This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Monday, November 06, 2006

VWS Annual Meeting-sign up now! and other news

Annual Meeting:

Send your payment for the Annual Meeting to :

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784.

If you have lost the tear off sheet that was mailed to you, you can see it and copy it online at:

Deadline for POSTMARK is this Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2006.
Be sure to indicate your meal preference.
If you do not meet this deadline but still want to attend, you must notify me :

by Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006, 6 PM. An email notification must include the following: (copy and paste):

I will attend the Vermont Watercolor Society Annual Meeting at the Three stallion Inn, Randolph, Vt. Starting at 11:30 AM on Sunday, November 19, 2006. I am paying $26.00 per person for ____people, and my meal preference is for

I understand that this email implies a commitment to make the payment I have indicated above.. I will send a check and the above information to Everett Webber at the above address before Nov. 17, 2006.

Anyone who makes a commitment but does not attend the meeting must still pay and will not receive a refund. This is because we have to tell the Inn on November 13th how many meals to prepare in advance, and pay for them in advance, regardless of how many people actually attend.
When you come to the meeting, bring any new slides that you would like to add to our slide collection, which we use for presentations to gallery owners when inquiring about possible shows at their location(s). This is an important part of the process of getting into galleries. Your slides represent the type and quality of our collective image. In addition, we have a very special offer from member Jean Cannon:

Jean has volunteered to take your slides and convert them to CDs for a reasonable fee. (yet to be determined). So bring slides that you would like to have on CD as well. (They could be the same slides- just let us know.) We are finding that more and more galleries are either accepting CDs and slides, or want CDs only, so this is a great opportunity to make the conversion. We can also use CDs for our collection of images, so you can bring them if you have them, or get a duplicate made. For VWS, please bring 3 images only, and mark them clearly on the slide or CD with your name, title of the piece and size of the piece.

The book with everyone’s slides and CDs will be at the meeting so you can look for your name and replace old images with new ones if you have them.

HELP WANTED: We will need a few members to volunteer at the Annual meeting to help with:

1. Passing out name tags and written information, if any.
2. Assisting the Treasurer in ensuring that people are checked in, paid up, and that their names, addresses and emails are current.
3. Setting up the slide show, if we have one, and looking after the slide exchange, keeping track of who has brought in new slides or CDs and who wants CDs made.

Most of this needs to be done at 11:30, before the meeting and meal begins.
Don’t forget to send an image to Rob O’Brien for the SVAC postcard entry, deadline postmarked Nov. 20, 2006. See web page (cited above) for complete instructions.
Cortina Inn

If you have work at the Cortina that has been there over 3 months, it’s time to pick it up and/or exchange it for new works.

See you on the 19th!

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006

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