of the show, entitled "Rest for the Heavy Laden." I hope you have the opportunity to see this exhibit.

From Jo Tate:

Jo will be giving a one day watercolor figure sketching class on Nov. 18 from 9 to 3 at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, N.H. For more info. Contact AVA Gallery at 603-448-3117

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Attention VWS members:

Here is the final word on entries for the Southern Vermont Arts Center.

You may submit your work on a CD. Be sure to indicate on the CD and case, your name, the titles of your paintings and the size of your paintings. Two submissions per person. The deadline is still “postmarked by Oct. 1”. If you want your CD returned, send a SASE envelope with the proper postage on it.

It is best to get your work scanned if possible. There are numerous places that will do this work- look in your local yellow pages- often copying and printing places also do scanning. Ask for a 300 dpi image, approx. 4” x5” or 6”x8”. You can get several CDs made to have on hand for other entries.

If your work is already framed, a digital photo of it will do if it is high-quality. (Framed work can’t be scanned, usually…) It still needs to be put on a CD to send to Robert O’Brien. Most photo stores can do this for you. They also might have scanners.

DO NOT send images to Robert via email. He does not have high speed internet and can’t handle large files.

Send your work to:

Robert O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151

After the works are juried, admitted works can be brought to the Center on Tuesday Oct. 31 between 10 AM and 4 PM.

PLEASE NOTE: You can now ALSO bring your work on Wednesday, Nov. 1 between 10 AM and 4 PM. (Thanks to Robert for getting this extension for us!)

Please remember you can get these newsletters by going to our web site and clicking on “This Just In” I try to post everything there immediately.

BOOKMARK this page!!

One more very important notice: I realized that our annual meeting was scheduled for Nov. 12, which is on Veteran’s Day weekend. Many people are away then, so with the hope of maximizing the possible attendance, I have rescheduled the meeting for Sunday, November 19. Time and place still to be announced. Please make every effort to reserve that day for attendance. There are some very important issues to be discussed concerning to future of this Society.

Cindy Crawford
VWS President

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Reed Gallery Juried Show Results

Hot off the press- I did not take the time to alphabetize these as I thought you all would want to know ASAP about the show. I believe they are in the order in which they were submitted. Bob Reed's comments are included. Note: ACCEPTED (JURIED) WORK- (each PERSON eligible for 1 point per person towards signature membership, regardless of the number of accepted works. Exception- work submitted to another JURIED VWS show that is also in this show does not count towards signature membership. A work has to be unique to this show to qualify.)

See you Saturday!

Cindy Crawford

Here are the results of the jury process. Nice, strong work that didn't make the jurying any easier. Of the 79 submitted works we have selected 62 for the show in the main room downstairs. We would like to hang the 17 paintings not selected as we did last year, upstairs on the center front wall.
The quality of work produced by the members of the society is very high quality. We are excited by the "raising of the bar" we see from last year. The show is strong and each member should use this as an opportunity to learn and "steal" from each other. That is the benefit of having a strong society.


Cynthia Crawford
Kitty Repose
Sunrise Splash

Robert O'Brien
Kodak Moment

Marijke Westburg
Mexican Window
Dunloe Castle

Doris Roberts
Cats of Santorini

Doris Ingram
Snow Buckets
Morning Shadows

Jean Cannon
Clouds Over the Connecticut River

Harry Dayton

Renee Warren
Mill Reflections

Robert Sydorowich
Plumb Lumber
Valley Farm

Elaine Reed
Mystical Morning
Winter Glow

Nancy Dean
Las Trampas,-from a different angle

Donna Koutrakas
277 Feet of History
Grecian Walkway

Adrienne Fisk

Sandra Hayward
Still Life #1

Colette Paul
Canyon Pass
Old Frelighsburg Mill

Theresa Somerset
Pampered II
Carnival of Birds

Karen Casper
Green Apple Amoung Red

Marcia Shipman
Dusty Road Home

Lois Simmonds Macuga
From the Breakwater

Laurence Coffin
Waiting for Spring

Vicki Herzberg
Autumn Sumac

Sheryl Trainor
Silver Lake II

Judy Laliberte
Standing Stone Farm
Mavis's Garden

Brad Voight
Back Lit
Keep Clear

Wilma Kelley
Icicle Scene

Lisa Beach
Maple Brightness
Nestled by the Mountain

Sandra T. Pealer
Autumn Walk
Hills of Vermont

Jud Pealer
Connecticut River Snow Cover

Dorothy Riley
Londonderry Scene
A Garden's Bouquet

Sandy Roe
Field of Black-Eyed Susans

Joe Roe
Jetty Dog
Squall Line @ 14 Foot

Peter Huntoon
Mums the Word

Maryfran Lloyd
Vermont Summer's End I

Joan Drew
Autumn Harmony

Nancy DiMauro
Sticks n' Stones

Nancy E. Winters
Old Bug Eyes
Surrender Dorothy

Leslie White
Simple Flowers

Ayn Richle
Ferns with Purple Horizon
Ferns with Pink Shadows

Sandra Noble
Sunday Afternoon

Alison Wallace
The Farm

Joe Tate

Everett Webber
What Do Muses Do?

HUNG UPSTAIRS (persons not eligiblefor points towards signature membership unless you have another work in the "juried in" section.)

Jean Cannon
Misty Valley

Renee Warren
Autumn Lights

Nancy Dean
The Mine Entrance

Adrienne Fisk
Fascinating Rhythm

Sandra Hayward
Autumn Inspiration

Karen Casper
Iroquois Tranquility

Marcia Shipman
Old Beach Road

Wilma Kelley
Up the Sunny Stairs

Sandy Roe

Peter Cooper
Monhegan Light
On the Trail-Monhegan Island

Maryfran Lloyd
Vermont Summer's End II

Barb Tampasis
Autumn in Vermont
In the Garden

Leslie White
Morning Dawn

Alison Wallace

Everett Webber
John Coltrane on the Sax

Instructions to members for Southern Vermont entries

Vermont Watercolor Society
2006 Members Juried Show
Southern Vt. Arts Cen. Manchester, Vt.
November 4 – December 5, 2006

Opening Reception, Saturday November 4, 2006 2:00- 4:00 PM

- Open to all paid VWS members. Work must be original and painted in water soluble media and not previously exhibited at SVAC. All works must be for sale. Work must be under glass and be sturdily framed. Matting must be white or off white only. Maximum frame size is 42 inches in any direction.

Entry Procedures:
- This exhibit will be juried by slide only. Members can submit up to two (2) slides for jury consideration. Due to space limitations only one painting will be accepted. It is recommended that slides be of highest quality and professionally made. Slides must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2006 and can be sent to:

Robert O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Ctr. Rd.
Perkinsville, VT 05151

- Please label top of slide with Title of Painting, your name, and overall dimensions.

Delivery and Pickup dates:
- All accepted work must be delivered by hand to the Arts Center on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 only between 10:00 A.M and 4:00 P.M. All work must be removed from the Arts Center on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 between 3:00 and 4:00 P.M.

- Completed entry form (all sections). Send one with slide(s), keep other for back of painting.
- Slide(s) labeled according to diagram
- SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) for return of slides.
Entry Form:
Name………………………………….. Name………………………………...
Address……………………………….. Address………………………………
………………………………………... ………………………………………
Phone #.................................................. Phone #...............................................
Title/Price(1)….…………….................. Title/Price(1)………………………...
Title/Price(2)………………………….. Title/Price(2)………………………...

VWS Newsletter 9-8-06

Greetings! Things are warming up for VWS as the weather cools down. We have two excellent shows coming up and our Annual Meeting/Elections.


Bring your work to the Reed gallery this Sunday or Monday Sept. 10-11, 11AM to 4 PM for jurying. Bob Reed wanted me to let you know that plexi-glass is OK for your work if it is clean and un-scratched.

Come to the Reed Gallery opening and painting demo by Robert O’Brien Saturday September 16, at 1 PM. This is also when paintings that are not in the show can be picked up.

Prepare your slides (2) for the SVAC show and send them to Robert O’Brien, postmarked by Oct. 1. If you have forgotten the details , they will be posted on our web site. The Reed Gallery particulars are already there.
click on “This Just In”

The Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, November 12. Time and place to be announced.

About ELECTIONS: Time for some reflection on everyone’s part. Can you run for office or serve on a committee? What does VWS mean to you, and how can you help keep it afloat? I will try to send out descriptions of duties in the near future, but meanwhile, please be thinking about what you can best do to help. All executive positions are open, and we currently have three committees: Exhibition, Program, and Nominating. Please contact me if you are interested, and I will pass the word along to the appropriate chair as well as discuss the details.

BY-LAW Changes: Two proposals will be on the table:
1. Open the membership to all watercolorists regardless of residence.
2. Anyone serving as President, past or present would become permanent members of VWS, free of charge.

Please note- this is not necessarily the exact wording of these proposals, just the intent.

Member News:
From Wooden Horse Arts Guild:

A letter from the President of the Wooden Horse Arts Guild.

The following has been sent to all Wooden Horse Arts Guild members. Several other artists have asked for WHAG notices and information. So, here it is:

#1. Applications for membership may be downloaded from . Membership drive is now. NEW members special price til Nov. 1st: $20.00 gives a membership through 2007.
#2. We are actively looking for a fine sculptor, photographer and anyone who creates an unusual art tecnique. Our search for an exceptional potter is on-going. We are also looking for a young person (high school, preferably) who shows promise in the arts: painting, photography, sculpture. Jim Maas has recently joined WHAG with his wonderful bird carvings.
#3. The Village Art Show (in its 10th year) is ONLY ART (no crafts). However, our Dec. 1,2,3 show will be a mix of ARTS and FINE CRAFTS. These will be juried!
#4. Hope to hear from YOU!

Camilla Mead 802-988-4300 or or

Applications and show information are in the mail this week for The Village Art Show (Oct. 6,7,8). When you receive yours, read all information carefully, sign and return with your check by Sept. 15. This 10th year for the Village Art Show is planned to be Xtra special! Be a part of it and help in any way you can. Call Camilla for information about volunteering for some small, but needed jobs.

The following is now ART PROTOCOL with the WOODEN HORSE ARTS GUILD and...Be Sure to read ALL THE WAY TO THE END for the special announcement!


Showing Art with the Wooden Horse Arts Guild………art protocol. If prints are part of your business, be sure there are at least Two or three original paintings of those prints hanging for the Client to see. Be sure that ALL prints are labeled as such andIf you do not wish to sell the original which is hanging, mark it neatly with a tag noting this. If the originals of some prints have already been sold, say so on the print! ie: “the original of this print is in a private collection…”

Showing with WHAG, continued:

If your work(s) have been shown and are being shown in galleries or places around the area and have been seen regularly for months (and sometimes years), the WHAG will expect no less than two new pieces at the Village Art Show which have never been seen.

New work says, “I am a serious artist!”

Old work will be juried out unless it is freshly matted, framed, cleaned, or whatever it needs to look like it belongs in a class show!

All paintings or photography must be appropriately framed and/or matted.


The Wooden Horse Arts Guild has a new MINI Gallery!

Kathy at the Buon Amichi Restaurant in North Troy has given the WHAG a 12 foot wall for display of Wooden Horse Arts Guild member artists’ works. A jury committee has been appointed to monitor the paintings or photography which will be displayed at 3 to 4 week intervals. The French style hanging system and track lighting will be installed for best viewing of the works during the dinner hours at the restaurant. You will be notified by the committee regarding your work if you wish to be part of this. There will be a minimal hanging charge, and a small commission to the Buon Amichi upon sale of painting or photograph.

So, get ready to pick out your very best work for viewing!

From Judy Laliberte:

I have just been juried into the Chaffee Center for the Visual Arts and also selected for a Featured Artist's Exhibition to take place from Jan 12 - Feb 18th, 2007.
I also have work at the Woodstock Folk Arts and Antiquities Gallery in Woodstock

From Pegasus gallery: Annelein Beukenkamp is having a show Sept. 15-Oct. 1 Opening reception is Friday Sept. 15 5-8 PM.

Passed on by Annette Compton:

The Susan K. Black Foundation
" Blossom, the Art of Flowers "

Here is an international juried exhibition for the artists paintings floral
compositions. Many mediums and styles accepted. Awards and Prizes : 25,000$
US Best of show, total of 65,000$ cash awards. Jury includes most respected
specialists. Dates to send slides and JPG files are between Aug. 31 and
Sept. 30 , 2006 . Presentation fees are asked. The exhibition will take
place from March 14 until May 15 th 2007 at the Houston Museum of Natural
Science in Texas, USA. Rules and regulations are on the website and a
prospectus is available at this postal address : SKB Foundation, P.O. Box
235, Lake George, CO 80827, USA or by Email at

The Susan K. Black Foundation
" Blossom, the Art of Flowers "

Aquanet mailing list

Check out the Aquanet web site:

Some of you sent me news that is now outdated- sorry- I can’t really keep up with everything.

NEW MEMBER: Please welcome Bert Shapiro from Bondville, Vermont

Posted by Cynthia Crawford, VWS President 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

VWS Reed Gallery Show and other News

Our Juried show is coming right up, and the postcard image has been chosen from 7 entries. Congratulations to Victoria Herzberg- her lovely painting “Autumn Sumac” will be on the postcard. From Bob Reed, gallery owner (along with Elaine Reed):

"If the quality of work shown by these submissions is any indication, the show should be the Societies best to date. Thank everyone who submitted and we look forward to seeing them at the opening.

Here are the details for submission (again)

Reed Gallery Fall Juried Show for VWS
80 Common, Chester Vermont 05143

show coordinator, Bob Sydorowich

-Each member can submit two paintings. The paintings can be of any subject or style. They will be juried on the basis of artistic quality.
-Drop off will be Sunday/Monday, September 10/11 from 11am to 4pm. Pick up of work not juried in will be Saturday, September 16, 10am to 6pm. As we did last year, based on the quality and quantity of the work submitted by the members, we may hang the work not juried in upstairs as an addition to the exhibit.
-The work should be in a good quality frame, clean and showable. The matting can be single or double, rag or alpha mat, in white or off white shades. The artwork should be matted with archival materials. Use picture or conservation glass.
-The show will be up from Thursday September 14 through Saturday, October 21.
-Pick-up after the show will be Sunday, October 22 from 11 to 4.
-The commission structure for the show is 30% to the gallery and 10% to the VWS. The artist receives 60%.
-The opening reception is Saturday September 16 from 3pm to 6pm. The demo will be before the reception at the VWS convenience. The demo will be held upstairs in the gallery.
-The gallery will release sold painting to purchasers at any time after the opening reception.
-We will take care of refreshments for the opening reception.
-We would like the post cards as soon as possible. Slides and CDs are ok. Last year the e-mailed images were not true to the actual paintings. The quality of the image helps our selection.

SPECIAL:VWS member Robert O’Brien, VWS, AWS will give a watercolor demo from 1-3PM, Saturday Sept. 16 at the Reed Gallery before the opening.

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Annual Meeting: Our usual date for the VWS Annual Meeting is the first Sunday in November, which this year would be Nov. 5. This year the opening for our Southern Vermont Arts Center show is on Saturday, Nov. 4. Because of that close proximity of events, it would seem reasonable to hold the Annual Meeting on Sunday Nov. 12. Our usual location is at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont. However, the Cortina Inn would also be happy to host this event . I will change the date of the annual meeting to Nov. 12 unless I hear strenuous objections from the membership. As to the location, feel free to email me with your preferences. A postcard or letter will be sent to everyone announcing the meeting and warning of a potential by-law change to be voted on, to include all states in our membership as was discussed in the Spring meeting. We will also hold elections at that time. All positions are potentially open. (President, Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary).


VWS member Robert O’Brien AWS will be conducting a fall workshop at the Gibson House Inn, Route 10, Haverhill, NH, October 3 – 6th, 2006.

The class is open to all abilities and will focus on plein air painting in the watercolor medium with some classroom instruction. The class will run from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm for the first 3 days and to 12:30 pm on the final day. Students should bring outdoor painting gear such as a portable easel, umbrella, and a folding chair for those who wish to sit.
The Gibson House is located in the beautiful upper Connecticut River valley in the historic village of Haverhill NH. The autumn colors will enhance the many painting subjects to be found nearby. There is a large closed in porch at the rear of the building, with a spectacular view of the valley which will provide a painting space in case of rain.
The class will begin with a demonstration by the instructor to be followed by class painting with a critique at the end of each day. The instructor will provide hands on assistance to each student during the painting process. There will be a general discussion about different aspects the painting process daily and class participation is encouraged.

The cost includes four nights stay at the Inn, meals and the cost of the workshop.
The workshop is open to commuting day students at a much reduced fee.

For more information and to register, please contact Susie Klein or Marty Cohen at (603) 989-3125 or toll free at 1 800 989-2150, or email:
To view the Gibson House log on to

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS president

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

VWS HOT! News-8-2-06

Greetings- for some strange reason I’ve decided to write this on probably the hottest day of the year. Maybe because some hot news is forthcoming.

First of all, a reminder: Your paintings at the Cortina show should be picked up THIS Sat. and Sun. Aug. 5+ 6.

HOWEVER: If any VWS member in good standing would like to continue to exhibit at the Cortina, you may leave your work at the Inn. To do this you MUST contact Anne McFarren, and let her know. She would like to see a change in “scenery” every 6 months. If you are not showing at the Cortina but would like to, please also contact Anne. ALL paid-up VWS members are welcome to exhibit at the Cortina. Prints (framed) are also acceptable, and perhaps more saleable if the price is right. This is a very generous and exciting offer open to our membership, a continuous open show of sorts.
Anne does this work as a volunteer, so we all need to give her a big thank you for all her work… and a big thank-you to the Inn as well. Be sure your framing is properly set up with a wire hanger- no hooks, please. You will be responsible for keeping track of your work there and bringing new work in 6 months to exchange. (Be sure you check in and out at the front desk to do this, and nitify Anne or make arrangements with her. Also be aware that although there hasn’t been a problem with security at the Inn, your work is not watched 24 hours a day, and many people come and go. It is best not to bring anything smaller than 11 x 14. Each member can show a total of 3 works within a 6 month period.

Contact Info:

Anne McFarren

As for the show and brunch- there were 90 (!!) paintings up from VWS. Thanks to Mary Fran Lloyd, Joe and Sandy Roe, for helping Anne hang the show. Apparently only a few VWS members attended the brunch- too bad- I hear it was excellent.


Postcard entries for the Reed Gallery are due AUGUST 12. So far I only have 2 entries. You can send me a slide or CD (quality scan or photo, in jpg or tiff format, approx. 5”x 7” or 8” x10” image, resolution, 300 dpi.)

Send to: Cynthia Crawford
P.O. Box 347
Norwich, Vt. 05055

Please, DO NOT sent large images over the internet!!

Everyone should have received 2 flyers in the mail by now, about the Reed Gallery Show and the SVAC show. If you did not receive these notices, please email me your current address.

Other News:

There were quite a few VWS members juried into the AVA Gallery Annual Summer Show, but the most exciting news is that our own JOAN WHITE was the recipient of one of only 3 jurors’ awards. This is a very special honor. The entry was the largest ever- over 300 entries with 116 juried in. Big congratulations, Joan!! If you want to see the show it is at
AVA Gallery
11 Bank St.
Lebanon, N.H.
The show runs through August 28
VWS Members juried in:

Cynthia Crawford
Nancy Dean
Debbie Hamilton
Owen Hamilton
Sandra Hayward
Judy Laliberte
Lois Macuga
Kate More
Sheryl Trainor
Joan White

From Gary Eckhart:
I would appreciate your passing on the information that I have a watercolor accepted into the Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors in Old Forge, NY.
There were 600 entries and 110 works were accepted.
The show runs from August 18 to October 1. It is worth the drive to see the show.
Gary C.Eckhart
Moosewalk Studios
200 Orion Road
Warren, VT 05674

Congratulations, Gary!
From Colette Paul

The NVAA show at the Bryan Memorial Gallery will be ending on July 9. If you are in the area and have time to brouse, check it out and vote for your favorite painting.

I was just juried in at the Bryan Memorial Gallery WATERSCAPES exhibition which will be up at the same time as their invitational LAND & LIGHT EXHIBITION
July 2 thru September 10
Reception Sunday July 16, 4:00-6:00
Kindly RSVP 802 644-5100

I will be the "French Painter" at the Vergennes "French Heritage Weekend" July 16 on the green, 10:00 to 4:00.
That sounds like a lot of fun and will be advertised with more details.

Congratulations, Colette

I think that’s all for now. Keep Cool.

Posted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President

Monday, July 10, 2006

VWS Workshop Cancellation, Cortina Show and other News

Hello everyone

Some good news and some bad news.

Sean Callahan's painting workshop on Saturday, July 15, has been canceled- if you had planned to come at the last minute....don't! We barely made the minimum quota, and Sean has some pressing family matters to attend to. We may try to reschedule in the fall if there is interest and Sean is free. If you sent a check to Marlene you will get it back, or a refund.

The GOOD news: The "Grand Opening" of our open show at the Cortina will be from 11-1:30 on Sunday. We will have 65+ paintings on display. If you attend the accompanying luncheon and you have paintings in the show, you will get in for HALF PRICE! ($15.00). (This does not include the cost of the champagne tasting-a separate cost).

I hope some of you will attend this event and support the Inn's generous efforts to support US. Many many thanks to our hard-working member Ann McFarren, who will be hanging this show today.


We have several new members -please welcome :

Shanley Triggs from Milton Vt.
Sandra Noble from Stowe, Vt.
Sandy and Joseph Roe from Rutland Vt.

From Gene parent;



The Paletteers 50^th Annual Art Show is scheduled for Barre’s Homecoming Weekend and will take place at the Aldrich Public Library, Milne Room, Barre, Thursday, July 27 [11am-5pm], Friday, July 28 [10am-6pm] and Saturday, July 29 [8:30am-4:30pm]. Most works may be purchased. Registration on July 21, 1pm-4pm, and July 22, 10am-12noon in the Milne Room. Non-members may enter. Guidelines and forms can be obtained from Brent Martin at 276-3003 or Gene Parent at 485-8266.
Reception will take place at 6pm, Wednesday, July 26. Meet the artists and talk with them about their works. This year’s show is dedicated to the memory of Charter member Lesley Bell who has always been a very active artist. She has served very ably as an officer for many years.

Gene Parent

WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY: from Annette Compton:

*3-Day Hands-on Plein Air Pastel Workshop with Sean Dye*
*October, 18, 19, 20, 2006, at Gibson House Bed and Breakfast Haverhill, New Hampshire** *
*/Workshop, Room and Meals included/*
* *
for more info email Sean at or call 802-482-6421
*Show me the Pigment: Pastel and Mixed Media*
3-Day Hands-on Plein Air Workshop
All levels
Have you ever been mesmerized by a pastel painting? Pure pastel pigment sits vibrantly on the surface. Learn how to effectively use under-painting. Make your own painting using some of Sean’s favorite combinations of materials. Sean has been recognized nationally as a leading expert in mixed-media techniques such as those discussed in his new book /The Mixed-Media Sourcebook/. Through demonstration and slides Sean will explain how and why certain supplies were used. Paper, pastel samples, gesso and alternative materials will be provided. Please bring sketches or reference photos and
your favorite set/sets of pastels.
*2006 Bio:*
Award winning Artist Sean Dye received his MFA from Pratt Institute. He teaches painting at the University of Vermont, conducts popular workshops throughout North America. His work has appeared in /The Artists Magazine, Pastel Artist International, International Artist,/ and /The Pastel Journal./ He is a member of Pastel Society of America, The Degas, Sierra and Vermont Pastel Societies (founder) and has judged several import exhibitions. In 2006 he was the Juror for The Pastel Painters of Maine National Exhibition. His works hang in many private and corporate collections here and abroad. His book /The Mixed-Media Sourcebook / was released by Watson-Guptill in 2004. He also authored /Painting with Water Soluble Oils/, NorthLight, 2001. His first instructional video, /Palette Knife Landscape/, was released in 2005 by Creative Catalyst Productions.
Tuition: $325 includes all surfaces, pastel samples and all under-painting mediums
Room and Meals:$125 per night includes breakfast and lunch, $150 for 2 people
Maximum Number of Students: 10
*To Register, Contact:*

Gibson House Bed and Breakfast
Susie Klein and Marty Cohen, Innkeepers

To see the Inn, visit:
341 Dartmouth College Highway
Route 10 and Court Street
Haverhill, NH 03765
(603) 989-3125
(800) 989-2150**

*Email: *

Sean Dye Studio
*681 Willow Brook Lane
St. George, VT 05495
802-482-6421 (Studio)
802-482-3579 (Home) *
Posted by:
Cindy Crawford VWS president

Creature Kinships
Animal Paintings, Portraits and Prints

Thursday, June 29, 2006

VWS Reminders, News and Updates



Beginning July 1st, you can take your work to the Cortina Inn for the open show and Brunch.

The “grand opening” and brunch/champagne tasting are from 11-1:30 on Sunday, July 16. The brunch costs $30.00. Anyone entering the show will get a generous discount on that price!

For full details, please go here on our web site:

And scroll down to “Open Show opportunity for VWS Members”

This class is not full yet-still time to sign up!


If you’ve ever wanted to know how Sean paints his wonderful dogs, now is the time to find out and do it yourself. Sean is one of our signature members and exhibits in galleries all over the state. He a full-time artist, and vice-president of VWS. Here’s his page on our VWS site:

Anyone who signs up should bring a drawing already done, and ready to paint. Sean will do a demo so he can show people how he works, and he will also walk around and work with everyone one on one.

Date: July 15, 2006

Arrive 11 AM
Picnic: 11:30-12:30
Clean-up/set-up 12:30-1
Workshop: 1-3 or 3:30
Clean-up/take down 3:30-4 PM
We have a little leeway as to the ending time- might want a little break in the middle of the workshop. We will be responsible for setting up tables at the church and cleaning up afterwards. It will be very easy if everyone pitches in.
I’m sure it will be a delightful day.

North Universalist Chapel
7 Church St.
Woodstock, Vt. 05091

Cost: $20.00 per person
Send a check made out to Vermont Watercolor Society to:

Marlene Kramer
392 Harrington Rd.
Putney, Vt. 05346

Put a note on the check indicating what it is for (w-c workshop)

Deadline for entry: July 12, 2006.
You can bring a check to the workshop if you decide to go at the last minute, but you must let me know by July 12. PLEASE, ALSO WRITE OR CALL ME TO LET ME KNOW YOU’RE COMING even if you have pre-paid.
( 802-649-1411)

Maximum entries: 20
Minimum entries: 8
Thanks to Bob O’Brien and the exhibition committee’s hard work, we will be having a juried show at the prestigious Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, Vt. In December. Why am I reminding you about this now?? Because this show will be juried by SLIDE. Just want you to know this far in advance so you will be thinking about which works you want to get scanned/photographed for this event. It takes time to get those slides made!

Here’s one possible resource;

Slide specialists
85 Mechanic St.
Lebanon, N.H.

If you have a source for high-quality slides in your area, please let me know so I can pass along the information to our members.


From our friends up north, near St. Johnsbury:


July 22 thru 31

Spaces are filling rapidly, so send in your application today to ensure your spot at 47 Main Street in North Troy. The fee for the 10 day event is only $65.00. You need not be present the entire 10 days.

There are no commissions. MC and Visa will be available to your customers.

Artists who are taking part in Tour Fest (July 27-31) may still have a display of work at 47 Main Street and take part in both events. MEMBERSHIP IN WHAG IS NOT MANDATORY! (call Camilla for information)

The Wooden Horse Arts Guild is placing extensive advertising in the Chronicle, Newport Daily Express, Caledonian Record, the Green Mt. Trading Post The event is also listed on 70+ websites, including 2500 flyers will be distributed in the Eastern Townships and the Northeast Kingdom. The Wooden Horse Arts Guild member artists’ Palettes of Vermont will again draw the public.

Our first event at 47 Main Street in North Troy, was the Open Studio Weekend. It produced $2000.00 in sales and orders for the artists and craftsmen. Don’t miss this great opportunity!

For more information or to receive an application, contact:

Camilla………..988-4300 (

Joanne ..………988-2683 (


“10 Days of Arts and Fine Crafts”

July 22 thru 31 10a.m.-4p.m.

At 47 Main Street, North Troy, Vt.


Schedule:Set up: Thursday, July 20, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 or 3 to 7 p.m.

Friday, July 21, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Friday, July 21, 5p.m. to 7p.m. WINE AND CHEESE PREVIEW

(with special invited guests)

Display areas must be set up by 9:45 a.m. on Saturday and must remain in place for the entire show.

Any tables must be covered to the floor, extra supplies, etc. must be out of sight.

Spaces available will vary, depending on your art. Spaces will be legibly marked. Please stay within your space and keep the aisle way open.

Exhibitors must provide their own set-ups when possible: table(s), chair(s), backdrops, etc. If you require electricity, bring your own outlet strips and cords.

No food or drink on display floor during show hours. (a place is provided for your lunch or snack break)

All items for sale must be clearly marked and priced. Please have business cards available.

Wooden Horse Arts Guild, its agents, officers, or employees shall not be liable for property damage or personal injury to Exhibitor(s) which may occur on or about any part of the premises. Exhibitor waives any claim against Wooden Horse Arts Guild and assumes all liability for loss or damage to Exhibitor’s property entrusted to the premises.

Vermont State Sales tax is 6%.

Advertising will be extensive, including flyers and posters.

Exhibitor space fee: $65.00 “10 Days of Arts and Fine Crafts”

Payable to WHAG P.O. Box 502 North Troy, Vt. 05859

Applicant signature:_________________________________________________


Phone: _________________ email:__________________________

Your art venue:__________________________ Date:______________

(can you help distribute flyers?_______________________)


From Colette Paul:

The NVAA show at the Bryan Memorial Gallery will be ending on July 9. If you are in the area and have time to brouse, check it out and vote for your favorite painting.

I was just juried in at the Bryan Memorial Gallery WATERSCAPES exhibition which will be up at the same time as their invitational LAND & LIGHT EXHIBITION
July 2 thru September 10
Reception Sunday July 16, 4:00-6:00
Kindly RSVP 802 644-5100

I will be the "French Painter" at the Vergennes "French Heritage Weekend" July 16 on the green, 10:00 to 4:00.
That sounds like a lot of fun and will be advertised with more details.

I will be part of a Vermont Watercolor Society show at the Cortina Inn during the Killington Wine Festival which will run July 10 thru August 4.

Posted by Cynthia Crawford, VWS President

Thursday, June 15, 2006

VWs workshop update, End Pegasus Show, Open show request

Sean Callahan sent this message about his painting workshop on July 15:

"The workshop should be 11 to 4. I can't stay past 4. Anyone who signs up should bring a drawing already done, and ready to paint. I will do a demo so I can show people how I do it and also walk around and work with them one on one . Thanks. – Sean"

That would put arrival at 11, lunch approx. 11:30-12:30, clean-up/set-up 12:30-1. Workshop 1-3 and clean-up-take down at 3. We have a little leeway as to the ending time- might want a little break in the middle of the workshop. We will be responsible for setting up tables at the church and cleaning up afterwards. It will be very easy if everyone pitches in. I’m sure it will be a delightful day.

The “Engaging Cezanne” show at the Pegasus Gallery ends on June 18 (this Sunday). Unsold paintings can be picked up Wednesday June 20 through Sunday June 25, 10 AM-5 PM. I will find out what was sold from Sheryl after the show comes down.

Many thanks to Sheryl Trainor and the Pegasus Gallery for this wonderful opportunity to exhibit and to be present during open studio weekend to paint outside the gallery in the garden.

I have not heard much news as to who will be participating in the Cortina Inn open show- another excellent opportunity, especially for those of you who have not entered a show this year. Please let me know if you are planning to take your work there so we can get an idea what space will be needed. You can also choose to go to the brunch/champagne tasting event on the 16th , which will serve as the opening for the show. More news about the details on that later.

Cindy Crawford
VWS president

Thursday, June 08, 2006

OPEN SHow Opportunity for VWS Members

Great news! Guy Rossi at the Cortina Inn in Rutland (where we had our spring meeting) has offered to host aVWS open (unjuried) show in conjunction with the Killington Vermont Wine Fest. On Sunday , July 16 there will be a brunch and champagne tasting event at the Inn which will also serve as the opening of our show. One of our members, Anne McFarren, is the show co-ordinator for the Inn, and is willing to hang this show for us. This is a wonderful opportunity - there is plenty of room to accommodate entries. (Lack of space in most public places has been the main reason we haven’t been able to have an open show recently.)

So, here are the details:

1. Bring 1-3 original paintings (not prints) to the Cortina Inn anytime during the week of July 1-9. The Inn is open 24 hours a day. Paintings can be left at the main desk. Ask for Greg, the desk manager, but if he is not there, someone else will accommodate you. BE SURE TO SIGN IN on the sign-up sheet, listing your name, contact information, price and size of your work. This information also needs to be on the back of your painting. If you have a short (1 page) resume, bring that too. The Inn has a secure storage space for paintings. Ann will hang the show on July 10.
2. Volunteers: Very important. Anne will be taking down as many paintings as she necessary to accommodate our show. This could be potentially, 50-100 paintings to take down and put up. We need several EXPERIENCED volunteers to help hang this show. Experienced means someone who has done this a few times and has an idea how to work efficiently. It doesn’t mean you have to be an expert- just used to doing things like, possibly, climbing on ladders, removing hooks or putting up new hooks, centering a painting on the hanger…things like that. It could also be just hauling paintings to and from storage.
3. If a painting is sold, the Inn only takes 20%, and they handle the sale. Checks will go out the month following a sale. This is very generous. Most galleries take about 40%.
4. Duration of the show: July 10-August 4. Pick-up will be on Aug. 5+6.
5. Framing: High quality wood or metal with proper wire and eyelets . No saw-tooth or single loop hangers. Your painting will not go up if it is poorly framed.
6. Mats- neutral or colors are OK (!)
7. Directions to the Cortina Inn: Please look up their web site here:

Many thanks to Anne McFarren and Guy Rossi at the Cortina for this exciting offer.

Don’t forget we also have a wonderful opportunity on Saturday July 15 in Woodstock, Vt. for a painting workshop with Sean Callahan. We are still working out the details.

There will be a few more details about the Cortina Inn open show also, such as the time of the brunch, etc. - I will post them as soon as I know more about them.


This just came in from Bob Sydorowich:

Dear Cindy, The town of Andover is sponsoring an art fair/sale on the 12th of August and in doing so they have invited the Chester Art Guild and it’s members to participate in the fair with the idea that the Chester Art Guild would contact other Vermont artists to participate and exhibit at this art fair/sale.

Being an Andover resident and a member of the Chester Art Guild and a struggling watercolorist, the Andover Project Committee recruited me to help out with the fair. So now I’m asking for your help.

The following describes the fair:

The town of Andover is Located between the Towns of Chester, Weston and Ludlow with a population of approximately 500 people. The town has no post office, no fire department, no police department nothing commercial (except for the lumber mill) - but what it does have is a great bucolic/pastoral setting. The fair will take place outside on the grounds that surround Andover Town Hall which was built in 1863. The inside of the town hall will be used for on going painting demonstrations.

The fair date will be August, 12 2006 - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Rain or Shine

Each exhibiting artist will be given a 10 x10 foot space (minimum) - there will be no charge for this space . The only charge for participating will be a 10% commission on any sales made at the fair. The Chester Art guild will collect this commission to cover expenses.

Contact person ( for information and registration) - Robert Sydorowich, . Cutoff date for registration is July 15.

Cindy Crawford
VWS president 2006

Pegasus Gallery Juried Show results

Here are the results just in from Sheryl Trainor at the Pegasus Gallery for the juried show "Engaging Cezanne"-congratulations, all. I believe there were about 60 paintings entered.

1. Annelein Beukenkamp, Tabletop Tulips, /Jurors' Award/
2. Jo Tate, Mlle Cezanne
3. Colette Paul, Pines Reflection
4. Maurie Harrington, Above Toulouse
5. Maurie Harrington, Dordogne River
6. Sandra Hayward, Barnscape
7. Doris Ingram, Poppies in Provence
8. Nancy Stone, Camel's Hump with Brushpile
9. Dorothy Warren, Red Mountain
10. Owen Hamilton, Provence Summer
11. Debbie Hamilton, China Blue
12. Judy Laliberte, Still Life #4
13. Jud Pealer, Cezanne Engaging Vermont
14. Sandra Pealer, Le Chateau
15. Everett Webber, Mt Ascutney Avec Ascutney View Farm
16. Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams, Teapot, Pitchers and Fruit
17. Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams, Blue Teapot with Fruit
18. Elaine Reed, Bathed in Light
19. Theresa Somerset, Study of Blue & White Porcelain
20. Karen L Casper, Green Apple and Wine
21. Cindy Crawford, Pansy Blue
22. Harry Dayton, Blue Vase

The jurors for this show were Gary Hamel, a local artist and collector, and Robert Carsten, PSA, noted pastel artist and instructor at the SVAC. Both jurors noted the overall strong presentation of the work, and a variety of criteria informed their decisions. Primarily they considered expression of the show's theme "Engaging Cezanne", with Gary particularly looking for "the notion that some personal growth has come from the exploration of the theme." This included the use of Cezanne's subject matter and mannerisms and his painting technique, particularly the way he married form and atmosphere. They looked for strong composition, good drawing, and technical virtuosity in the medium of watercolor. The way the paintings related to each other to form a cohesive whole was also considered. Once again, it was a joyous learning experience for me to sit and listen to a spirited conversation about art.

Those who did not have work selected may pick up their pieces Tuesday, May 23 through Sunday, May 28. As last resort they may be picked up at the opening on June 2, but we would prefer you pick them up before that time since openings are hectic enough.


(Gallery hours: 10 Am to 5 PM)

Also from Sheryl:

Please remind everyone that there is an opportunity to paint in the gardens around the gas station and gallery on May 27 & 28 during Open Studio. Artists will be able to sell their original paintings and prints during this time. They will be responsible for collecting and paying sales tax on work sold that weekend. I have two artists who will be in the gardens on Sunday afternoon, and would like to know if more people plan to be here so that I can advertise the event.

Contact Sheryl at 802-296-7693 or

The show will be up during that weekend, so it would be an excellent opportunity to promote both VWS and your own work. If you didn't get in the show or only got one work in, you could also pick up your work on the week-end and spend some time painting in the gardens there. It's really lovely, hopefully the rain will have gone (it's got to, doesn't it???), and Sheryl is offering a very special opportunity here.

Don't forget to come to the opening June 2, from 5-8 PM.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Suggestions for volunteering for VWS

A few Suggestions to Consider when Volunteering for Vermont Watercolor Society

Please think about these things as well as adding your own ideas as to what you can do, and how you would do it. What are the most important things to you about VWS, and how can you help make them happen?

Exhibition Committee

1.Approaching local galleries for possible venues.
Skills: knowledge of our membership and who we are. Slides need to be sent or taken personally, and a packet of information about our artists. Good communication skills. Willingness to follow through and perhaps become the show coordinator. Need good organization skills and willingness to visit gallery a number of times, see that all goes smoothly, and also check with the Board/President about final arrangements. For instance, what commission do they expect, reception, post cards, jury procedure, understanding and co-operation with our system- i.e. signature membership. All this has to be coordinated with any other shows or events going on during the year.

Clerical Help
2. Computer skills: data entry, basic word/excel/ type skills
This has become a requirement for participating as president or Treasurer, and would be useful for Secretary and Vice President. FileMaker Pro (our database) can be learned if basic skills are there. However, someone with such skills could also assist the officers.

Advanced computer skills- layout-Quark-photoshop-useful for publications and information compilation.

3.Activities/Programs Committee

Networking- organizing events, checking on members who might be feeling left out, welcoming new members, arranging local events such as painting days and pot-lucks, which, in the past, have not worked out very well-

Serving on the events or exhibition committees…. Talk to members who are already doing this.

Publicity- contact appropriate newspapers, journals, on-line organizations for specific events. Distribute brochures, look for opportunities to make people aware of who we are and what we do.

4. Nominating Committee- making sure there are candidates for the next election and looking for people who might be willing to serve further into the future.

5.Serving on the Board.

President: orchestrates the events and functions, runs meetings, sends out newsletters, checks on all aspects of Society- establishes some policies, resolves questions and disputes, keeps records of shows, events and membership. 5-20 hrs/week depending on what is going on at the time.

Vice President:
Can do much the same thing as the president although the by-laws do not specify anything but acting as back-up for the president. We have been trying to ensure that the V.P. will be elected with the intention of becoming president.

Treasurer: takes in all dues and fees, keeps records of same, sends out packets to new members, works closely with president and board on budget, balances bank account. Data entry in FileMaker Pro. Book-keeping skills.

Secretary: Does mailings, takes notes at meetings- could take on new member welcome packet, possibly, and assist with publications.

All officers attend several meetings per year to discuss policies, etc. Officers should stay informed and support the overall structure of the society.

Question: Should there be a work requirement that goes with becoming a member? New Hampshire Art Association, for instance, requires 1-3 hours per year- not a big burden, but helpful for big events .

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