VWS Calendar and a new idea
It seems like the end of the year is fast approaching. Here’s a list of dates and events to keep in mind:
Oct. 30 & 31: Bring juried work to Southern Vermont Art Center –go DIRECTLY to Gallery 8, at the Yester House. (upstairs and to the right.) Delivery Hours are 11-4
November 4: Southern Vermont Art Center show –opening reception 2-4 PM
November 8: postmark deadline for annual meeting sign-up
November 19: Annual Meeting, 11:30-4:30 Three Stallion Inn, Randolph, Vt.
November 20 Postmark deadline for CD or Transparency entries for SVAC postcard 2007. Include SASE.
December 5: Pick up unsold paintings, SVAC between 3 and 4 PM
Jan. 1, 2007: Happy New Year! Annual $35.00 Dues should be paid up. You CAN pay your 2007 dues anytime between now and then.
Welcome to new members Peter Bramhall of Bridgewater, Vt., Peter Jeziorski of Grafton, Vt. And Terry Hodgdon of Montpelier, Vt. I hope I have not forgotten to announce others- we have had quite a few enrollments in the past few months.
I have activated a Yahoo discussion group for Vermont Watercolor Society. Here’s how it works. Everyone will receive an invitation to sign up. There is no obligation to do so whatsoever. It is simply a place where people can communicate with each other if they choose. When you sign up you have to create a name for yourself and a password. You will be given the option of receiving any messages posted to the group at your present mail address, or you can opt to receive a digest which is sent daily, I think, or you can choose to not get messages in you mailbox. In that case you would go to the site (I would bookmark it), to read any messages sent. This means, of course, remembering to check on the site for mail. I am in a few similar groups and choose to read the mail on site to avoid getting too much mail in my inbox. I see a number of good uses for this kind of site:
Personal show announcements- I can’t really keep up with everyone’s posts and send them out in time when I send out VWS news.
Car Pooling to shows, both people and paintings
Discussions about VWS issues
Sharing of information such as where to get slides made, where to get good frames, what kind of paints do you use, etc.
On the sidebar there are places to put information relevant to the society such as the By-laws, member lists, etc.
So this is a little experiment to see what interest there might be and if we can be more in touch with each other. I hope some of you will be interested, but again, this is not at all mandatory.
Look for an invitation soon from Yahoo. I can only invite 50 people at a time, so everyone won’t be invited at once, but all will soon be invited.
Member News;
Well, I guess it’s OK to announce my own solo show- at the Norwich Public Library, 368 Main St. Norwich, Vt. 05055. , Nov. 3-Dec. 30. Opening Reception 5-7 PM Friday Nov. 3. Call 802-649-1184 for library hours. All are welcome.
Cindy Crawford
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This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.
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