This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Monday, December 03, 2007

VWS Newsletter 12-3-07

Welcome to Winter- I hope you are all either enjoying the snow or staying snug at home, pain brush in hand. We’re in for an exciting year, with a busy show schedule, warming right up.

First, though, a reminder: Pick-up for the Southern Vermont show is tomorrow, (Tuesday) Dec. 4 between 12 and 3 PM. Rob O’Brien will be there to take down the show and help get your paintings together. Hopefully everyone has a car pool arrangement for this pick-up. Please don’t keep Rob there waiting for you to show up.


Our first show of the year will be at the Claremont Opera house, in Claremont, N.H. This is an OPEN (non-juried) show- bring ONE painting, no larger than 42” on one side, well framed in wood, and white or neutral matting. Use hanging wire- no saw-tooth hangers, please.

Delivery for Claremont is January 15 from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Opening reception is January 18 in the evening (no times yet).
The show runs from Jan. 18- Feb. 25- a Monday, which is also pick-up day.

The Claremont Opera House has a gorgeous atrium for our show with excellent lighting, and a good clientele. It should be just lovely. They only take a 20% commission on sales. Diane Miller-Liggett will be our show coordinator, with Rob O’Brien assisting.

Get directions here:

Our next show, right on the heels of Claremont, is at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon, N.H. This was an opportunity that came up rather quickly, and we decided to go with it even though it’s in the same area, geographically. (W WILL have shows in other parts of the state/area later in the year. )

This is a show with a difference. It is for Signature members only- a bit of a reward for those of you who have worked hard to get your signature membership. Each Signature member can bring 2 watercolors- use your best quality frames and mats (white or off-white). Our own Judy Laliberte will have a concurrent solo show there (congratulations, Judy!), as will Larry Howard, a venerable local watercolorist and teacher, so this will be a big watercolor event.

Ava has just done extensive renovations on their multi-purpose building, once a Carter’s clothing factory, and it is also a wonderful venue, and a well-known one in the area and beyond.

Show Dates are Feb. 22-March 22. More details later.

AVA Gallery site:

We will have a spring show at the Red Roof Gallery in Enfield, N.H., a summer show at the Chaffee Art Center in Rutland, Vermont, , then hopefully something at a gallery in the Burlington area in the fall, and our annual fall/winter show at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, Vermont in Nov.-Dec.

OTHER MATTERS: As most of you have discovered, I sent out an email query to see how the mailing list is working, as we have had several problems with spam filters etc. It is virtually impossible to catch all the mis-firings that occur, but I am hoping that by sending this newsletter via gmail, it will reach the maximum number of members. Thank you all for replying to my query, and I apologize to those of you who got 2 of the same message. That wasn’t supposed to happen, and hopefully you’ll get only one of these, but if you get 2, kindly let me know. With your cooperation, we’ll do our best to get everyone on board. However, you would be well advised to check “this just In” on our web site every week or so, in case your spam filter has suddenly decided to eat your newsletter!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford

Monday, November 26, 2007

VWS Annual Meeting Results and Announcements

Greetings VWS Community !

You are perhaps wondering what happened at the Annual Meeting if you didn’t attend. Well, this will be a brief report for now- perhaps some of those who attended would like to make some comments to pass along later. This is my perspective:

We were greeted by a warm and inviting staff, had an excellent meal and enjoyed a beautiful environment at the Middlebury Inn in Middlebury, Vt. I feel particularly gratified that those in attendance were willing and thoughtful participants in making history for VWS. The by-laws were amended to include four new board positions, and we now have a code of ethics incorporated into the by-law language. The important things for you all to know right now are these:


President: Cynthia Crawford- Norwich. Vt.
Vice president: Jan Olmstead – Bondville, Vt.
Secretary: Adrienne Fisk- Norwich, Vt.
Treasurer: Everett Webber- W. Lebanon, N.H.

New Positions:

Director of Exhibitions: Rob O’Brien- Perkinsville, Vt.
Director of Programs and Events: Annelein Beukenkamp- Burlington, Vt.
Director of Volunteers: Karen Casper- S. Burlington, Vt.
Director of Publicity: Diane Bell- Weston. Vt.

Karen Casper and Diane Bell volunteered from the floor at the meeting- this was wholly unexpected and wonderfully welcome. Thank-you ALL for making up an exciting new leadership. We are a diverse group, geographically quite well distributed, and ready to launch this Society into uncharted waters !

New Signature Members:

Suzanne Clark
Isobel Cochran
Larry Coffin
Lois Macuga
Jan Olmstead
Barbara Tampasis

We are now about 134 members with 27 new members in 2007 and 3 new members so far for 2008.

Reminders and other important info from the new by-laws:

Dues are (still) $35.00 a year, due by Dec. 31. You will not be able to participate in shows if your dues are not paid. If you are a signature member and do not pay your dues for a year, your Signature membership is terminated and if you re-join you will have to go through the Signature membership process again.

Send you $35.00 checks NOW to:

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784

More about the meeting later.

SHOWS 2008:

CALL FOR ENTRIES: We have not had much response yet to a call for an image of a painting that you would like to enter in the 2008 Southern Vermont Art Center Show in Dec. 2008. This entry will be used on the post card for that prestigious event. Send a high resolution (300 dpi, approx. 4”x 5” ) on a CD to:

Rob O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151

DEADLINE: (yikes!!) This Friday, NOVEMBER 30. Do it NOW!

NEW SHOW coming up soonish:

Claremont Opera House Open Show, Claremont, N.H. , Jan. 18 to Feb. 25. Details to follow shortly.

Thanks to Diane Miller-Liggett of Cornish, N.H. for finding this one for us. She will also be the show coordinator.

That’s it for now from your once and future happy VWS President.

Cynthia Crawford VWS President 2005-2008

Saturday, November 03, 2007

VWS NEWS 11_4_07

My apologies to you all- this newsletter contained some omissions and needs some important corrections, marked in red below. Also, the attachment didn’t seem to work, so you can instead refer to the web site marled in red or bold below. You may have to click on the image to enlarge it. Sorry- best I can do for now. Note: Your mail reader may not show either red or bold. If so, just look for "Correction.")

Hello all,

We’re winding up the Vermont Watercolor Society year with a great show at Southern Vermont Arts Center, and our Annual Meeting is coming right up. I hope to see a good attendance at both. This year’s Annual meeting will be very special with many by-law revisions to consider. And it should be a very enjoyable one as well. Along those lines, I have been thinking about what great resources we have amongst ourselves. Case in point- our own Rob O’Brien gave an excellent workshop this past Saturday in Woodstock. I think we had an attendance of 12- one person traveled 3 hours to attend! Rob did a beautiful demo for the first half, and then we made our own attempts at a fall landscape (or other subjects of our choosing) in the afternoon. I’ve gotten very positive feedback from several participants, and I certainly enjoyed this event greatly myself. Rob is a gifted artist and a wonderful teacher. Next year we hope to sponsor more workshops throughout the state. Any suggestions would be most welcome, especially if you want something to happen near where you live and know of a possible leader.,. either one of our members or someone from “outside”.

And, we have many more members capable of similar adventures. Annelein Beukenkamp will be doing a Demo/lesson on negative painting (in a very positive way…!), at the Annual Meeting. I know she has also gotten rave reviews for her work and her teaching. In addition, we will have a representative from Boutilier’s Art Shop in Burlington, who will bring various watercolor-related items for your perusal.

Further thoughts about the Annual Meeting…I feel quite confident we will have a good experience at the Middlebury Inn. There will be ample space and I’ve heard the food is excellent. Hopefully, our business will be conducted in a timely fashion. We have candidates already for the following offices:

President: Cindy Crawford
Vice President: Jan Olmstead
Treasurer: Everett Webber
Recording Secretary: Adrienne Fisk

In addition, if the membership approves the changes in the by-laws allowing for an expanded board, we have volunteers for:

Director of Exhibits: Rob O’Brien
Director of Education and Events: Annelein Beukenkamp

And we have a few other possible candidates for the other positions not yet confirmed.

A Reminder: These people have volunteered to run for office, but ANY member can also volunteer to run for the same or different positions. You can do this by writing to me in advance or you can be nominated (or nominate yourself) from the floor at the meeting.

BOTTOM LINE: We need a quorum to pass by-laws and hold elections, or there will be no VWS! I’m not really worried, but I think a good turn-out would honor all the hard work of this great team of leaders. If you are hesitant about the long drive, here is a list of members and contacts. Consider car-pooling, inviting a new member or potential member , family member or friend. (Exit soapbox).

Note: No member list is included on this web version to protect the privacy of VWS Members

And, finally, looking forward to next year- We are again invited to have a show at the Southern Vermont Arts Center from Nov. 1 through Dec. 2nd, 2008. Since they plan their catalog a year in advance, we will need a postcard image by December 10. CORRECTION: Deadline is November 30, 2007. The Details:


Send your submissions on a CD for the postcard to :

Rob O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151


Title of the painting
Atist’s name, address, phone, and email
Size and price of the painting

Be sure to send a high-quality JPG or Tiff. 300 DPI is standard printing resolution, image size approx. 4” x 5” or 5” x 6”. Do not include the frame if you are taking a digital photograph of your work. If this is all “Geek” to you, go to a professional photo shop or printer to have your painting scanned or photographed, and ask for a CD with the above specifications.

If you want your CD returned, also send a SASE Envelope.

This must be in Rob’s hands by December 10, 2007. Correction: Nov. 30, 2007

Calendar Reminders:

Today-Dec. 31 Renewal/sign-up period for VWS annual Dues ($35.00 per person per year)

Saturday Nov. 3 2007: Southern Vermont Art Center opening reception 2-4 PM
Apologies to Suzanne Clark . Her painting, “Silken Repose” was omitted from the juried-in list for SVAC. It is now hanging in the show.

Sunday, Nov. 4: 3-5 PM or Saturday/Sunday Nov. 10 or 11th: 11 AM- 5 PM: PICK-UP-WEST RIVER GALLERY

Monday Nov. 12: Deadline for postmarked sign-ups for the Annual Meeting

Sunday Nov. 18: 11:30- 4 PM- Annual Meeting, Luncheon and Art Demo at the Middlebury Inn, Middlebury Vt.

Monday December 10 Correction: Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 : Postcard Entries for SVAC in hand to Rob O’Brien

Tuesday, Dec. 4 2007: Pick-up at SVAC between 12 and 3 PM

Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2008. Happy New Year, and here’s to a wonderful upcoming VWS year as well !! May you all prosper, stay well, and paint to your heart’s content.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

VWS NEWS 10-17-07

Greetings once again, VWS members

We had a large entry for the Southern Vermont Vermont Arts Center juried show. More than 60 works. Here are the results- because of the small space there, only 27 works were chosen amongst a fine selection. Congratulations to all, and many thanks to everyone who sent entries.

VWS SVAC Show results 2007

1. Nancy Ball, Nokomis, Fla… “On the Rocks” 22in x 28in $325
2. Judy Beany, Cornwall……… “Game Over” 9 ½ in x 12 7/8 in $350
3. Diane Bell, Weston…………. “Ribbon in Nature” 19in x 28in $350
4. Kathleen Berry Bergeron, Jericho……. “Kathy’s Stream” 20in x 24in $595
5. Annelein Beukenkamp, Burlington… “Iris Blue and Tulips, too” 22in x 15in $1100
6. Sean Callahan, Addison……. “Best Seat in the House” 26in x 26in $850
7. Karen Casper, South Burlington… “Rest for the Heavy Laden” 20in x 27in $755
8. Isobel Cochran, Hanover, NH ….. “Morning Sunshine” 28in x 22in $600
9. Cindy Crawford, Norwich….. “Crouch” 16in x 20in $425
10. Owen Hamilton, Hartford….. “Mosaic Mountain” 16in x 20in $550
11. Doris Ingram, Weston…… “Along the Lot” 17in x 21in $250
12. Valerie Johnson, Londonderry….. “Mt. Desert Island” 18in x 24in $425
13. Marlene Kramer, Westminster….. “Gloria” 20in x 27in $760
14. Lois Macuga, Quechee……. “Windy Day at Eastern Point” 16in x 20in $375
15. Kate More, Sharon, “Northeast Kingdom Red Barn & White Silo in Sun” 19 ½ in x
24in $300
16. Robert O’Brien, Weathersfield… “Sugarbush” 34in x 42in $3500
17. Sandra Pealer, Windsor…. “Winter Garden” 24in x 18in $375
18. Elaine Reed, Chester…… “After the Rain” 36in x 30in $1800
19. Dorothy V. Riley, Chester…. “Lydia’s Barn” 21in x 28in $600
20. Alice Sciore, Killington…. “My Valley Trees” 17 ½ in x 19 ½ in $500
21. Theresa Somerset, Essex Jct….. “The Dog of Pompeii” 22in x 30in $1800
22. Nancy Stone, Williston….. “Windfall” 21in x 25in $600
23. Robert Sydorowich, Andover….. “Andover” 22in x 28in $800
24. Barbara Tampasis, Windsor…… “Sunflowers” 20in x 16in $325
25. Jo Tate, Norwich…… “After the Bath” 20in x 16in $400
26. Everett Webber, W. Lebanon, NH ….. “Nude” 40in x 34in $1200
27. Nancy Winters, Chittenden……. “Yard Sail” 30in X 22in $2500

Here is an important message from Rob, our show co-ordinator:

Note: For those artists juried in, the Art Center will NOT accept any shipped paintings. Hand deliver ONLY. Also, please adhere to the hours for delivery and pickup that are stated on the prospectus. The sooner work is delivered the sooner the show can get hung. We only have one day this year.
If there is a problem have them contact me ASAP. Rob's contact info:

Rob is hanging this show- please be considerate and get your works to him on time.

Wednesday, October 31, between 10AM and 4 PM.

OPENING RECEPTION SVAC: Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007 2-4 PM. Please come to this event, even if you didn't get in the show or enter, and don't forget to stop by our show at the West River Gallery in Weston if you haven't seen it yet. West River Gallery Hours: 11-5 Thurs.- Sun. It is very important that our members attend these receptions to show our support and appreciation for the privilege of being invited to show and to thank everyone who has worked so very hard to make these shows happen.

PICK-UP-WEST RIVER GALLERY: Sunday, Nov. 4 3-5 PM or Saturday/Sunday Nov. 10-11 11 AM- 5 PM


You will all be receiving the paperwork for our annual meeting on Nov. 18, including much information concerning the proposed changes in the By-Laws and board structure. Please read carefully and come prepared to make comments (concise please), and VOTE! We have some candidates willing to run for office, and anyone can be nominated from the floor at the meeting with the consent of the nominee.

This information is also included in the previous on-line newsletter. BE SURE TO FILL OUT THE FORM INCLUDED WITH YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING, or download /print it from the online newsletter. DON'T MISS THE DEADLINE-POSTMARKED NOV. 12. We have the give the Inn a final head count by Nov. 15.

ANNUAL DUES: are payable anytime from now until Dec. 31. Please send your checks for $35.00 to:

Everett Webber, VWS Treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
W.Lebanon, N.H. 03784

Send Everett your NAME, ADDRESS and EMAIL ADDRESS along with your check so we can keep our records current. Otherwise you will not receive these newsletters. Be sure to inform us of any changes in address or email immediately.


Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

VWS NEWS 10/10/07

VWS NOTICE-CORTINA INN , Annual Meeting, and Weston show


One of our members visited the Cortina Inn, where some of us have had our work hanging on a rotating basis. The Inn has changed hands, and it is not clear that anyone is handling the shows now. There seems to be a fair bit of confusion about this, including how and when artist are paid if their work is sold. Anyone who has work there would be well advised to check up on it and perhaps remove it, at least until it becomes clear that things are working properly. You can contact John Geery by email for more information, if you do it soon.

He was handling the shows but has since left the Inn. By the way, just to clarify- this is not an “official” VWS show. Artists from VWS were invited on an individual basis to exhibit at the Cortina after we had a show there, and anyone who has work there is responsible for their own negotiations.

The phone # for the Inn is 1-800-451-6108


Our show at the West River Gallery looks very nice, I am told. I hope more people will get down there to see it. (I was unable to attend the opening myself.) One possibility is to visit on your way to the SVAC opening on Nov. 3. This show ends on Nov. 4, and of course it would be convenient to pick up your work on the 3rd, but we have made a commitment to the 4th and it is on the post card. Cindy Jones, the gallery owner, sent me this message:

“Since exhibit runs to Nov. 4th, I will be here on that
Sun. so the artists could pick up either that day (say
between 3-5 PM) OR if they can't make it that time,
they could come anytime in the afternoon on the
following weekend (I will have all paintings down by
then & I have a separate room to put them in).”

Please DO NOT ask the gallery if you can pick up your work on the 3rd.


Those of you attending or dropping in: PLEASE!... make this a “scent-free” event-i.e. no perfumes, aftershave, or scented products. Thank You!


You will be getting a packet of information about our annual meeting in the mail soon, including the letter and form below, but here are the basics, so you can make plans:

The Annual Meeting of the Vermont Watercolor Society will be held this year (2007) at

The Middlebury Inn
Founders’ Room
14 Court Square
Middlebury Vermont 05753

Date: Sunday, November 18, 2007
Time: 11:30 AM- 4:30 PM
Agenda: (approximate times)

11:30 AM- 12:00 PM Arrival and check-in
12:00 PM-12:30 PM Luncheon Buffet self-serve (there will be vegetarian choices).
12:30 PM Annual Meeting
a. Old Business
b. New Business
c. Discussion By-Law Revisions
d. Voting, by-laws revisions
e. Elections of officers
2:00 PM Coffee Break
2:30 PM Program/Presentation
4:00 PM end

Cost: $25.00 per person
Guests are welcome
Deadline for sign-up: POSTMARKED November 12, 2007.
Send a check made out to “Vermont Watercolor Society”, $25.00 per person, to:

Everett Webber, Treasurer
5 Longwood lane
W. Lebanon, N.H. 03784

NOTE: PLEASE MAKE THIS A “SCENT-FREE” EVENT, i.e. no perfumes, aftershave, scented products, lotions, etc. THANK-YOU!
Please fill out the form below and return with your check:




Phone: __________________________


Amount Enclosed $_________________________

Note: Guy Rossi, our contact at the Inn has given us a generous 50% discount for the rental of the Founders’ Room. He is also offering a week-end discount on rooms if you would like to stay over. You can contact him at : 1-800-842-4666

submitted by Cynthia Crawford, VWS President 2006-2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

VWS News 9-28-07

Fall Greetings, watercolorists!

It’s announcement time again….I will try to keep it concise. You already have the basics.

As always, please look on the VWS web site for past information before you ask me about an event. However, I do miss important things on occasion. In that case, please let me know.
Look under:

"This Just In"

Now,for a moment, a bit of a digression. I get all kinds of announcements for shows, workshops, accomplishments and items of general interest. I love hearing from you all, but these newsletters would be 3 pages long if I included every announcement, and I would become a full-time new correspondent. There should be a place where you can all make and see these announcements yourselves. We’re working on it. Meanwhile, for the moment, I am announcing only workshops or classes that are generated by the membership, either sponsored by a VWS member or presented by a VWS member. If there happens to be some information regarding that person’s credentials or achievements, I might include some of that.

As part of our efforts to make VWS more user-friendly, we have also been working on a major overhaul in the Board structure. You will be receiving an overview of those efforts shortly. It will be very important to review this information in preparation for the annual meeting, as there are many changes to the by-laws proposed. You will receive a separate (paper) announcement of the meeting and the by-law revisions later.

Now, for "official" announcements:

_VWS ANNUAL MEETING:_ This is the “big” one. Elections will be held and by-law revisions will be considered. Something else in the way of a program will be offered as well. Stay Tuned!

Date: Sunday November 18
Place: The Middlebury Inn, Middlebury Vermont.
Time: to be announced (probably 11:30-4:30)

By the way, Middlebury College has an excellent Museum of fine Arts

If anyone wants to stay overnight at the Inn, they will be offering accommodations at a discount price for VWS members. More about that in the next newsletter.


_West River Gallery, Weston, Vermont:_

DELIVERY : Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1st and 2nd. Please note: TIMES: 1-5 PM each day. Reminder: one painting per person, well framed, no larger than ½ sheet. LABELED with your name, address, phone number and price.

West River Gallery is located in Weston, Vermont on Rt. 100 at the South end of town. Address is 614 Main St. Phone # is 802-824-3250.

Opening Reception:

Friday, October 5, 5:30-7:30 PM.
Show ends Nov. 4.

_Southern Vermont Arts Center juried show-Manchester, Vermont. _

All entries must be POSTMARKED no later than OCT. 1 2007. See directions for entry on our web site. You should also have an orange entry form in hand. Fill out and send to Rob O’Brien as directed.

Delivery: Wednesday, Oct. 31 10AM-4 PM.
Opening reception: Saturday Nov. 3 2-4 PM
Show ends Dec. 4 Pick-up is between 12-3 PM


There is still time to sign up for Rob O’Brien’s painting class/workshop in Woodstock on October 27 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. Cost $65.00.
NOTE: It would be best to sign up in advance for this workshop, but Rob says it’s OK if, at the last minute you suddenly want to go, you can just “drop in”.
For questions, call Rob at 802-263-9294.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS President 2006-2007

Thursday, September 06, 2007

VWS Newsletter 9/7/07

VWS News 9-6-07

Greetings Vermont Watercolorists-

This newsletter is mostly reminders . Mark your calendars- we have a busy Fall Season ahead:


9/8-9/9 Peter Huntoon Workshop

9/9, 9/10 (Sunday and Monday): Pick-up unsold work at the Artisan’s Gallery in Waitsfield.

Prepare this month for 2 shows: West River Gallery (open) and Southern Vermont Art Center (juried).

Sign up for Robert O’Brien’s Workshop (10/27)


10/1 Slides or CDs must be POSTMARKED no later that 10/1 for SVAC entries. You should have received an entry form in the mail. It is also online on our web site.

10/1- 10/2 Delivery dates for West River Gallery Entries
Oct. 5 (Friday) OPENING at West River Gallery 5-7 PM
(note- this was posted incorrectly as Oct. 3 in the last newsletter)
Show ends Nov. 4
PICK_UP- Monday Nov. 5 10 AM-5 Pm

10/27 (Saturday) Watercolor Workshop with Rob O’Brien


11/3 (Saturday) Opening at Southern Vermont Art Center 2-4 PM
11/3 Member Jo Tate is giving a Watercolor Figure Workshop at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, N.H. from 10-1 PM. Call 802-649-1732 for info.
11/4 (Sunday) Tentative: VWS ANNUAL MEETING-time, location to be determined. Alternate date, Nov. 17 or 18.


12/4 end SVAC show. Pick-up between 12 and 3 PM.

For Details on these shows and events, as always, please visit :


Sheryl Trainor, owner of the Pegasus Gallery in Quechee Vermont, is in need of volunteers to sit at the Gallery this month, and possibly beyond, or it cannot remain open. Sheryl hast hosted 3 VWS shows at Pegasus, invited artists to do demos at shows, and sponsored a recent workshop with John Lynch. She also served as Secretary for VWS from 2003-2007 (half year). Time to give back a little.

Gallery hours are Fri., Sat and Sun. 11-5. Sept. 7, 8, and 9 are covered. I’m going to be there Sept. 14, and my daughter will take Sept. 15 or 16. If you have a free Fri. Sat. or Sun. afternoon and would like to help out, please call Sheryl at 802-296-2073 (home) or 802-296-6617 (work). There is currently a photography show running. And the future? Difficult to say. Sadly, some galleries are closing in the area….

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Greetings once again, Vermont Watercolorists-

We have many shows and activities to review and take note of. I try to keep these letters concise, but as a growing organization, we are finding ourselves with much happening. Very exciting, but sometimes confusing. PLEASE, if you have lost track and want information, go to our website,

and click on “this just in”. Bookmark this site! This will get you to the newsletter page where you can scroll down on the right to read this month’s offerings or go through the archives on the left. I would also suggest you print these letters or save them in a folder.

MILLER GALLERY PICK-UP: Friday and Saturday, Aug. 10, 11-6 and August 11. 11-5. Miller prefers Friday, Aug. 10 if at all possible.

ARTISAN’S GALLERY OPENING: This Saturday, August 11, 4-7 PM.

PEGASUS GALLERY OPENING: JOHN LYNCH This Friday, Aug. 10 5-8 PM (workshop on Sunday-see previous newsletters)


Robert O’Brien- (VWS/New England WS,American WS) will conduct a one day workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Woodstock Vt. Oct 27th 2007 from 9:30 am to 4 pm.
The course will focus on landscape painting with a focus on painting the colors of autumn. General watercolor techniques will be reviewed with an emphasis on values and composition. There will be a demonstration by the instructor to start with class painting to follow. A critique will be held at the end of class. Students are encouraged to provide their own photographs for reference material. A materials list will be furnished upon request.
The cost of the workshop is $65 for members, $70 for non-members. The enter, send a check made out to Vermont Watercolor Society to:

Everett Webber, VEW treasurer
5 Longwood Lane
W.Lebanon, N.H. 03784

VWS member Peter Huntoon will conduct a two day watercolor workshop September 8 & 9 , 9A.M. to 4P.M. . The cost is $135.00 includes two lunches and an evening reception Saturday.

VWS members receive a $20.00 discount.

The workshop is sponsored by Hunter Gallery of Fine Art, in Grafton.

To register call 802-843-1440.

Also members are invited to the opening reception of Grafton's first Juried Art Exhibition Saturday evening 6-8 P.M. or the artist awards ceremony Saturday, September 1. Same time 6-8 P.M.



As you may recall, Bob and Elaine Reed had to cancel our fall show at the Reed gallery in Chester, Vt, as Elaine is recovering from a bad fall with a broken wrist. We all hope you are doing well, Elaine!

Doris Ingram contacted me after receiving this news, and has arranged a replacement show at the West River Gallery. This will be a very nice venue during fall foliage season.

The details:

Where: West River Gallery, Weston, Vermont
Type of show: Open (un-juried-no credit towards signature membership)
Entry: ONE painting per person, ½ sheet, largest entry size
Details: QUALITY wood frames preferred, QUALITY metal frames OK. Proper wire hangers. Mats-white or off-white.
Delivery: October 1st and 2nd, 1-5 PM
Opening: Friday Oct. 3 5-7 PM
Duration: 3 weeks

More details to follow.

SOUTHERN VERMONT ARTS CENTER JURIED SHOW: (You will receive a paper version of this entry form in the mail).

Vermont Watercolor Society
2007 Members Juried Show
Southern Vt. Arts Center. Manchester, Vt.

November 3 – December 4, 2007

Opening Reception, Saturday November 3, 2007 2:00- 4:00 PM


- Open to all paid VWS members. Work must be original and painted in water soluble media and not previously exhibited at SVAC. All works must be for sale. Work must be under glass and be sturdily framed. Matting must be white or off white only. Maximum frame size is 42 inches in any direction.

Entry Procedures:

- This exhibit will be juried by slide or CD. Members can submit up to two (2) slides or CD images for jury consideration. Due to space limitations only one painting will be accepted. It is recommended that slides be of highest quality and professionally made. Slides/CD’s must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2007 and can be sent to:

Robert O’Brien

2811 Weathersfield Ctr. Rd.

Perkinsville, VT 05151

- Please label top of slide with Title of Painting, your name, and overall dimensions.

Delivery and Pickup dates:

- All accepted work must be delivered by hand to the Arts Center on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 only between 10:00 A.M and 4:00 P.M. All work must be removed from the Arts Center on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 between 12 and 3P.M. All sales are final. Jocelyn will contact any artist who has sold. Any questions regarding sales, etc. please contact the Art Center at (802) 362- 1405 ext. 22.


o Completed entry form (all sections). Send one with slide(s)/CD, keep other for back of painting.
o Slide(s)/CD labeled according to instructions above
o SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) for return of slides/CD’s.


Entry Form:

Name………………………………….. Name………………………………...

Address……………………………….. Address………………………………

………………………………………... ………………………………………

Phone #.................................................. Phone #...............................................

Title/Price(1)….…………….................. Title/Price(1)………………………...

Title/Price(2)………………………….. Title/Price(2)………………………...

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

VWS news-Artisan's Gallery Juried Show Results

Congratulations to the following artist juried in to the Artisan's Gallery Show:

Ball Nancy Rusting Bucket
Beach Lisa Morning Stream Side
Beaney Judy Dawn of a New Day
Bell Diane Flowers on a Red Chain
Beukenkamp Annelein Blue Feathers
Callahan Sean Hide &Seek
Canon Jean Brown Pitcher & Fruit
Casper Karen Enduring Nostalgia
Chamberlain Kristin The Blue Bowl
Clark Suzanne Still Life
Cochran Isobel Winter Sunshine…
Coffin Larry Sunny Sunday…
Crawford Cynthia Kitty Repose
DiNicola Joann Farmer Flint's Farmstand reserve
Ershow Sandra From Barnes Hill reserve
Harrissis Jane Palatina Gate
Ingram Doris Along Rt. 100
Kramer Marlene Fiber Flowers
Laliberte Judy Baby Boomers
Liggett Diane Summer Field
Lloyd Mary Fran Whipple Hollow
Macuga Lois On Rt. 32
More Kate Swimming Hole
Olmstead Jan The Dorset Quarry
Paul Colette ..Dairy Barn
Pealer Sandra Evening Chores
Pealer Jud Passion with Strings
Powers Lynn Ann Waitsfield Store
Ravenhorst Katrina Barnscape Knoll Farm
Roberts Doris Turbo Semanticus Africa
Roe Joe Rainbow
Somerset Theresa Martini&Madrais
Stager Sue Ann Von Trapp Farm
Stone Nancy Chance Encounter
Tampasis Barbara Pansies
Tate Jo Feather Bed
Webber Everett I Have It

As always, I would like to say that juried shows are very subjective. Gallery owners have many reasons to accept a painting or not. Besides individual taste , sometimes it is a matter of space considerations, what looks good with what, and other unknown factors. If you are a new member, especially, I encourage you to not be discouraged. Go to the opening with an open mind, and see what one of our shows looks like. It will be well worth your time.

Pick-up of entries not juried in: any time during gallery hours. (10:30-5:30 daily). ALL works not sold must be picked up Sept. 9 or 10 during gallery hours.

And speaking of the opening, I would encourage everyone to go, whether you entered the show or not. This is about supporting VWS and our gracious hosts.

You will notice 2 paintings marked "reserve". These will be put up if there is room. If not, they will be held , and put up if/when there is a space for them.

Thank-you Lori Klein of the Artisan's Gallery, and Gary Eckhart, our show co-ordinator for all your time and effort to put on this show.

Saturday, August 11, 4 PM-7 PM

Gary has also informed me that :



Many of the inns in the area are giving discounts for visitors to the Festival, if you are interested in staying over. If you go to this site, you can get more information:

This event is part of the Vermont Festival of the Arts, and as such, it will likely to generate much interest in our Society and our work. A special thanks to Gary Eckhart for making all this happen for us.

If you have any questions or concerns about this show, please contact me

Just a reminder: We expect VWS members to be polite and appreciative to Gallery owners. Complaints, if any, are handled within the Society.

See you on Aug. 11 !

Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

VWS News 7-25-07

VWS News and Reminders 7-25-07

Greetings !

Here are the latest updates on our shows and events:


Drop-off times are this Sunday and Monday, July 29 and 30, from 10:30 AM to 5 PM.
Opening: August 11, 4-7 PM

For full details, go to our website newsletter page:

All the details are in the July 9th newsletter.

You should all have received a postcard announcing this show, beautifully put together by the Gallery and Gary Eckhart with a painting by Gallery member Sean Callahan. Thank you, all. If there are extras at the gallery when you drop off your work, please take a few and send them to your friends, patrons, etc.

Kate More, from Sharon, Vt. Has offered to transport paintings to the Artisan’s Gallery. She will be going on Sunday. Please call her at 802-763-2906 after 7 AM and before 10 PM, or email her at . Plan to bring your work to her house. Thank you, Kate!


Pick-up for paintings from our show at the Miller Art Center is August 11 from 11 AM to 5 PM. (Also detailed in our last newsletter)
NEW ! You can also pick up at the Miller on Friday, August 10, from 11 AM to 6 PM. This will mean that there won’t be a conflict with going to the opening at the Artisan’s Show.


As many of you know by now, Elaine Reed, co-owner of the Reed Gallery in Chester, Vermont, has had an unfortunate fall while painting at Monhegan, and has shattered her wrist. She and Bob have decided that it would be best, therefore, to cancel our show there, originally scheduled For September this year. We’ve had some wonderful shows and generous hospitality at the Reed Gallery, so we have much to be grateful for. We wish Elaine a speedy recovery and send our best wishes to them both. Thank you, Elaine and Bob, for being such loyal VWS members and hosts. We look forward to seeing your gallery thrive in the future and hope you can find some ease during recovery.

As news of this change in plans became known, we had several offers for a replacement venue. Although we have had our sights on a possible Northern location for a show, it is not forthcoming at this time. We will be working on making that happen next year. Meanwhile, Doris Ingram has arranged for a show at the West River Gallery in Weston, Vermont. Tentative opening date would be October 3. A lovely location for a fall foliage show. More details to follow.


Anyone who has work up at the Cortina Inn should have gotten a letter from Ann McFarren with instructions as to how to continue showing there or remove your work. Ann has been a volunteer there for 11 years, co-ordinating shows and handling all the necessary clerical work. She will be retiring at the end of July, and states that “ If you wish to continue showing with this gallery, you will need to establish connections with the Inn through the front desk. I have no names to give you at this time as management has changed hands. I still have my card file with your information and gallery listings. If you wish to check on the status of your work or remove or change it by the end of July, call or email me. 802-773-2197 “

The phone # at the Cortina Inn is 1-800-451-6108

THANK_YOU, Ann, for all your hard work and support!


John Lynch one day workshop, Queechee, Vt . Sponsored by Pegasus Gallery. Sunday August 12 from 11 AM to 4 Pm. Cost $30.00. Limit 15 people. Contact Sheryl Trainor if you are interested: 802-296-7693 .

Deadline for inquiries is Aug. 3 by 5 PM. Please send your checks to Sheryl by August 8 if you have signed up.

Sheryl Trainor
866 Bliss Rd.
(P.O. Box 1257)
Quechee, Vt. 05059


There will also be a potluck barbecue after the workshop. If you want to stay for that, call Sheryl and let her know you are going to be there and what you can bring.

John will also have a show at the Pegasus Gallery Aug. 10- Sept. 3.

See previous newsletter for details about John’s work.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Rob O'Brien has just received notice that his work entitled "Golden Spikes" has been accepted into the National Watercolor Society show in Brea, California. Oct. 13-Dec. 15

Congratulations, Rob!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Monday, July 09, 2007



Our next juried show is coming right up!

This show will be at the ARTISAN’S GALLERY in Waitsfield, Vermont. It will be a part of a month-long Festival of the Arts in the Mad River Valley. The Vermont Festival of the Arts is going to be a featured article in the summer issue of Vermont Life. Here are the details. Please read carefully- this show has a few different aspects than our past shows:

SPONSOR: The Artisan's Gallery, Bridge Street, Waitsfield, Vermont
Moosewalk Studios
200 Orion Rd.
Warren, VT 05674

Gallery Website:


Directions from the North: From I-89, take exit 10 in Waterbury.
Follow Rt. 100 south, making two turns in Waterbury, and
a right turn in about 5 miles. Proceed another 4 miles to
historic Waitsfield Village. Just after the Mobil station, take
a left onto Bridge Street. We are immediately on the right.
You may park street-side in front, or in the lot in back.

Directions from the Southeast: From I-89, take exit 9, turning
left at the end of the ramp, and left again for a short distance
on Rt. 2 east. In 1/2 mile, turn right onto Rt. 100B south,
proceeding about 12 miles to historic Waitsfield Village.
Just after the Mobil station, take a left
onto Bridge Street. We are immediately
on the right. You may park street-side
in front, or in the lot in back.

Directions from the south: Follow
Rt. 100 north, curving to the right
at the intersection of Rt. 17, through
Irasville Village, another 1/2 mile to
Waitsfield Village. Turn right on Bridge
Street (or park in the lot on the right
just before Bridge Street). We are
immediately on the right.

DATES OF SHOW: August 3 to September 9, 2007
ARTIST'S RECEPTION: August 11, 2007 4:00 to 7:00 pm
DROP OFF: July 29 & 30 10:30 am to 5:00 pm
PICK UP: September 9 & 10 10:30 am to 5:00 pm
ENTRIES: Open entry to be juried before hanging
One entry per person
Outside frame dimensions not to exceed 24" in any direction
Neutral colored mats preferred
Wooden frames preferred (metal frames accepted if of good quality)
All work must be wired, ready for hanging and framed to archival standards
Full contact information, title and price to be prominently placed on back of work
ORIGINALITY STATEMENT: all entrants will be asked to sign a document stating that the work is original to the artist and is not, either in whole or a part, copied from another piece of art
UNACCEPTED WORKS: pick up any time during gallery hours (daily from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm) or at the artist's reception
THEME: un-themed (looking for a diverse show)
COMMISSION: 40% with 10% returned to the Vermont Watercolor Society
JUROR: provided by Artisan's Gallery
ALTERNATES: a number of pieces will be held as replacements should pieces be sold .

All attempts will be made to give these works some type of exposure. (They might be hung id local inns, restaurants, or B&Bs.)


We had a very successful and attractive exhibit at the Miller Art Center. Attendance was good and the refreshments were wonderful, thanks to the local members of the Center and Historical society. We also had some delightful fiddle music, thanks to George Ainsley and friends. If you did not make it to the opening it would be well worth your time to go to Springfield to see this show. And tell your friends and patrons to go too!

Address: 9 Elm Hill
Springfield, Vermont
Phone: 802-885-2415

Gallery Hours:
Wed. and Fri 11 AM 6 PM
Thurs: 11 AM-8 PM
Saturday 11 AM-5 PM

This show runs until Aug. 10
Pick-up date August 11 from 11 AM to 5 PM


John Lynch one day workshop, Queechee, Vt . Sponsored by Pegasus Gallery. Sunday August 12 from 11 AM to 4 Pm. Cost $30.00. Limit 15 people. Contact Sheryl Trainor if you are interested: 802-296-7693 (see below for a description of John Lynch’s style. Etc. under Annette Compton’s announcement).
John will also have a show at the Pegasus Gallery Aug. 10- Sept. 3.

Robert O’Brien- (VWS/New England WS,American WS) will conduct a one day workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Woodstock Vt. Oct 27th 2007 from 9:30 am to 4 pm.
The course will focus on landscape painting with a focus on painting the colors of autumn. General watercolor techniques will be reviewed with an emphasis on values and composition. There will be a demonstration by the instructor to start with class painting to follow. A critique will be held at the end of class. Students are encouraged to provide their own photographs for reference material. A materials list will be furnished upon request.
The cost of the workshop is $65 for members, $70 for non-members.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-07

Monday, June 25, 2007

VWS News 6/25/07 Miller Gallery

Great news from our Show Co-ordinator, Rob O'Brien:

> Hello everyone,
> The 2007 VWS Summer Open Members Show is up!
> There are 45 paintings hung. Most are in the main gallery room and the rest are in the entrance hall with a few on the wall to the left of the stairs leading up to the second floor. Every piece is in good viewing range.
> The show looks great and thanks to all of the artists who participated. It is a very diverse show with various sized work and subject matter.
> A special thank you to Mary Fran Lloyd and Nancy Ball who helped me with the challenging job of hanging the artwork. I am very pleased with the look of the exhibit. Thank you again Mary Fran and Nancy!! and thanks to Claire Hatch of the MAC for helping with sign ins and making the cards.
>> We will have musical entertainment provided by George Ainley and friends.
>> Hope to see everyone at the opening.
>> Rob

The Details:

Miller Arts Center

Show dates: June 27- August 10 2007

Address: 9 Elm Hill
Springfield, Vermont
Phone: 802-885-2415

OPENING: Sunday, June 30 3-5 PM with refreshments and music!

Gallery Hours:
Wed. and Fri 11 AM 6 PM
Thurs: 11 AM-8 PM
Saturday 11 AM-5 PM

There is another opening that same day at the VAULT gallery, 68 Main St. in Springfield. They will have a silent auction from 5:30 to 7:15, and a live auction at 7:30. Call 802-885-7111 for details.


Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

VWS Newsletter 6-21-07

Greetings, Vermont Watercolor Society watercolorists!


There are wonderful and promising things afoot in our Society. I will try to give you a brief overview of our Spring Meeting with more details to follow in a future newsletter.
We had an excellent presentation by our Vice President, Jan Olmstead, bringing us up to speed on the results of the VWS survey done earlier this year. Highlights of the results include:

1. A strong desire from the membership to have more social contact with each other by various means, the most commonly suggested being regional gatherings of some sort.
2. Members are quite happy with our shows and the opportunities they bring to all of us. It is one of the main reasons for joining.
3. There was some discussion about the question of volunteering for office and/or other functions/opportunities within the Society. This brought up further questions about job definitions, time and distances issues. Clearly people are willing to help out, but need some structure to work with.

We also saw a very interesting slide show of current works from the American Watercolor Society compliments of Rob O’Brien, who is a member. There were paint samples donated by M. Graham to try- these paints (watercolor and gouache) are made with honey and have an interesting texture. Some people brought painted squares and some made them with the sample paints, which we put together into a little mosaic.

We had a lot of new members at the Spring Meeting. It was wonderful to meet you all, as well as enjoy old friends. Several people joined right after the meeting!

Please extend a big welcome to:

Nancy Ball from Tinmouth, Vt.
Peter/Paedra Bramhall from Bridgewater Vt.
Ann Clark from Mendon, Vt.
Isobel Cochran from Hanover, N.H.
Chase Delaney from Sharon, Vt.
Sarah Drown from Georgia Ctr. Vt.
Sandra Ershow from Waterbury, Vt.
Sue Houchens from Jericho, Vt.
Louise Pfaelzer from Morrisville, Vt.
Ann Semprebon from Hanover, N.H.

All were at the meeting. In addition, a new member just signed up:

Catherine Finnegan from Quechee, Vt.

Our membership has grown to about 128 members!

After the presentation we divided up into 6 discussion groups to address various issues generated from the answers to the survey. Each group then gave excellent reports on their findings, and it was especially noteworthy that most people found this process very satisfactory. It gave everyone an opportunity to meet other members and have a meaningful and productive dialogue. And it helped people to feel more like participants in the doings of VWS.

As a result of this process, the Board and some of the more active Committee members met this past Monday evening to come up with a plan of action and a vision which we hope will set up the Society for long-term success. A small group of us will be meeting regularly to work out the details and make some revisions to the structure of the Board in particular, as it is quite clear that the election and volunteer process has been quite unstable at times and this has created some problems such as:

1. Burned-out/overworked leadership
2. A certain apprehension about voulunteering, because….. well, see above!

We hope to change that in very significant ways. Just to give you a hint-we will try to make volunteer jobs be well-defined, time limited and well-suited to your skills and social needs. We hope to have more workshops and social events in the future. The leadership workload will be better distributed and manageable. Communications will improve, both formally (via the newsletters) and informally via networking.

And, of course, our shows are blossoming into 2009!

With that in mind, here’s a reminder about our upcoming open (un-juried) show:


Bring ONE well-framed work to the Miller Art Center in Springfield, Vermont, on Saturday June 23, 2007, between the hours of 12 noon to 5 PM. PLEASE NOTE A SLIGHT TIME CHANGE IN DELIVERY HOURS. Formerly it was 11AM, but there will be a parade in town that day, and you will not be able to get through to the gallery until 12 PM.

Details: Framing-high quality wood frames with white or off-white mats. Use proper hanging wire- NO hooks.
Labels: name, address phone, title and price please!

Show dates: June 27- August 10 2007

Address: 9 Elm Hill
Phone: 802-885-2415

OPENING: Sunday, June 30 3-5 PM with refreshments and music!

Gallery Hours:
Wed. and Fri 11 AM 6 PM
Thurs: 11 AM-8 PM
Saturday 11 AM-5 PM

There is another opening that same day at the VAULT gallery, 68 Main St. in Springfield. They will have a silent auction from 5:30 to 7:15, and a live auction at 7:30. Call 802-885-7111 for details.



Miller Arts Center open show, Springfield, Vt. June 27- August 10. Delivery June 23 12-5 PM
Opening June 30 3-5 PM
Artisan’s Gallery- juried and open show, Waitsfield Vt.: August 3- Sept. 9. Delivery July 29 & 30, 10:30 AM to 5 PM. Opening August 11, 4-7 PM

Reed Gallery, Chester, Vermont open show- opens Sept. 12
Southern Vermont Fine Arts Center, Manchester, Vermont juried show in December


John Lynch one day workshop, Queechee, Vt . Sponsored by Pegasus Gallery. Sunday August 12 from 11 AM to 4 Pm. Cost $30.00. Limit 15 people. Contact Sheryl Trainor if you are interested: 802-296-7693 (see below for a description of John Lynch’s style. Etc. under Annette Compton’s announcement).
John will also have a show at the Pegasus Gallery Aug. 10- Sept. 3.

NEW!!! Our own Rob O’Brien will give a fall workshop as follows:

Robert O’Brien VWS will conduct a one day workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Woodstock Vt. Oct 27th 2007 from 9:30 am to 4 pm.
The course will focus on landscape painting with a focus on painting the colors of autumn. General watercolor techniques will be reviewed with an emphasis on values and composition. There will be a demonstration by the instructor to start with class painting to follow. A critique will be held at the end of class. Students are encouraged to provide their own photographs for reference material. A materials list will be furnished upon request.
The cost of the workshop is $65 for members, $70 for non-members.



Members Annelein Beuchencamp and Lisa Beach are giving classes and workshops- go here for info:


VWS Member Rob O’Brien is teaching here as well as many other well-known artists:

From Annette Compton:


John approaches watercolor differently: in thick, joyous
blobs of color. Join him on location for his third summer—

• Watercolor in Woodstock

August 1 through 5, 2007
Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm
4 days 9 am - 4 pm, with an hour lunch break
Monday Critique 9 am - 12 noon
$390.00 per person

Enjoy Vermont during our beautiful summer while studying with this effervescent and talented artist from London. We go to many local gardens and farms to enjoy painting on site. John says, “This watercolor workshop on location in beautiful Woodstock, Vermont will have a strong focus on shadow and light and will favour an impressionistic approach towards painting. Those attending will be encouraged to find their own individual style and spirit, and to create their own reality from the world they see around them. Techniques in colour theory should not be forgotten, but should also not get in the way of risk-taking and experimentation with the medium. Mark making, splash effects, colour bleeding and unconventional colour usage including gouache and white paint will be covered in each of the four painting days on location. This is the workshop for painters who want to create vibrant watercolors and works of art that transcend the everyday and release their spirits through painting.” You’ll enjoy John’s relaxed approach as have many others. This is his third summer teaching for Compton ART.

A maximum of 12 people will be at the workshop each day. There is a possibility that we will take people on a daily basis unless the workshop fills. As the workshop gets closer, we'll post the materials list here on the website.


It is with great pleasure that the Burlington, Vermont, Heineberg Senior and
Community Center announces the opening of IMAGERY, our exciting new program
for artists and poets. Our first artist-and-poet-of-the-month, beginning
Friday, September 7, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., in the HSCC Gallery at 14 Heineberg
Road, Burlington, will be a very talented husband and wife team.

Victoria Shalvah Herzberg came to Vermont from Houston,Texas. She was
selected to attend Vermont Artist's Week at Vermont Studio Center in 2005.
Victoria joined Two Rivers Print Making Studio that same year. Two of her
paintings were selected for postcard announcements of Vermont Watercolor
Society exhibit openings, and in 2006, she became a signature member of VWS.
Victoria's work has been shown in many local venues as well as state-wide
with VWS.

Don Herzberg was born in Los Angeles and raised in Houston, Texas. He
received his MD in 1968 from Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Louis. While practicing medicine in the early 90's he began studying
poetry, and eventually came here to Burlington College to study with Dana
Levin. In February 2002, Don was a resident at Vermont Studio Center and
that fall entered the New England College Creative Writing Program in
Poetry, receiving his MFA in 2004. He has published poems in the "Northern
New England Review", the "Alembic" and, in collaboration with his wife,
published a collection entitled, "Our Land: Prints and Poems".

We happily invite all of you organization presidents, and your members to
mark your calenders and join us in this celebration of art and poetry. In
the meantime, go to for a copy of our IMAGERY Proposal, follow
the instructions, and be a part of this breakthrough adventure.

Thanks to all of you for helping get IMAGERY started,

Regina Murray

NOTE: This is an invitation to submit your work for future pairings with poets as well as to attend this event. Congratulations, Vickie and Don. They responded to Regina’s initial invitation to VWS members.

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Peter Jeziorski has alerted us to a juried show at the Hunter Gallery in Grafton, Vt. (where he is currently showing). Entries are due July 13. Go here for information:

Please remember that this newsletter is posted on the Vermont Watercolor Society website under “this Just In. Please bookmark the site- you can refer back to archived newsletters from March 2006.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

VWS-Are you confused yet? More corrections!

If you're not confused, you should be!! I don't know what gremlins got into my head, but there is yet another mistake in some of my emails and on the form to send in for the Spring Meeting.
Here are the true facts:

Spring Meeting Date: _ SUNDAY, JUNE 3 2007_


W. LEBANON, N.H. 03784




See you there!

Cynthia Crawford
VWS President

Monday, May 21, 2007

VWS IMPORTANT! Corrections! 5-21-07

OOPS! I put the due date for sign-ups for the Spring Meeting as June 30. Make that MAY 30!! (Unless you want to arrive after the meeting…..)

So sorry….

A few other reminders, while I’m at it.

If you are picking up works at the Green Mountain Gallery, remember they are CLOSED tomorrow. (Tuesday.)

Ann McFarren, who looks after our show at the Cortina, sent me this additional reminder:

Thanks for the reminder to members to change artwork at Cortina . Also they need to remember to have mailing address and phone number info on attached slip for my records.If they haven't given me a biography I would appreciate that also.

Please extend a warm welcome another new member- Chase Delaney from Sharon, Vermont.

I hope that’s all the corrections for now.

Cindy Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

VWS SPRING MEETING FORM and info 5-16-07

Spring Greetings everyone!

Apologies for this rather late update. An unpleasant encounter with a speeding truck from behind me totaled my car and threw off my schedule for a while. (I’m fine). Enclosed you will find a form to fill out for the Spring meeting. Please send your checks and commitments as soon as possible. A paper version of this form will also be sent out, but the fastest way to get this done is to print out the form from this message. Please remember, this will also be on our web page:

First, though, a bit of news and some reminders:
Judson Pealer’s Painting “MME. Pealer” was chosen to represent VWS on the postcard for our upcoming show at the Miller Arts Center. Congratulations, Jud!

Miller Gallery show: June 30- August 10. Bring ONE entry June 23- 11AM to 4 PM .

REMINDER: Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery Show ends on May 20. 2007. Pick-up is May 21-26 during gallery hours. (11-6 daily except Tuesdays). We will notify you before pick-up time if your work has been sold.

REMINDER: When you come to the Spring Meeting, if you have any watercolors on display at the Inn, it is time to remove or replace them. Prints are acceptable, as are metal frames. If you are new you may bring 1 or 2 works for display as this is an on-going open show. For more information, please contact Anne McFarren

Check at the front desk for inventory.


Sunday, June 2, 2007
Cortina Inn, 103 US Route 4, Killington Vermont 05751
(We are 7 miles East of Rutland, VT on US Route 4 on the left side of the road. We are 3 miles West of the junction of Routes 100 & 4 on the right side of the road.
En Route Call 800-451-6108)
10 AM-4:30 PM

10 AM: Steering Committee/Officers Meeting
11 AM Set-up
11:30 AM Arrivals, check-in
12:15 PM Seating, Luncheon, Business Meeting
2-Old Business
3-New Business
1:30-2 Informal break/Slide show- Images from American Watercolor Society
2 PM Presentation: VWS Survey Results
3 PM: Discussion
4-4:30 PM closure-take down
These times are approximate, but DO be on time for the beginning of the meeting at 12:15 and DO plan to stay for the Presentation and Discussion. Plan to arrive at least by 12 to check in, preferably earlier. The ideas that come from our Survey Presentation and Discussion will be vital to the future of our Society- in fact, probably relevant to it’s ultimate survival. We have had very good, positive feedback from you, our members, and we have heard from you where you would like to see VWS go in the future. Your participation will be essential to realize these ambitions. The best way to prepare for this discussion is to think about how you can play a part in implementing those things that you wish to see happen.

Just for Fun!

Bring a 2”x2” piece of watercolor paper painted with your favorite colors on it (no images-just color). We will make some sort of mosaic with the pieces. Who knows what will happen after that!

During the break you will have an opportunity to see what the top artists are doing in the American Watercolor society via a slide show.
There will be some information about workshops and possibly some materials to explore. Stay tuned.

The details: Fill out the tear-off section below and send, along with a check for $22.00 per person, made out to Vermont Watercolor Society, to:

Everett Webber, treasurer, VWS
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784.

These must be IN HAND by May 30. Keep in mind that May 28 is a holiday and there will be no mail service. There will be no refunds for cancellations after May 30 except in the case of a dire emergency.

NOTE: Please come “unscented”- i.e. no perfumes , colognes or scented products and tobacco odors, due to allergies of several members of this Society to these products. DO bring a friend or family member, especially if you know someone who might be interested in joining.

1. Chef’s Salad
Mixed salad greens with ham, cheese, turkey, swiss and cheddar cheese, hard boiled egg,
tomatoes, onions, cucumbers with choice of dressing, Soup of the Day and Fresh Baked Rolls

2. Roast Vermont Turkey Sandwich
Open Face Native Turkey with Sliced Apples, Melted Cheddar Cheese, Cranberry Relish,
served with Soup of the Day and Cortina Chips

If you are a vegetarian, choose “Chef’s Salad” and indicate “vegetarian”.

See you there!

Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2007-2007

TEAR OFF--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vermont Watercolor Society Spring Meeting June 3, 2007 Cortina Inn, Killington Vermont



Amount____________________ ($22.00 per person)

Phone____________________ email___________________

Meal choices: Pick one meal
1.Chef’s Salad (#)_______vegetarian (#)__________
2.Roast Vermont Turkey Sandwich (#)____________
Special Dietary Needs____________

Due Date: Must be received by June 30, 2007
Send to:
Everett Webber, 5 Longwood Lane West Lebanon, N.H. 03784 ph. 603-643-5450

Sunday, May 06, 2007

VWS Newsletter 5-6-07

Call for Entries:

Our open show at the Miller Gallery in Springfield, Vt. is coming right up. If you would like to submit an image for consideration for the POST CARD invitation, please send either a slide , labeled with the title, your name, price and size, or a CD with the same information and a 300dpi 4”x5” image to:

Rob O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Center Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151

If you want you slide or CD back, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your entry.

ONE entry per person
Deadline, May 15.
You must be a current, paid-up member if you were the post card “winner” in the last year you do not qualify for this entry.

Other News:

On another note…
My sincere apologies to Lisa Beach, who did a wonderful demo at the Green Mountain Gallery at the opening. I mistakenly reported that Ayn Riehle was the artist. (Sorry also, Ayn….) Open mouth, insert foot.


Green Mountain Gallery Show ends on May 20. 2007. Pick-up is May 21-26 during gallery hours. (11-6 daily except Tuesdays). We will try to notify you if your work has been sold.

Spring Meeting: Sunday, June 3, 11:30 AM, Cortina Inn in Rutland

ALSO, at the Cortina: We have an ONGOING open show there. If you have work that has been there for a while, plan to pick it up and bring 2-3 replacements if you wish. If you are new, you can bring 2-3 paintings or prints, well- framed and labeled with your name, address, phone #, title and price. These should be replaced every few months with new work. These paintings are placed all over the Inn. While security is very good there, it is “hang at your own risk”.

Miller Gallery show: June 30- August 10. Bring ONE entry June 23- 11AM to 4 PM .

Check for news updates at:

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

VWS Newsletter 4-30-07

Greetings Watercolorists. Looks like a wet in wet day today. Just hold your paper out the window and….

Anyway, it’s time to rev up the engines for our Spring Meeting.. which is wandering into summer. I recall telling several people it was going to be on May 20. Well, we couldn’t get space on that date at the Cortina Inn, so we took the next available date.

The Spring Meeting will be held at the Cortina Inn in Rutland, Vermont on Sunday, June 3, 2007. We will have check-in at 11:30 and a luncheon at 12-12:30. Much of the meeting will be a presentation by Jan Olmstead and the survey team. Last week we went through the results to compile the data and make some sense out of it, so you will be getting a VERY professional overview compliments of Jan, who has made this an extremely generous contribution to VWS. This survey was generated from Jan’s business-Derby Management. ( We are hoping that from this effort we can discuss your interests, meet the needs of the Society, and put us all on firm ground with a 3-year plan.

There will be other discussions and events on the program to be announced. The meeting will end at approximately 4:30. See you there!

Cortina Inn:

Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery Show:

We had a nice turn-out for the opening of this show, and enjoyed a terrific display of very diverse and professional work. If you haven’t been there yet, please go and have a look. Sandy and Scott Noble, the Gallery owners, went all out to accommodate a large show in a relatively small space, and did so beautifully. Thank you, Sandy and Scott! In addition, 3 artists were doing demos- Sean Callahan , Lisa Beach, and Bob Sydorowich. It was a real treat to watch them paint. Some of our newer members got in this show and I was especially pleased to have the opportunity to get acquainted- thank you all for coming.

By the way- there was one omission on the list of accepted entries. Liza Myers’ painting “Champlain Moon” was also in the show.

Now in case you have gotten lazy with your brushes, it’s time to get busy again. We have 4 more shows this year.

Our next venue is at the Miller Art Center in Springfield, Vermont. This is an OPEN show- (not juried). Each Member can bring ONE painting for the show, which will be from June 30 to August 10. The opening is Saturday, June 30 from 3-5 PM.
You can deliver your work on June 23 from 11 AM to 4 PM. We will be providing some of the refreshments. This could be a possible volunteer opportunity, to help serve refreshments and possibly co-ordinate donations. You will get more specific details about this part of the show in the next newsletter. Framing should be high quality wooden frames, properly affixed with hanging wire. Mats should be white or off-white.

Following this show, we will be included in this year’s Festival of the Arts in the Mad River Valley. This is a very big event, drawing thousands of people. I happened to be at the Vermont Welcome Center on rt. 91 the other day, and found a nice brochure for the event with VWS listed as one of the features1
Some of the details:

SPONSOR: The Artisan's Gallery, Bridge Street, Waitsfield, Vermont

DATES OF SHOW: August 3 to September 9, 2007
ARTIST'S RECEPTION: August 11, 2007 4:00 to 7:00 pm
DROP OFF: July 29 & 30 10:30 am to 5:00 pm
PICK UP: September 9 & 10 10:30 am to 5:00 pm
ENTRIES: Entries to be juried before hanging
One entry per person
Outside frame dimensions not to exceed 24" in any direction
Neutral colored mats preferred
Wooden frames preferred (metal frames accepted if of good quality)
All work must be wired, ready for hanging and framed to archival standards
Full contact information, title and price to be prominently placed on back of work
ORIGINALITY STATEMENT: all entrants will be asked to sign a document stating that the work is original to the artist and is not, either in whole or a part, copied from another piece of art
UNACCEPTED WORKS: pick up any time during gallery hours (daily from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm) or at the artist's reception
THEME: un-themed (looking for a diverse show)
COMMISSION: 40% with 10% returned to the Vermont Watercolor Society
JUROR: provided by Artisan's Gallery

ALTERNATES: a number of pieces will be held as replacements should pieces be sold. Some pieces not juried into the Artisan’s Gallery may be hung in restaurants, B&Bs, etc. throughout town.

Many thanks to Gary Eckhart for negotiating this wonderful opportunity for us.

Following the show in Waitsfield, we will have another show at the Reed Gallery in September, followed by a juried show in December at the Southern Vermont Arts center. Our annual Meeting is held in November.

Other News:

Painting and workshop opportunities:

Rob O’Brien will give the following workshop at the Great River Arts Institute in Bellows Falls Vermont. Contact Rob for more details:

2 Day Workshop limited to 10
May 19 – May 20 - 2007, 9:30AM – 4:00 PM
Tuition: $185
Celebrate spring with a floral painting workshop in watercolor with award winning artist, Robert O ’ Brien AWS NWS. Students will learn basic floral painting techniques, with an emphasis on values and composition. One session will focus on painting from photographs of flowers in an artistic setting. The other session will concentrate on painting from life. There will be a critique and class discussion at the end of each day.
ROBERT O ’ BRIEN works primarily with watercolor and pastels. He is a traditional painter of landscape, floral and architectural studies. He has studied with James Whatford, Tony Couch, and the late Marshall Joyce AWS and is a member of: The American Watercolor Society; National Watercolor Society: North East Watercolor Society; New England Watercolor Society; Academic Artists Association; Southern Vermont Artists; Central New York Watercolor Society; Vermont Watercolor Society; Chester Art Guild; Springfield Art and Historical Society.

Robert J. O'Brien
2811 Weathersfield Ctr Road
Perkinsville, VT 05151

VWS Special Opportunity:

Sheryl Trainor, our VWS Secretary and owner of Pegasus Gallery, has offered to sponsor a one day workshop with John Lynch. John comes every year to visit , teach and exhibit at the Pegasus Gallery. He will be having a show there August 10-Sept. 2.

John’s painting classes are always delightful and well-attended. The date will be Sunday, August 12- (the day after our opening at the Artisan’s Gallery). More details to follow.

Reminder: These newsletters are published on out web site under “this just in”.

NOTE: If you are getting these emails but have not renewed for 2007, this will be your last email. You are welcome to rejoin VWS at any time, but you will need to contact out treasurer to make arrangements. All the information you need is on the web page.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2006-2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

VWS News- Green Mountain Juried show results


It’s been a looong week with power outages and delays of all sorts. Here, finally, are the juried show results for the Green Mountain Fine Arts Gallery:

Beach Lisa Trout Club porch
Beaney Judy Summer Shadows
Bergeron Kathleen Stowe Restaurant
Beukenkamp Annelein Front and Center
Callahan Sean On the Lookout
Cannon Jean Mud Season #3
Casper Karen Only the Best for Mom
Clark Suzanne Treasure Trove
Cochran Isobel Queen Ann's lace
Cochran Isobel Dance of the Iris-R
Cornog Robert Peachy
Cornog Robert Three Pears-R
Crawford Cynthia How Now
Dayton Harry Papillion
DiNicola JoAnn Retired in Vermont
Ershow Sandra Owl's Head light
Gordon Ann Early Morning Garden
Gottesman Rebecca Through the Greenhouse
Gould Judith Sugar Snow
Gould Judith Flowering Fields-R
Hamilton Debbie The Howe Farm
Hamilton Debbie Stopping to Rest-R
Hamilton Owen Sugar Snow
Harissis Jane Providence Gate
Hayward Sandra Peony
Herzberg Vickie Studio Still Life
LaLiberte Judy Listening to Jimmy Buffet
Liggett Diane Intermission
Lloyd Mary Fran Spring Thaw
Newsham Charles Spring Fairway
Olmstead Jan Divergent Energies
Olmstead Jan The Guardians-R
Paul Colette Summer Field
Pealer Jud Beyond
Pealer Sandra Side by Side
Pealer Sandra Paper Whites-R
Pfaelzer Lou Tulips
Pfaelzer Lou Anemone + Tulip-R
Ravenhorst-Adams Kathy The Art Critic
Riley Dorothy Humpbacked Bridge
Riley Dorothy Windy Wash Day
Sciore Alice Beauty in the Forest
Somerset Theresa Lesser of 2 Evils
Somerset Theresa Pampered-R
Stone Nancy Mosaic
Sydorowich Bob Early Spring
Tate Jo Rights of Spring
Tate Jo White overture-R
Voight Brad Sugar Shack
Winters Nancy The First Flowers

Please excuse if titles and/or names are not quite correctly spelled- we had to do this in a hurry to get this out to you before the show! You will see an “R” after some of the titles. These are paintings that got in the show but are not hung. They are being held in reserve, to be put up when something sells. Signature status credit applies to ONE painting only, and only if that painting has not been given credit from a past show. There were 59 people entering the show and 137 paintings!! This was an enormous task for Green Mountain to process and we owe them many thanks for their very hard work- a week’s worth of processing, sorting and hanging. Congratulations to all who participated, whether you got in or not- everyone put a lot of effort into this show, often dealing with difficult weather conditions. You can all be proud of our Society and the people like Sandy and Scott Noble, owners of Green Mountain, who have helped to make the Society a super organization. And if you didn’t get in, don’t forget we will be having an open show next, in which everyone will be allowed one entry.

Please remember to be courteous and considerate and appreciative in your dealings with the owners of our hosting Galleries. Anyone with a complaint or concern can write directly to me or one of our officers. This letter is sent from a mail server with a different address than the one I prefer for correspondence. Write to me at:

Any work not accepted in this show may be picked up at the gallery during regular gallery hours, 11-6 daily except Tuesdays, from now till April 29. At the end of the show, works not sold can be picked up form May 21-26, same hours.

There is a lovely write-up about our show on the gallery web site here:

There will be three artists, Sean Callahan, Bob Sydorowich and Lisa Beach doing demos during the opening-(Sunday April 22, 3-6 PM ). See you there!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS president 2006-2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

VWS Newslwtter 4-3-07

Greetings, and Happy Spring to you all. We are about to embark on our first show of the year at the Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery. Below is the information for entry once again:

Call for Entries:

This juried show will run from April 20th through May 20th, 2007. An opening reception and watercolor Demos will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 3-6 PM.

Artists may submit up to 2 paintings to be judged by jury. The number of paintings accepted will depend on the strength of the watercolors submitted.

Metal frames are OK as long as they are GOOD QUALITY. ( They must have regular wire hangers-no single hooks). Mats should be WHITE or OFF-WHITE and paintings should be properly prepared for hanging. Glass or plexi-glass should be UV protected. There are no size restrictions. (Use sturdy, high-quality wood or metal frames with secure wire. Label on the back:

Title of Painting
Your name, address and phone number
Size of painting

The gallery will accept 45% of the proceeds for the work sold. Price your paintings accordingly.

Paintings may be dropped off at the Gallery between April 11th-April 13th between the hours of 11-6.


If your entry is not juried in, you may pick it up at the opening reception or make special arrangements with the gallery. Please make every effort to come to the opening, even if you do not get into this show. It is always a wonderful and educational experience to see our work hung in a gallery. If you are new to VWS, it is a great way to see what kind of work people are doing in the Society. Don’t forget, however, if you don’t get into this show, that these choices reflect the taste and interest of this particular gallery, and this does not necessarily mean that your work would not be accepted at a different gallery. Some of the juried decisions we have encountered over the years included, besides quality of work:

1. Does it suit the theme of the show ? (if there is one)
2. How much space is there in the gallery ?
3. Is the work well presented ? (framing and matting)
4. Does the work fit harmoniously with the other works chosen? (i.e.- how does the show look as a whole)
5. Are there too many paintings of one subject? (say, barns, cats, trees, whatever).
6. Each gallery has it’s own preferences for style, color, technique, etc.

I look forward to seeing everyone, and meeting some of our new members on April 22.
By the way, this is a good opportunity to make use of the membership list to car-pool, both for getting your work to the gallery and attending the show.

New Members:

Please welcome:

Louisa Pfaelzer from Morrisvile, Vt.


Liza Myers invites you to join her in Peru
for An Artist's Journey 2007, July 3-12
Paint, write, photograph, sketch, contemplate the mysteries and
This is an opportunity to BE in Peru with a group of creative people;
the emphasis being on personal artistic choice.
Take the time to fully see, and fully experience the Sacred Valley of
the Incas,
where the Urubamba River rushes and tumbles through the steep,
terraced valleys of the high Andes on its way to the rainforest.

The nature of this immersion is intense, but we will keep the pace as
individualized as possible.
Within our flexible schedule there will be room for thoughtful artistic
and cultural exploration.
Time to draw, paint, write and/or photograph will be part of each day.

Each of the fabulous areas where we'll spend time is chosen for its
uniqueness and beauty.
We will travel to each location and experience that site in an
unhurried way.
Liza, who is bi-lingual in English and Spanish, will be available for
painting consultation, plein air demonstration and translation.
For detailed information please check

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007

VWS newsletters online:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

VWS Reminders and more news

Hello again-

Just a brief note to thank those of you who have filled out our VWS Survey, and remind/encourage the rest of you to do it now. It will only take a few minutes, and the more people that participate, the better it is for all of us. Here’s the link again:

The Survey will end on Monday March 19 at 6 PM. We’ve really had a very good response so far- let’s go for 100%!

By the way, if you have not renewed your membership for 2007, please do so ASAP. And if you are resigning from VWS we would appreciate it if you could do the survey, adding a note that you are not planning to continue your membership. If you are leaving because you are unhappy with VWS, it would be helpful to know what went wrong for you. (I hope we don’t get any of those…..)

Now, for some news:

Congratulations to Alice Sciore, whose painting “”Beauty in the Forest” was chosen by the Green Mountain Gallery to be on the post card announcing our show there. We had a large entry of excellent work this time- a good indication of enthusiasm for this show.

Here’s the Show information again:


If you have questions do NOT call the gallery! Please contact me.

Call for Entries:

This juried show will run from April 20th through May 20th, 2007. An
opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 3-6 PM.

Artists may submit up to 2 paintings to be judged by jury. The number of
paintings accepted will depend on the strength of the watercolors submitted.

Metal frames are OK as long as they are GOOD QUALITY. ( They must have
regular wire hangers-no single hooks). Mats should be WHITE or OFF-WHITE
and paintings should be properly prepared for hanging. Glass or
plexi-glass should be UV protected. There are no size restrictions. (Use
sturdy, high-quality wod or metal frames with secure wire. Label on the

Title of Painting
Your name, address and phone number
Size of painting

The gallery will accept 45% of the proceeds for the work sold. Price
your paintings accordingly.

Paintings may be dropped off at the Gallery between April 11th-April
13th between the hours of 11-6.




From Regina Brault- a special offer:

Subject: artists and poets working together
Hello members of Vermont Watercolor Society,

On behalf of the Heineberg Senior and Community Center of Burlington,
Vermont, I have been communicating with your president, Cindy Crawford,
about a program called IMAGERY, which unites artists and poets in a new and
exciting celebration of art and poetry. I have been working on this plan
for several months, and am now ready to offer you our proposal. This
proposal addresses what each participant will be doing, and I am confident
this 4 page document will answer every body's questions. To request your
copy, please e-mail us at You will be sent your copy
via e-mail, in an attachment. Please tell your fellow artists who do not
have e-mail addresses that they can either ask a friend to make them a copy,
or request a copy by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Heineberg
Senior and Community Center14 Heineberg Road, Burlington, VT 05401,
Attention: Regina Brault. They will need to use enough postage to cover a 4
page document. I thank you for your interest, and hope to hear from you
soon. Regina Murray Brault

from VWS member Rob O’Brien:

Gibson House B& B workshop

VWS member Robert O’Brien AWS NWS will be conducting a summer workshop at the Gibson House Bed & Breakfast Inn, Route 10, Haverhill, NH, July 31st to August 3rd, 2007.

The class is open to all abilities and will focus on plein air painting in the watercolor medium with some classroom instruction. The class will run from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm for the first 3 days and to 12:30 pm on the final day. Students should bring outdoor painting gear such as a portable easel, umbrella, and a folding chair for those who wish to sit.

The Gibson House is located in the beautiful upper Connecticut River valley in the historic village of Haverhill NH. There are many painting subjects to be found nearby. A large closed in porch at the rear of the building, with a spectacular view of the valley, will provide a painting space in case of rain.

The class will begin with a demonstration by the instructor to be followed by class painting with a critique at the end of each day. The instructor will provide hands on assistance to each student during the class painting. There will be a general discussion about different aspects of the painting process daily and class participation is encouraged.

The price includes four nights stay at the Inn, breakfast and lunch, and the cost of the workshop. The workshop is open to commuting day students at a reduced fee.

For more information and to register, please contact Marty Cohen at at 1 800 989-2150, or email:

To view the Gibson House log on to
From VWS member Peter/Paedra Bramhall:

I rent a wonderful cabin during the warm part of the year that I am
sure artists/watercolorists would very much like to come and stay in
and paint . I would be very willing to donate to VWS 10% of any stay
if there is some way of listing this thru VWS. This is just one
cabin . Here is its web site. Let me know what you think. Thank you.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2007