This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Friday, December 05, 2008

VWS additional information for juried postcard SVAC, and some imaging info.

Hello again

I forgot to clarify a few things about the request for postcard images for Southern Vermont Art Center:

SVAC puts together a catalog for the year- hence the early jurying for the postcard. CDs are for ONE image per person. Please label with your name, title, size price of painting, and contact info- email, phone, address.

I've been asked about how to make a CD and getting images of your paintings a lot, so here's a brief overview:

People make CDs by various means- usually you go to a place where they can scan or photograph your work and put it on a CD.
Ask for several versions for your use. One at low resolution (72dpi) that can go on a web site, One at high resolution (300dpi), full size, if you want something that can be printed. And if you don't know how to re-size an image, ask for a 4" x5" 300dpi version. When you get your CD home, put it into your computer and drag the images off the CD . Put them in a folder on your desktop or somewhere that you can find them. (Dragging them off the CD doesn't remove them-it just duplicates them). Eject the CD and store it someplace safe. To send something for a postcard or juried show, put a blank CD in your computer, drag the 4"x5" 300dpi image onto the blank CD dialogue, burn the CD and be sure to label it with the title(s), your name, painting size and price. If more than one image is on the CD, be sure the title of the image is the same as the title indicated on the CD. If you send #5409678, for instance, the juror won't know which painting that is. Guesses have been wrong! Check the CD to be sure your image actually got transferred. Blank CDs don't give you much of a chance. Again, this is just a copy- the image is still on your computer.

There are probably quite a few places you can get this work done for you- I only know of 2 where I live: Slide Specialists in W.Lebanon, N.H. or North Light Digital in White River Jct. Vt. (Tip Top building). Places that make copies , like Gnomon copy might also do this kind of work.

You can also take your own photos of your work, but it is a pretty special skill. Doing a web search for "photographing artwork" will get you a bunch of tutorials. I've seen quite a few home-created photos that don't do justice to the paintings, and may lower the chances that the work will be accepted by the juror. Typical problems are:
1. photo taken at an angle so painting looks smaller at one end.
2.Photo is blurry
3. frame is included in photo
4.colors are off (hard to get them right so they look good on someone else's screen)
5. photo is simply a number (see above)- no title

Etc.Etc. Not to be discouraging but if you want your art to look it's best in a digital image, you need to know what you are doing, or someone else should do it for you.

By the way, VWS DOES NOT jury artwork. Jurors are the gallery owners or someone independent hired by VWS to jury a show or images.

The image you send to Rob for Southern Vermont Art Center now is only for the post card. If you are chosen, you'll need to save that painting for the show in October. There will be another CD jury in the fall for the actual show.

I will likely do a VWS workshop of some sort on digital imaging next year if it looks like something useful for members.



posted by Cynthia Crawford VWS president 2006-2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

VWS Newsletter Dec.1 2008

Greetings once again, watercolorists. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This is just a brief note to give you a report on the Annual meeting and an important call for entries.


From Rob O'Brien, our show coordinator:

"Hi everyone,
I recently received the contract for our 2009 VWS exhibit at the Southern Vt. Arts Center. It's great that we are able to continue showing at this fine venue on an annual basis. That speaks highly of the quality of work that is represented in the show and of course, our society!
There are some minor changes for next years show. SVAC has raised its commission on works sold to 43% from the 40% it currently receives.
The dates of next years show will be October 31st through December 1st. The opening reception will be Saturday, Oct. 31 from 2 - 4pm. We will still be hung in Galleries 8 and 9.
Delivery date is Wednesday, October 28th. Delivery times will be shortened from 11am to 3pm. Of course, carpooling is encouraged. Pickup is Tuesday, Dec. 1 12 - 2pm.

We will again be jurying images for the catalogue. CDs or 4 x 5 color transparencies. No slides!
The CDs can be mailed to me (address below) and must be postmarked no later than December 15th. Any CD's to be returned to the artist must include SASE.
All materials are due at SVAC by December 27th."

Robert J. O'Brien
2811 Weathersfield Ctr Road
Perkinsville, VT 05151

REMINDER: Pick-up for this year's SVAC show is TOMORROW, Dec. 2 from 10AM to 2PM. Two paintings were sold!

Everyone attending had a good time, I think, enjoying out speaker, Woody, Jackson, round table discussions about fundraising, a GREAT book exchange (Thanks to Adrienne Fisk for the idea), and super goodie bags for those who stayed to the end. The vendors were also very engaging and of course the food was good as always. The Middlebury Inn has been a most gracious host for the past few meetings.
A special thanks to Annelein Beukenkamp for arranging most of these events.

BY-LAW revisions:
All revisions were passed. Please refer to your past mailed newsletters for details.

President: Jan Olmstead
Vice President: Karen Casper
Secretary: Gary Eckhart
Treasurer: Lois Macuga
Director of Volunteers: Lotetta Weitzel


Director of Communications and PR: Diane Bell
Director of Education and Events: Annelein Beukenkamp
Director of Exhibits: Robert O'Brien

A big congratulations to all, and a special thanks to outgoing officers Everett Webber, Treasurer, and Adrienne Fisk, Secretary. As for myself, I am planning to stay involved, and will be, first of all, helping the new Board to make the transition. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 3 years as President and will be staying in touch, I hope, with many of you through various events. New officers officially begin their terms of office in January 1, 2009.

You will hear more about the meeting from our new officers after the first of the year.


Meanwhile, please don't forget to pay your annual dues for 2009. If you are a current member, you will become, according to the new by-laws, "delinquent" for 2009 if you have not paid by December 31, 2008. You will still get newsletters and can redeem your status by paying anytime during the upcoming year. However, you cannot participate in shows or vote until you are paid up for the upcoming year (2009). If you did not pay dues at all for 2008, you still can- something you might want to do if you have signature status. After December 31, 2008, delinquent members for 2008 become "terminated" members for 2009, and lose their signature membership. You will also be deleted from the newsletter listing. Re-joining will re-establish membership, but signature membership will have to be earned all over again.
Send a check for $35.00 made out to Vermont Watercolor Society to our current Treasurer:
Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
W. Lebanon, N.H. 03784

You will receive notice as to where to send payment after Dec. 31st if you should happen to miss the deadline.

Happy Holidays, everyone, and here's to a prosperous and happy New Year.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

VWS NEWS 11-4-08

Good Morning!

Election Day!! Get out there and Vote!!
And while you’re at it, come to the VWS annual meeting for our exciting Presidential elections and more!

You should all have your paper copies of the newsletter in hand by now. (Thank you, Diane Bell, for another fine publication). Ummm- a bit of a discrepancy though….the cost for the meeting is $29.00. (As seen on the form on the VWS web site.) The newsletter says $30.00. So, if you’ve sent $30.00 you are entitled to a $1.00 refund, which will be given to you at the meeting. Or, you can write it off as a donation to VWS, if you’d prefer. Just let Everett Webber know so he can be prepared to dole out the cash or put you in the books for a $1.00. Sorry about that.
NOTE: The form for the meeting is also online, as always, in the “This Just In” page:

10:45 AM-11:45 AM Check-in, Social hour, visit vendors
12:-12:30 Welcome address and reports
12:30-1 PM Lunch (visit vendors, who leave at 1 PM)
1:00- 2:00 PM- Business meeting: Elections & by-law revisions
2:00-2:45 Pm Keynote speaker Woody Jackson
2:45- 3:00 PM Break
3:00-3:30 PM Round Table Discussions
3:30- 3:45 PM Reports from discussions, new Regional point persons
3:45-4:PM Wrap-up, Survey, Goodies, DOOR PRIZES! Spring Meeting announcement

Don’t forget to bring an Art Book, if you have one (or several) for the fund-raiser. This is a great opportunity to pick up that special book someone else doesn’t want, too. Mark hardcovers around $10.00(depending on condition), and Softcovers no more than $8.00. There will be a special table for this ongoing exchange. Thank You!!

Everett needs to have your forms and payments in hand by Wednesday, November 12. That’s REAL soon, so please sign up ASAP. HOWEVER, if you don’t make the deadline by mail, and still want to attend, you can call our treasurer, Everett Webber (603-643-5450) or email him, ( NO LATER THAN 10 AM on Friday Nov. 14. Tell him you plan to attend and how many are in your party. You can then pay when you arrive at the meeting. If you do not show up, you will still be charged. (We have to tell the Middlebury Inn how many people are attending by 10 AM Friday, so VWS will have to pay for that many meals.) (We do consider refunds if something occurs that is beyond your control to prevent you from attending. )

ANNUAL DUES: Also not mentioned in the “paper” newsletter: Annual dues are due anytime from Oct. 1 through December 31st. Now is a great opportunity to send you check for $35.00 dues along with you payment for the Annual meeting to:

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
W.Lebanon, N.H. 03784

As announced in the Newsletter, we have 12 new signature members this year. Congratulations to all. Certificates will be handed out at the upcoming Annual Meeting. If you have achieved signature membership but have not yet received your certificate, please let me know. ( We try to keep accurate records, but sometimes little miscommunications occur. (see above .) ;-)

“Artists may reside in any state, region or country.
There are four forms of membership in the VWS.
[1] Signature Member:
[a] Allows a member to use the initials VWS after her/his signature on watercolor paintings. To attain this form of membership, a member must be accepted into no less than three shows in a five year period with three different watercolors, by a jury/juror of specific Vermont Watercolor Society juried shows to obtain the right to put the initials "VWS" after her/his name.
[b] Signature Member status is forfeited, and the initials VWS can no longer be used when membership status is no longer in effect, when it has become terminated for any reason.
[2] Member:
[a] Open to any watercolor artist.
[b] Members may apply at any time to be upgraded to Signature Member in accordance with the procedure stated above.
[3] Honorary Member:
[a] The Board of Directors, hereinafter also referred to as the Board, may, for a variety of reasons, choose to award an honorary membership to a deserving individual.
[4] Lifetime Member:
[a] Anyone who has served as President of the VWS for one year or more is entitled to a Lifetime Membership at no cost.
[5] Voting rights:
[a] Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter
submitted to a vote of the members.”
Note: Elsewhere stated in the by-laws:
“[5] No Member shall be nominated, or elected in her/his absence unless such member has indicated intention to accept such office in writing prior to the election.
[6] Nomination for elected office and directorship positions shall be made from the floor, prior to the Membership vote, at the Annual Meeting in November.
[7] Proxy vote will not be allowed.”

Copies of the by-laws will be available at the Annual Meeting. Please read through the revisions in your newsletters and be prepared to vote on the changes. If you want a complete copy of the by-laws before the meeting, please email me and I will send you an attachment.

Rob O’Brien reports that our show at the Southern Vermont Art Center looks great, and the gallery is very pleased with the quality of work. If you missed the opening, you can still see the show until Dec. 2. Rob was interviewed by the Manchester Journal about VWS and this show, so if you live near-by, look for the article..(and save us a copy if you can- thanks!)

Pegasus Gallery: Closing Party this Friday, Nov. 7, 5-7 PM. Thanks , Sheryl Trainor, for all your VWS support over the years. We are sorry to see this fine little gallery go.

SEE YOU at the ANNUAL MEETING , if not sooner!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2008

VWS web site:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

VWS News and Announcements

VWS announcements 10-23-08
Hello again- a few announcements that slipped by the last newsletter:

SHOWS: Southern Vermont Art Center: If you were accepted into this show, you are being asked to please send a bio to :
Jocelyn Grayson
Southern Vermont Arts Center
West Road
Manchester, Vermont 05254
Please indicate that this is for the Vermont Watercolor Show.
Southern Vermont Art Center successful entries must be delivered on Oct. 29 from 10 AM to 4 PM. Opening reception is on Saturday Nov. 1 from 2-4 PM.


The Pegasus Gallery, owned by member Sheryl Trainor, who has hosted several shows with us, is having a gallery closing party on Friday, November 7 from 5-7 PM. There will also be a final show there with works by Sheryl Trainor and Annette Compton, our former President, opening on Friday, Oct. 24, 5-7 PM.
(Normally I don’t announce individual shows, but this is in conjunction with the Gallery closing event…).


I also got this note from Barbara McAdam afrom the Hood Museum at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.:

Dear Ms. Crawford,

I don't know if you have an easy way to access your members, but I thought next Wednesday's lecture at the Hood might be of particular interest to your group. If you are able to spread the word, I'd be grateful.
On Wed., October 29, at 5:30 pm at the Loew Auditorium of the Hood Museum of Art, Judith C. Walsh will present a lecture entitled "Watercolor Technique from Winslow Homer to John Marin: Methods and Mentors Shaping the California-Style Watercolorists."

This is presented in conjunction with our current exhibition "Coastline to Skyline: The Philip H. Greene Gift of California Watercolors, 1930-1960," on view through January 4.

Judith C. Walsh is Associate Professor in Paper Conservation at Buffalo State College and a dynamic speaker with deep expertise in her field. She was for many years a paper conservator at the National Gallery of Art and is one of the foremost authorities on American watercolors. For more details on her biography, please see the following link:

Thanks so much.


Barbara J. MacAdam
Jonathan L. Cohen Curator of American Art
Hood Museum of Art
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755

And from member JoAnn Pippin:

Applications for the program are accepted beginning November and must be received by
January 5 for consideration for the following season. Notification will be made by April.
There is a $25 non-refundable application fee for applying to the residency.

The Artist-In-Residence Program offers professional writers, composers,
and all visual and performing artists the opportunity to pursue their
particular art form while surrounded by the inspiring landscape of the park.
In the spring and fall, the park provides housing to participants for two-week
to four-week periods. No additional stipend is available.
In return, participating artists are asked to donate to the park collection
a piece of work representative of their style and their stay. These creative works
will be displayed on a rotating schedule or shared with the public through other
appropriate means during the upcoming seasons. Artists are also asked to participate
in one public program per week of their residency such as demonstrations, talks,
exploratory hikes, or performances. In the fall, artists work with fourth--eighth
grade students. Programs can be tailored to your medium, interests, and experiences,
and only consume a few hours of your stay.



VWS ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday Nov. 16, 2008 at the Middlebury Inn in Middlebury, Vt.. You will be receiving a postal newsletter very son with all the information and a sign-up form. If you want t sign up now, please use the form published on our website:
Look in the Oct. 14 newsletter.
I look forward to seeing many of you there- this will be my last meeting, after three wonderful years as your President.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

VWS NEWS 10-14-08

Greetings Members. Here’s the latest news, hot off the press:


Southern Vermont Art Center
Manchester, Vt.
Nov.1- Dec.2, 2008.
DELIVERY: Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10 AM- 4 PM
Saturday, Nov. 1, 2008 2 PM- 4 PM

I’m sure you’re all anxious to hear who got in this latest juried show at Southern Vermont Art Center. There were 100 paintings entered!! And only 27 could be chosen.
Congratulations to the following:
Here are the results:

Artist Title size(in) price

1. Penny Arms “Almost Home” 17.5 x 21.5 $575
2. Judith Beany “Poppies” 11 x 14 $300
3. Annelein Beukenkamp “Fabric, Fruit and Flowers” 15 x 22 $1200
4. Jean Cannon “Green Peppers” 7 x 17 $400
5. Judith Carbine “Andover Relic” 18 x 22 $500
6. Karen Casper “Steeple Clock” 15 x 15 $475
7. Laurence Coffin “Regatta” 22 x 14 $350
8. Mildred Davison “Grand-Pere” 14 x 18 $800
9. Harry Dayton “Rockingham at Twilight” 22 x 30 $975
10. Joan Drew “Mise en Place” 22 x 28 $600
11. Lyn DuMoulin “Conversation on Lowes Lake”21 x 15 $650
12. Jane Harissis “Florence Scooters” 23 x 21.5 $400
13. Peter Huntoon “Octoberfest” 28 x 34 $1200
14. Peter Jeziorski “Bringing Home the Sap” 22 x 28 $825
15. Cheryl Johnson “Nightwatcher” 16 x 20 $500
16. Donna Koutrakos “Sunday, Central Park $900
17. Judith Lalberte “Sweet and Sour” 28 x 22 $800
18. Marni McKitrick “Spring Flourish” 15 x 18 $400
19. Robert O’Brien “Red Peony” 25 x 36 $2300
20. Sandra Pealer “Vermont Summers” 22 x 28 $650
21. Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams “Autumn Leaves” 22 x 28 $1050
22. Dorothy Riley “Place Near Peru” 22 x 28 $600
23. Marcia Shipman “Time to Get Up, Baby” 16 x 20 $350
24. Cath Stockbridge “Pinocchio Rose” 20 x 24 $700
25. Robert Sydorowich “Covered Bridge, W. Arlington” 22 x 28 $800
26. Jo Tate “Dancer Profile” $300
27. Everett Webber “Relaxing” 30 x 22 $1600


As of October 1, 2008, until December 31 2008, dues for 2009 are now officially due. After December 31, dues will be considered “delinquent”. Send your checks for $35.00, made out to “Vermont Watercolor Society” to:

Everett Webber
5 Longwood Lane
West Lebanon, N.H. 03784

Please put a note on the check: VWS Dues 2009.
If you just joined VWS as of October 1 or later, your payment will be applied to 2009, when you become an official member. You are, however, invited and encouraged to attend any activities from now on. You are especially welcome at the Annual Meeting (see below). Come and find out what we’re all about and meet your colleagues. You will not be able to vote, however , unless you signed up before October 1, 2008. (You can remedy that by paying an additional $35.00 for the year 2008 if you wish.)


The date has been set for Nov. 16, 2008 at the Middlebury Inn, Middlebury, Vt.
We will have lots of exciting “doings” including a guest speaker (Woody Jackson), prizes, elections, awards, vendors, and great food. There will be a more formal announcement sent to you by mail shortly. However, if you would like to sign up early and send your check for the meeting along with your dues, please send $29.00 per person for the meeting to Everett Webber at the address above.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ATTEND! Bring a friend, or a spouse. Bring someone who might like to join!

Be sure to indicate the following: (Print this if you can)

Member Name_______________________________________________________________________




Email Address_____________________________________________

Number of people attending________________

Amount enclosed_______________________


NOTE: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scented products to this event to accommodate members with allergies/athsma

Write "VWS annual meeting 2008" on your $29.00 check.
By the way, this price includes a meal, (which includes meal tax and gratuities, )meeting room rental, and administrative expenses.


A little reminder: all newsletters are published on our website
Look under “This Just In”
There is a member list online. If you want to be included on this list, please contact our webmaster, Melissa Snyder:

Members are not, at this time, automatically included on this list because some people prefer NOT to be on it.

You can also talk to Melissa about having your own enhanced page on our site for a very reasonable price.


At Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. WED. OCT 15:

15 October, Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Arthur M. Loew Auditorium
"California-Style" Watercolors and the Regionalist Impulse in American Art
Barbara J. MacAdam, Jonathan L. Cohen Curator of American Art, Hood Museum of Art
A reception will follow in Kim Gallery.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2006-2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

VWS NEWS 10-1-08

Fall greetings everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful foliage and preparing your paintings for our final show this year.


Southern Vermont Art Center Juried Show:
November 1- December2, 2998.
Opening reception: Saturday, Nov. 1st 2:00-4:00 PM

Entries: 2 slides or 2 images on CD, must be POSTMARKED by October 6 2008.
For this entry 72 DPI is sufficient. Image size can be 4x5, 5x6 or 6x8 (approximate).
Overall Dimensions: Maximum Frame size: 42” in any direction.
Use a sturdy frame with a white or off-white mat and GLASS.
Works MUST be for sale. Only ONE entry will be accepted. Delivery by hand only on Wednesday Oct. 29., 10 AM-4 PM.
Removal: Tuesday, Dec. 2, 12-2 Pm.
Send your entries to:
Rob O’Brien
2811 Weathersfield Rd.
Perkinsville, Vt. 05151

LABEL top of slide or CD with:
Title of your painting
Your Name

Use labels provided with your green flyer- send 1 with your entries to Rob, put 1 your painting if you get in. Or make 3 of these:




Rob O’Brien’s Painting workshop is this Saturday, October 4. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late. You can call Everett Webber at (603) 643-5450 until 6 PM Thursday, Oct. 2, or Rob at (802) 263-9394 until Friday Oct. 3 at 6 PM. Pay $70.00 at the door. Limit is 15 participants, so you may get in or not, depending on current statistics. For more info, go to our web site:


Save the date: NOVEMBER 16, 2008 at the Middlebury Inn, Middlebury, Vermont. It’s going to be an exciting and varied event- please consider coming- this is an excellent way to meet your fellow members and support VWS. This is the meeting where we hold elections, and pass out awards and new signature membership certificates. Guest speaker for this year will be WOODY JACKSON (think COWS on the Ben&Jerry’s truck!)
More details to follow shortly.

“Artful Things” is a gallery in Lebanon, New Hampshire looking for artists who would like to sign up for a solo show next year. They are one of our supporters, as you can see their advertisement in the last mailed newsletter. They will be at the Annual Meeting to talk to you. Or you can call: 603-448-5100

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford VWS President 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Award Winners and Participants in the Walkover Gallery Show

Karen Leuders, owner of the Walkover Gallery, has sent this message. She thinks "This is a beautiful show"! She appears to be pleased in spite of the low entry:

Vermont Watercolor Society Participants:

Peter Klaus Jeziorski – Best in Show
Kate Reeves
Second in Show
Annelein Beukenkamp
Third in Show
Debbie Hamilton
Fourth in Show
Also in the show, in alphabetical order:
Diane Graham Bell
Jean Cannon
Judith Carbine
Laurence H. Coffin
Harry W. Dayton
Sandra Ershow
Terry Hodgdon
Brenda Myrick
Colette Paul
Joe Roe
Sandy Roe
Marcia Shipman
Joan T. Smith
Theresa M. Somerset
Nancy Stone
Robert Sydorowich

submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Walkover Gallery juried show results and information

Greetings, everyone.

The results are in for the juried show at Walkover Gallery. There were only 20 entries, so the gallery decided to jury everyone in. Four paintings were selected as having "special merit". Names of participants will be forthcoming.
This is quite disappointing considering how many members live in the area.

However: Please be sure to attend this opening if you possibly can, and bring a contribution for the snack table. So far, there have not been any volunteers!!
For now, let Karen Lueders know if you can bring something- information below:

Opening reception: Friday, September 12, 5 – 8pm. VWS will provide food. The gallery will provide all beverages.

Karen Lueders/Walkover Gallery
15 Main St.
Bristol, Vt. 05443
(802) 453-3188

Everyone should have received their "hard copy" newsletters by now. Take note of the following upcoming events:

Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O'Brien
(802) 263-9394

1. This class will be limited to 15 participants
2. The fee is $55.00, but we are asking for another $15.00 or more voluntary contribution to offset the cost of renting the building. This is still a very reasonable price for an excellent opportunity to work with an excellent instructor, a much-celebrated artist, and….one of our very own!

Nov. 1-Dec. 2, 2008
Entries must be POSTMARKED by Oct. 6th.
Seen bright green flies sent out to you for further information.

This show will be juried by SLIDE or CD.

Watercolor Workshop with Pat Weaver, WSA: October 6th thru 9th at the Landgrove Inn
$50.00 discount for VWS members

From Byron Carr:

2008 Fall Artists Getaway Weekend, Oct. 16-19

Take a long weekend for just painting on location in
the White Mountains. All skill levels are welcome.
This will be our
fifth fall weekend at the Bartlett
Inn. Pinkham Notch, Crawford
Notch, The Kancamaugus, North Conway and a thousand
painting locations from old buildings to sweeping
mountain views are within a short drive. You can
paint alone or in a group. If it is your first trip
to the area others can point you toward your painting
preference. In bad weather we have found locations to
get under cover or paint at the Inn.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008

VWS News and Updates

Hello again-I hope you are all managing to enjoy the summer despite our daily dose of rainfall. This will be brief- there are just a few important updates and items of interest that you will want to be aware of.

Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O’Brien
(802) 263-9394

1. This class will be limited to 15 participants
2. The fee is $55.00, but we are asking for another $15.00 or more voluntary contribution to offset the cost of renting the building. This is still a very reasonable price for an excellent opportunity to work with an excellent instructor, a much-celebrated artist, and….one of our very own!
While I’m at it, I would like to thank Rob for all the work he does as well as our Exhibitions Director. Which leads to our next bit of information-Rob has just sent out flyers with all the details for our last show of the year at Southern Vermont Arts Center. Look for the bright yellow-green flyer in your mailbox –I got mine today.
This show, thanks again to Rob, is a yearly invitational and we hope it will continue to be so. The quality of work presented there has always been excellent.

After each juried show we tally up everyone’s points towards Signature membership. Certificates are presented at the Annual meeting, which will be held this year (again) at the Middlebury Inn on Sunday, November 16. (Mark your calendars now!) More details to follow at a later date.

New signature members following the Chaffee show are:
Kathleen A. Bergeron
Joann DiNicola
Ayn Baldwin Riehle

Congratulations all!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Saturday, August 02, 2008

VWS NEWS 8-2-08


Chaffee show ends on Saturday, Aug. 2 Pick-up is on Sunday, August 3, 12-4 PM.
If other arrangements need to be made call the Arts Center at (802) 775-0356



Karen Lueders/Walkover Gallery
15 Main St.
Bristol, Vt. 05443
(802) 453-3188

Dates: September 12 – October 26, 2008
Delivery Date: Saturday, September 6, 10am - 2pm
Pickup Date: Sunday, October 26, 10am – 2pm
Pickup Unaccepted work: Mon. Sept.8 through Fri. Sept 12, 9am – 4pm. Unaccepted paintings will not be removed during opening reception.
Opening reception: Friday, September 12, 5 – 8pm. VWS will provide food. The gallery will provide all beverages.
The show will be Juried. Jury selection will be made through the gallery. Jury will meet Sunday, September 7th.
Artists may submit one original painting not previously exhibited at VWS.
The gallery will take a 30% commission on all works sold.
There is no size limitation.
All works must be properly framed with wire, no zig-zag hangers. Metal frames must have buffers at lower corners to protect walls.
Matting color at the discretion of artist.
Exhibiting artists must provide artist statement/bio.



Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O’Brien
(802) 263-9394


One of our members recently received an email from Africa-probably Nigeria, requesting information about the purchase of a painting. This person could have seen the artist's work on the Vermont Watercolor site, or any other private site where artwork is advertised. While a purchase from Africa could be legitimate, almost all such requests are not. Some of the key indicators are that the buyer sends a money order or bank check for MORE than the value of the painting, then asks the artist to refund the "extra". This is a common scam- The buyer's check bounces, the artist may lose their work and the money sent as a refund. Be VERY careful with internet requests for purchase, especially vague ones from foreign countries . Africa is no longer the main source for these scams. Buyers get away with this especially in countries where there are no laws enforced against it. Sometimes they use an intermediate "buyer" from a more legitimate-seeming source.

Go here for more information:

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS president 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008


Hello all:

Our show at Chaffee is terrific- a very high level of quality works, nice variety and a great turnout. Don’t miss this show if you haven’t been!

A few additions and corrections:

Grace Ellis’ painting “Youthful Exuberance” was juried into this show- Chaffe inadvertently left it off the list.

Ayn Riehle had 2 paintings accepted, but no titles were announced. They are

Congratulations to all.

CALL FOR POSTCARD ENTRIES-URGENT!! There’s still time…just barely!!

Our next show at the Walkover gallery was announced in June, with a request for postcard entries as follows:


Karen Lueders/Walkover Gallery
15 Main St.
Bristol, Vt. 05443
(802) 453-3188

Dates: September 12 – October 26, 2008
Delivery Date: Saturday, September 6, 10am - 2pm
Pickup Date: Sunday, October 26, 10am – 2pm
Pickup Unaccepted work: Mon. Sept.8 through Fri. Sept 12, 9am – 4pm. Unaccepted paintings will not be removed during opening reception.
Opening reception: Friday, September 12, 5 – 8pm. VWS will provide food. The gallery will provide all beverages.
The show will be Juried. Jury selection will be made through the gallery. Jury will meet Sunday, September 7th.
Artists may submit one original painting not previously exhibited at VWS.
The gallery will take a 30% commission on all works sold.
VWS will provide postcard using image chosen by the gallery director
All postcard images can be emailed to the gallery by July 15th.

There is no size limitation.
All works must be properly framed with wire, no zig-zag hangers. Metal frames must have buffers at lower corners to protect walls.
Matting color at the discretion of artist.
Exhibiting artists must provide artist statement/bio.



Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O’Brien
(802) 263-9394

LANDGROVE INN, Landgrove, Vermont

InView Center for the Arts at The Landgrove Inn

Is proud to be hosting two exciting watercolor workshops

The summer/fall 2008 season:

On Location Watercolor Workshop with Judi Wagner: August 11th thru 15th :
Judi Wagner earned her BFA, and Masters from the Parsons School of Design. In addition, she studied with such well known painters as John Pike and Edgar Whitney. Her work is featured in “Watercolour Impressionists”, “Splash 2 and 4”, “Learn Watercolor the Edgar Whitney Way”, and she’s the co-author of “The Watercolor Fixit Book”, and “Paint with the White of Your Paper”
After her Art education and training, Judi tackled the workshop process prepared, in the classical sense of the word,. But what is paramount to her workshops is the fun involved in the sharing process. You will laugh, guaranteed! Judi fosters student’s enthusiasm by sharing knowledge and skills acquired over 40 years with humor and spontaneity. Why not try a Judi Wagner Workshop?
All materials are explained and shown. A lecture/demo precedes student painting time. A review of the day’s work takes place late afternoon, with a discussion of the principles of painting.
Tuition : $400 for 5 Day Workshop. Special 5 Night Lodging Package with tuition and all meals: $850/per, DO

Watercolor Workshop with Pat Weaver, WSA: October 6th thru 9th:

Pat Weaver is an accomplished Watercolor Artist whose work consistently receives high praise whether teaching, or completing commissions for Fine Art pet portraits. She is a Signature Member, Life Member, and Past President of the Florida Watercolor Society, a Signature Member of the Georgia Watercolor Society, and an Associate Member of The Society of Animal Artists, New York, NY. She has a direct, spontaneous approach to painting with watercolors. Her watercolor workshops are popular, with students always eager for her return.
The workshop is open to all levels, and any subject matter may be painted in the class. Demos will be given each morning. Individual attention to each student’s work is given daily, and critiques of each day’s work takes place at 3pm each day of class.
Pat’s instruction covers drawing, design and composition, limited palettes, direct painting without drawing, working on 40lb cold press, yupe and Aqua board, and use of watercolor pencils.
Tuition: $400 for 4 Day Workshop. Special 4 Night Lodging Package with tuition and all meals $800/per, Double Occupancy: $900/person. All rates include daily boxed lunch.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008

VWS Chaffee show juried ehtries- results

Hi all

Here are the results for the Chaffee juried show entry. Please note that it IS OK to pick up paintings that DID NOT get in, on Friday, July 11, before (10 AM to 5 PM) or at the opening (5-8 PM) , as well as July 8-10 , 10 AM-5 PM. You are encouraged to attend the opening, even if you didn't get into the show or enter the show- that is part of what we're all about! Eight people volunteered to bring food- more would be most appreciated. Please let Beth Miller or Mary Fran Lloyd know if you can bring something:

Congratulations to the following members:

Judith Beaney
The Cottage Garden
The Inn on the Green

Nancy Aitken Ball
Blue Boat
March Thaw

Kathleen A. Bergeron
Tulip Chorus
Peony Surprise

Jean Cannon
Swiss Chard & Eggs
Miracle Break

Judith Carbine
House by the Pool
Summer Cottage and Rock Garden

Marian Chrity
A Hiding Place

Laurence H Coffin
Winter Storage

Harry Dayton

Nancy H. Dean
Indian Pots

Joann DiNicola
VT, I'll Never leave
Surrounded in Autumn Gold

Joan Drew

Lyn DuMoulin (Orth)
Stars & Stripes Forever
Pickerel Weed

Anne Gordon
Yellow Roses

Josephine Habeski
Night Bloom

Terry Hodgdon
Upper Church Street

Peter Huntoon
Buttermilk Falls
String Concerto

Peter K. Jeziorski
Dawn's Early Light
Winter Blast

Bea Jillette
Oriental Poppies
Iris Fantasy

Valerie Johnson
Canyon Suite #1

Donna L. Koutrakos
Mt. Holly Barn of the Past
Early Morning Mist

Judy Laliberte
By the Light of the Moon
The Chaperone II

Mary Fran Lloyd

Anne McFarren
Winters End
Pond Reflections

Diane E. Miller-Liggett
Maiden of the Sea

Sandra Pealer
Sunflower Trio

Molly A. Poole
Shore Runner

Kate Reeves
Pretty in Pink

Ayn Baldwin Riehle

Doris Roberts
Naoussa, Greece
Banana Heart

Sandra Roe
VonTrapp Lily

Alice Sciore
My Thorn Apples

Ann Semprebron

Cath Stockbridge
Still Life with Firit and Sunglasses
Bottles and Tangerines

Nancy Stone
Shadow Play

Barbara A. Storrs
Blue Tabletop

Robert Sydorowich
Pumpkin Farm

Bradford Voight
Hulett Farm

Thanks to all who entered- it was a big entry! 60 paintings were accepted by 37 artists. ONE accepted painting (for those of you who had two entries accepted), counts towards signature membership.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

VWS NEWS 6-24-08

Summer has arrived ! (- or so the calendar says..). We are, in any case, warming up for VWS activities with our upcoming shows and other opportunities.


16 South Main St.
Rutland, Vt. 05701

The show runs from July 11 through August 2nd and is a juried show.

Delivery date is Sunday, July 6th, 12 to 4pm.

Artists are allowed to bring two paintings for jury consideration. No size limit.
Paintings should be properly framed and matted with white or off white mats only. No sawtooth hangers. Wood frames should have a paper backing. Pieces must not be previously exhibited in a VWS show.

Unaccepted work is to be picked up from July 8 - 10th, 10am - 5pm.

Pick up date for accepted work is Sunday, August 3rd. 12 - 4pm.

If other arrangements need to be made call the Arts Center at (802) 775-0356



VWS is responsible for food, hors d'oeuvres, at the opening. Please email MARY FRAN LLOYD ( to let her know what hors d'oeuvres type food you are going to bring for the opening (please write VWS FOOD in subject space when emailing).........emails preferably by the week before the opening would be most appreciated......or you can let her know when you drop off your painting/s at the Chaffee, as she will be there to check in the artwork.

OPPORTUNITIES- NON-VWS SHOWS AND EVENTS: (no credit towards signature membership)

FROM MEMBER PERTER JEZIORSKI- A REPEAT OFFERING (VWS members had several successful entries last year to this fine show):

Grafton, Vermont, the essence of an old New England village, , will hold its successful Exhibition at Grafton again this year. The sponsors of the event, The Old Tavern, the Hunter Gallery of Fine Art, and Gallery North Star wish to invite all accomplished artists who work in the following media: oil, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, and mixed elements of these media as well as sculptors, to present their works this summer.









Artists can receive special lodging rates at the Old Tavern by mentioning that they are attending the Exhibition. Call (802) 843 1801



AVA Gallery and Art Center
Fifteenth Annual Juried Summer Exhibition

Please hand deliver works to:
AVA Gallery, 11 Bank Street, Lebanon, New Hampshire
Monday – Thursday,
July 7 – 10
, 2008
11:00am – 5:00pm

Eligibility: All artists residing in New Hampshire or Vermont

ENTRY Specifics:

Up to two recent works (made during the past three years).
All works must be labeled with artist's name, address, title of work,
medium, price, and be gallery‐ready (for exhibition).
Two‐dimensional works are not to exceed 60 inches in any dimension.
Sculpture entries are not to exceed 200 lbs.
All works must be for sale. (AVA retains 40% commission on sales.)


One entry: $10 member/$15 non‐member
Two entries: $15 member/$20 non‐member

Mara Williams, Independent Curator,
Brattleboro, Vermont & New York City

Notification cards will be mailed by July 14, 2008.

Works not accepted must be picked up
Wednesday – Saturday, July 16 – 19, 2008
11:00am – 5:00pm.

Three juror's awards of $100 each.

Accepted works will be exhibited July 18 – August 23, 2008
11 Bank Street, Lebanon, NH 03766 • phone: 603‐448‐3117 • fax: 603‐448‐4827
email: • web:


Here is the link about the call to artists
I hope you can help to circulate this opportunity to your artists!

Mary E. Ryan, Owner-Artist-Manager
Chrysalis Farm Studio & Gallery, LLC
129 Westport Village Road

Swanzey, NH 03446
Office: 603-352-7878
Fax: 603-352-7898
Cell: 603-499-6226

Please join us to celebrate Vermont's first Equine and Arts Festival, a day of joyful performances featuring horses, riders, dancers and music and their combined artistry. The Festival brings together Vermont's performing artists, both human and equine, to entertain our community. Its earnings will help protect the special Baca strain of Colonial Spanish horse, a now-threatened national treasure. The Field Days facility offers plenty of parking, two arenas, a covered area for musicians, indoor display buildings and restrooms.
We invite your participation as a performer, presenter, sponsor, vendor or attending group. Please help us inaugurate a wonderful annual summer Equine and Arts Festival that, like Vermont itself, is unique in the nation.
Beyond just horses, the Festival features Vermont, its foods, produce, arts, crafts, music, dance, books and other expressions of our uniqueness in many themes and mediums. Locally grown and prepared organic foods will be available for purchase.
We are considering an auction of donated services and art, if our vendors and sponsors support this.
The Equine and Arts Festival is produced by the Baca Conservancy. and The Festival raises funds for and awareness of the Colonial Spanish horse. This special breed is a direct link to the first horse in the Americas, extinct for 12,000 years until it was introduced to the continent by Spanish explorers in the 1500's and later adopted and preserved by Native American tribes. The Colonial Spanish horse is the only living link we have to the earliest days of America's history. The Baca strain of this breed is designated as "critical" by the American Livestock Breed Conservancy; this event helps its protectors continue their valuable work.

The day is designed as a family activity. The full-day fee is $25 for families, $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under. Under 5 - FREE.

Vendor table spaces: $45 including one 8-foot table and two passes into the festival. Presenters who would also like a table are charged $25/table plus two passes. Indoor space is limited to about 50 tables. Outdoor space can be arranged if you have a canopy.
All vendors can have up to ten additional event tickets for half-price, perhaps to use as thank you gifts to staff and customers.
On behalf of the Baca Conservancy, thank you for helping make this new Festival a reality. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Stephanie Lockhart
PO Box 274, Morrisville, VT 05661
802-888-6623 day 802-888-2312 evening


Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

VWS NEWS 6-2-08

VWS Newsletter 6.2.08

Greetings, all. Here are the latest updates on shows and events for VWS:


RED ROOF GALLERY: Pick-up, Tuesday, June 3, 10 AM-6 PM

16 South Main St.
Rutland, Vt. 05701

The show runs from July 11 through August 2nd and is a juried show.

Delivery date is Sunday, July 6th, 12 to 4pm.

Artists are allowed to bring two paintings for jury consideration. No size limit.
Paintings should be properly framed and matted with white or off white mats only. No sawtooth hangers. Wood frames should have a paper backing. Pieces must not be previously exhibited in a VWS show.

Unaccepted work is to be picked up from July 8 - 10th, 10am - 5pm.

Pick up date for accepted work is Sunday, August 3rd. 12 - 4pm.

If other arrangements need to be made call the Arts Center at (802) 775-0356

VWS is responsible for food, hors d'oeuvres, at the opening. Please contact Beth Miller (see email above), about bringing an offering. This is also an opportunity for the Southwest region to step forward as volunteers for this event as many of you live in or near Rutland.


Karen Lueders/Walkover Gallery
15 Main St.
Bristol, Vt. 05443
(802) 453-3188

Dates: September 12 – October 26, 2008
Delivery Date: Saturday, September 6, 10am - 2pm
Pickup Date: Sunday, October 26, 10am – 2pm
Pickup Unaccepted work: Mon. Sept.8 through Fri. Sept 12, 9am – 4pm. Unaccepted paintings will not be removed during opening reception.
Opening reception: Friday, September 12, 5 – 8pm. VWS will provide food. The gallery will provide all beverages.
The show will be Juried. Jury selection will be made through the gallery. Jury will meet Sunday, September 7th.
Artists may submit one original painting not previously exhibited at VWS.
The gallery will take a 30% commission on all works sold.
VWS will provide postcard using image chosen by the gallery director
All postcard images can be emailed to the gallery by July 15th.
There is no size limitation.
All works must be properly framed with wire, no zig-zag hangers. Metal frames must have buffers at lower corners to protect walls.
Matting color at the discretion of artist.
Exhibiting artists must provide artist statement/bio.



Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Place: Woodstock, Vermont, Unitarian Church
Times: 9:30 AM-4 PM
Fee: $55.00
Contact: Rob O’Brien
(802) 263-9394

Details and description to follow.

That’s all for now!

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Spring has sprung, as they say, and VWS is warming up for another round of exciting events. By the way, we had an exciting Spring meeting, with 2 excellent speakers, 2 vendors and a great “round table” discussion . A very full and fulfilling afternoon. Warren Kimble spoke to us about his journey to success as well as amusing us with tales from his past adventures as an upcoming artist. TO PUT VWS ON THE MAP, WARREN' SUGGESTED THAT VWS DO A "WATER IN"--A BIG PAINTING DAY WITH THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP PAINT ALL SIZES, COLOR/PLAY, CONNECT THE EVENT WITH LAKE CHAPLAIN AND THE NEXT CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. Warren has joined us as a new member. Welcome, Warren! Speaker Rob Hunter from Frog Hollow spoke to us about the mysteries of the jurying process and offered us some excellent advice and perspective. Thank you, Rob, and Warren!


The upgrade to our website is on hold until we find some means to pay for it. Our budget, at present does not allow for more than usual operating expenses. Fundraising will become a priority in the future if members would like to expand our scope of opportunities, including member services provided by the website.

All the by-law amendments were passed. There was a call for nominations for next year’s Board elections. Openings at present are for President, Vice-President and Treasurer.


Many thanks to Annelein Beukenkamp who did most of the work putting together this excellent meeting/event. And thank you to our wonderful Board members who all helped to make it happen. Barbara Efchak, a new member from Middlebury also volunteered right away to help out. Thank you Barbara. Please forgive if I have forgotten to mention any other member volunteer-I am quite sure there were several others.


First of all, a reminder. Today is the deadline for sending a 300 dpi jpg to Chaffe for a post card image entry. This must be a painting you intend to enter in the show. 4” x5” or 5” x 6” is a good size. Email images to . Do NOT send CDs.

The show runs from July 11 through August 2nd and is a juried show.

Delivery date is Sunday, July 6th, 12 to 4pm.

Artists are allowed to bring two paintings for jury consideration. No size limit.
Paintings should be properly framed and matted with white or off white mats only. No sawtooth hangers. Wood frames should have a paper backing. Pieces must not be previously exhibited in a VWS show.

Unaccepted work is to be picked up from July 8 - 10th, 10am - 5pm.

Pick up date for accepted work is Sunday, August 3rd. 12 - 4pm.

If other arrangements need to be made call the Arts Center at (802) 775-0356

Postcard images are due May 15th. One image per member, must be 300dpi.
email images to . Do NOT send CDs.

VWS is responsible for food, hors d'oeuvres, at the opening. Please contact Beth Miller (see email above), about bringing an offering. This is also an opportunity for the Southwest region to step forward as volunteers for this event as many of you live in or near Rutland. Liza Myers is your co-ordinator. ( (This does not mean other members can’t offer as well…)


We had a great turn-out and an excellent entry- the show was beautifully hung. Please go see it if you haven’t yet.


Tuesday, June 3, 10 AM-6 PM.
Please make arrangements with the gallery if you cannot deliver or pickup on these dates
(603) 632-5143.


Many thanks to Karen Casper, who put together and sent this print-out for your use. We are hoping it will help you to identify your neighbors for car-pooling, gatherings and for getting acquainted, as well as helping out with local events. Just a little reminder: This information is for VWS use only. It is not a mailing list to be used for any other purpose. You will receive occasional periodical updates and corrections. By the way, your inclusion in a region does not mean you are excluded from any other region. These divisions are for convenience only. If an event is organized in a particular region that is of interest to all members, please send me your announcement and it will be posted for all. Our purpose as a Society is always to be all-inclusive first and foremost.


From member Jud Pealer:

Call to Artists!!
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church
27 State Street
Windsor, Vermont 05089

One Day Show, Saturday, June 14, 2008
from 10 am. until 4 pm.
(Rain date June 21, 2008)

10’ x 10’ lots are $25. No commission taken.
Artists must provide own tent and displays
Original artwork only:
painting, sculpture, pottery, graphic art, weaving, photography
Amenities ~ coffee and bathroom facilities
The show will be well advertised in area media.

To reserve your spot mail your check made out to
“Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church” to:
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 725
Windsor, VT 05089

Questions? Call Jud Pealer at 802-674-5713

From a possible new member:

2008 SPRING Artist's Getaway Weekend, May 15-18

Take a long weekend for just painting on location in
the White Mountains. All skill levels are welcome.
This will be our fourth spring weekend at the Bartlett
Inn. Pinkham Notch, Crawford
Notch, The Kancamaugus, North Conway and a thousand
painting locations from old buildings to sweeping
mountain views are within a short drive. You can
paint alone or in a group. If it is your first trip
to the area others can point you toward your painting
preference. In bad weather we have found locations to
get under cover or paint at the Inn.

Thursday paint your way up to the Bartlett Inn and
gather after dinner in the Inn to chat. Friday
morning have a great breakfast at the Inn and head out
to paint. I will do a painting demo for those
interested. There are many fine eateries in the area.
Saturday eat and paint. Saturday night we order
pizza in and check out our paintings. Sunday is
breakfast and paint your way home.

We have had all skill levels join us at the painter
friendly Bartlett Inn. Nick and Miriam are great
hosts and have a variety of lodging options. Nick has
joined us on occasion. All reservations need to be
made through the Bartlett Inn in Bartlett New
Hampshire. This is not a workshop, the only cost is

For info on what to expect on the painting end,
contact me.

Have a great day,
Byron Carr
paintings at

From member Paedra Bramhall:

I understand how tough things are financially especially for artists. Maybe in the following way it can help all of us and result in some new creativity.

In that light this summer I am making CABIN-IN-THE-WOODS available to artists, 2 adults, at up to 56% off normal rental cost for a stay of 30 days. ( 7 days, the minimum @ 40% off, 14 days @ 43% off ). No children. Dog or cat on approval. Some indoor studio space available.
web site:

This is in a very beautiful and secluded place here in Vermont.
( It is special to me because I was born in the cabin in 1942. I now live further up the road.)

I hope there is a way you can pass on this info to artists.

Thank you very much.

Paedra Peter Bramhall


I cannot announce your private shows, but I will make every effort to announce workshops, classes and opportunities of interest to all.

Submitted by Cynthia Crawford
VWS President 2008

go to “this just in” for past and present newsletters.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


(Please note- this newsletter refers to some information that was sent to the membership but not included on this website because it contained information available only to members. The information below, however, is still relevant.)

Well, sometimes it just happens. Here are some corrections and additions for info recently received, either via email or through the mailed newsletter:

EVERETT WEBBER’S PHONE NUMBER was incorrectly listed. If you want to attend the Spring Meeting and have not met the deadline for a mailed response, call Everett at: 603-643-5450 or send him an email: Do this BEFORE 4 PM on Thursday, April 17.

RED ROOF GALLERY OPENING: Please bring some sort of goodie to the opening- finger food, cookies, hors d’oeuvres and such. (Opening is Friday, April 18 from 6-8 PM.)

CHAFFEE FINE ATS GALLERY SHOW: Please disregard any previous information on this show and follow these guidelines:

The show runs from July 11 through August 2nd and is a juried show.

Delivery date is Sunday, July 6th, 12 to 4pm.

Artists are allowed to bring two paintings for jury consideration. No size limit.
Paintings should be properly framed and matted with white or off white mats only. No sawtooth hangers. Wood frames should have a paper backing. Pieces must not be previously exhibited in a VWS show.

Unaccepted work is to be picked up from July 8 - 10th, 10am - 5pm.

Pick up date for accepted work is Sunday, August 3rd. 12 - 4pm.

If other arrangements need to be made call the Arts Center at (802) 775-0356

Postcard images are due May 15th. One image per member, must be 300dpi.
email images to . Do NOT send CDs.

VWS is responsible for food, hors d'oeuvres, at the opening reception, Friday, July 11th from 5 to 8pm.


My apologies- apparently on some computers this is not readable. I don’t know how to fix it. For those of that have Microsoft word/excel, you might be able to read the attached version. Some day we will figure out how to post a universal message that reaches everyone…..maybe. This attachment will only go to members and will not be available on the web page.

That, I hope, is all for now. See some of you soon!

Humbly submitted by Cynthia Crawford, VWS President

Friday, March 28, 2008

VWS SPRING MEETING Notification and By-laws revision

Greetings on this (ugh) snowy day! Below is a copy of the notice you will receive in the mail as the official announcement of the VWS Spring Meeting. You can copy the form from this email and send it to Everett Webber, as indicated , if you want to get signed up right away (highly recommended). Also below is the content of the by-law revisions and Everett Webber's explanation. Everett put countless hours into making our by-laws into a clearly defined up-to-date legal document. This you will also receive in the mail. Please read carefully- we would like to encourage a quick discussion and vote on this matter.

This is going to be an exciting event with two excellent speakers and a "get-to-know-you" discussion group (Round Tables), similar to the much-enjoyed event at the 2007 Spring meeting. I'm really looking forward to seeing a BIG turn-out!! See you there!

Cynthia Crawford
VWS President

The Vermont Watercolor Society Spring Meeting for 2008 will be held at

The Middlebury Inn
Founders’ Room
14 Court Square
Middlebury Vermont 05753

Date : Sunday April 20, 2008
Time: 11:30 AM- 4:30 PM

Agenda: (approximate times)

11:30 AM- 12:00 PM Arrival and check-in
12:00 PM-12:30 PM Luncheon Buffet self-serve (there will be vegetarian choices).
12:30 PM-Official Business Meeting
a. Old Business
b. New Business
c. By-law Revisions and voting
d. Budget discussion

1:30 Speaker Warren Kimble world-renowned folk artist
2:00 PM Break
2:30 PM Round Table Discussions
3:15 Speaker Rob Hunter from Frog Hollow
4:00/4:15 PM end
4:15-4:30 clean-up/removal of equipment, etc.


Cost: $25.00 per person
Guests are welcome
Deadline for sign-up: POSTMARKED April 15, 2008.
Send a check made out to “Vermont Watercolor Society”, $25.00 per person, to:

Everett Webber, Treasurer
5 Longwood lane
W. Lebanon, N.H. 03784

NOTE: PLEASE MAKE THIS A “SCENT-FREE” EVENT, i.e. no perfumes, aftershave, scented products, lotions, etc. THANK-YOU!

Please fill out the form below and return with your check:




Phone: __________________________


Amount Enclosed $_________________________

Note: If you would like to stay overnight at the Middlebury Inn, please contact Guy Rossi. Mention that you are attending the VWS spring meeting: 1-800-842-4666
BY-LAW Revisions for membership ---Proposed 25 March 2008
By-laws of the Vermont Watercolor Society, Inc. 6th Draft, Revision of By-laws
of 18 Nov. 2007. ew



The name of this corporation shall be Vermont Watercolor Society, Inc, hereinafter referred to as the VWS.
The address of the principal office of the VWS shall be the address of the duly appointed, or elected President of the VWS.
The VWS shall be registered as a non-profit corporation with the Secretary of State, State of Vermont, and a Nonprofit Biennial Report Form filed biennially. The registered office of the corporation shall be in the State of Vermont at the address of the President of the VWS, or an officer appointed by the President.


[1] To maintain and extend appreciation of Watercolor Artists and the art of Watercolor painting.
[2] To further the exhibition and education of fine Watercolor Artists.


Artists may reside in any state, region or country.
There are four forms of membership in the VWS.
[1] Signature Member:
[a] Allows a member to use the initials VWS after her/his signature on watercolor paintings. To attain this form of membership, a member must be accepted into no less than three shows in a five year period with three different watercolors, by a jury/juror of specific Vermont Watercolor Society juried shows to obtain the right to put the initials "VWS" after her/his name.
[b] Signature Member status is forfeited, and the initials VWS can no longer be used when membership status is no longer in effect, when it has become terminated for any reason.
[2] Member:
[a] Open to any watercolor artist.
[b] Members may apply at any time to be upgraded to Signature Member in accordance with the procedure stated above.
[3] Honorary Member:
[a] The Board of Directors, hereinafter also referred to as the Board, may, for a variety of reasons, choose to award an honorary membership to a deserving individual.
[4] Lifetime Member:
[a] Anyone who has served as President of the VWS for one year or more is entitled to a Lifetime Membership at no cost.
[5] Voting rights:
[a] Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter
submitted to a vote of the members.


[1] All Officers may be from any state, region or country.
[2] Officers of the VWS shall be President and Chairperson, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer/Director of Membership.
[3] The duties of the Officers will include, but not be limited to the following:
[a] President and Chairperson. Shall see that the VWS runs smoothly and efficiently and in accordance with the By-laws by channeling information through each branch of the Board of Directors, thereby maintaining order and connection throughout the VWS. Shall keep abreast of member desires and issues, and act as a resource for conflict resolution. Shall run the Annual Meeting and Officer elections according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Above all the President shall hold the vision of the VWS in all decisions affecting its future direction.
[b] Vice President. Shall work closely with the President and be prepared to fill in for the President as necessary. Shall be well versed in all Board activities and take on responsibilities as needed within the Board structure as deemed necessary by the President. Shall prepare for potential succession to the presidency, thereby ensuring a smooth transition.
[c] Secretary. Shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all Board meetings and two annual membership meetings to be published within a thirty day period to the designated recipients. Shall be responsible, either personally or through delegation to a volunteer, for taking care of correspondence and other writing tasks for the VWS as the President and the Board may require. Shall be an active participant in Board discussions, providing council and assistance.
. [d] Treasurer/Director of Membership. Shall, along with the President, be the steward of the fiscal health of the VWS. Shall manage all income and expenses of the VWS, manage the bank account and officer credit/debit cards. Shall, unless otherwise assigned, maintain the membership database, although some database work may be assigned to volunteers. Shall keep abreast of membership trends. Shall, either personally or through delegation to a volunteer, send out welcome letters and information packets to new members, distribute brochures and other information, and pursue recruitment of new members.
[4] Currently serving officers shall not be required to pay dues during their terms of service. They may, however, exercise the option of paying dues.


[1] All Directors may be from any state, region or country.
[2] Directors of the VWS shall be Director of Exhibits, Director of Education and Events, Director of Communications and Public Relations, and Director of Volunteers.
[3] The duties of the Directors will include, but not be limited to the following:
[a] Director of Exhibits. Shall be in charge of the Exhibits Committee. Shall coordinate all facets of all exhibits with a volunteer team, involving soliciting venues, creating a prospectus, generating postcards, hanging and removing each show, negotiating terms of sale and commission with galleries, and overseeing the hiring of jurors for juried exhibits as necessary.
[b] Director of Education and Events. Shall be in charge of the Education and Events Committee. Shall, with a team of volunteers, plan educational activities and programs in concert with member desires, including the activities for both annual meetings.
[c] Director of Communications and Public Relations. Shall be in charge of the Communications and Public Relations Committee. Shall, with a team of volunteers, be responsible for planning and implementing all VWS communications and public relations activities. Shall oversee the development and implementation of promotional support material required and produced by other Board members.
[d] Director of Volunteers. Shall be in charge of the Volunteer Committee. Shall be responsible for developing a volunteer program that will strengthen the ability of the VWS to support and expand volunteer recruitment.
[4] Currently serving Directors shall not be required to pay dues during their terms of service. They may, however, exercise the option of paying dues.


[1] The Board of Directors of the VWS shall be comprised of the Officers and Directors as listed in ARTICLE IV[2] and ARTICLE V[2].
[2] The Board will function with clear definitions of term limits, responsibilities and most importantly, a process for cultivating and educating new up and coming Board seat replacements.
[3] The President of the VWS shall be the Chairperson of the Board.
[4] Board members shall be responsible for keeping the President informed of all situations within the VWS.
[5] The Board will meet four times a year. Interim meetings may be called as necessary, and when possible, will be conducted via telephone conference call to minimize undue travel. Meeting locations will be based upon the makeup of the Board of Directors, keeping in mind each member’s place of residence.
[6] The President shall each year appoint three members of the Board to serve on the Nominating Committee, one being designated as being in charge.
[7] The President shall each year appoint three members of the Board to serve as a By-laws Committee, one being designated as in charge,
[8] The President, with the consent of the Board, shall have the power to interpret, maintain, change, and develop, as necessary, the rules governing the affairs of the VWS, within the parameters of the By-laws, including potential changes to the By-laws, thus allowing flexibility in the day to day activities of the VWS.


[1] Officers and Directors shall be elected for a term of one year at the November Annual Meeting.
[2] All Board positions are elected for a one-year term, renewable for no more than three consecutive years in any one position.
[3] Board Members may be elected to serve in various Board positions, but only one at a time.
[4] In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall become President. In the case of other Officers and Directors, vacancies will be filled by presidential appointment.
[5] No Member shall be nominated, or elected in her/his absence unless such member has indicated intention to accept such office in writing prior to the election.
[6] Nomination for elected office and directorship positions shall be made from the floor, prior to the Membership vote, at the Annual Meeting in November.
[7] Proxy vote will not be allowed.


[1] Meetings: There shall be at least two membership meetings during the year. One shall be in the spring, and the Annual Meeting shall be in November. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the Board.
[2] Quorum: a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the VWS shall be at least 15 members in good standing.
[3] Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail and shall govern all deliberations during official VWS meetings.
[4] The order of business shall be set forth by the presiding Officer.
(1) [5] Special meetings shall be held at such times and locations as the Board shall deem necessary. Notification shall be to all members by the least expensive, but expedient means available. Members shall be defined as those members appearing on the current VWS Member Roster.


[1] Temporary (Ad Hoc) Committees. The President, with Board approval, may appoint one or more committees to serve for a specific task as defined in a letter of appointment. Such committee(s) will be comprised of Directors and/or Membership and may be dissolved when the task is accomplished.
[2] Standing Committees.
[a] Exhibits Committee. See also ARTICLE V, Section [3][a].
[b] Education and Events Committee. See also ARTICLE V, Section [3][b].
[c] Communications and Public Relations Committee. See also ARTICLE V,
Section [3][c].
[d] Volunteer Committee. See also ARTICLE V, Section [3][d].
[e] Nominating Committee. Shall seek potential candidates for Officer
and Director positions throughout the year to be presented to the
Annual Meeting in November and voted on by the Membership,
[f] By-laws Committee. Shall meet at least once a year to review the need for
changes in By-laws, and develop changes as needed.
[g] Ethics Committee.
1. Any complaint brought as an ethics issue against a member of the VWS, that cannot be resolved by the President of the VWS, will be brought to resolution in a timely manner by the Board of Directors acting as an Ethics Committee for that specific purpose. The Chairperson of this Committee will be the President of the VWS, or her/his designee. The Committee will be comprised of the President and either four or six other members of the Board of Directors at the president’s discretion. Standards of behavior, and actions recommended for failure to honor these standards, are put forth below.
2. Standards.
a. Gallery rules pertaining to frames, mats, delivery and pickup times, subject matter, sales commissions, and other specific requests are not to be disputed.
b. Gallery owner and juror decisions as to paintings chosen to be in a show must be accepted without complaint or adverse comment.
c. Telephone calls and other communication to jurors, gallery owners, or VWS officers to complain will not be tolerated. Necessary contact regarding specifics of a show must be made only with the assigned show coordinator for that show.
d. VWS rules must be adhered to. However, any member feeling that a rule needs revision, or that there is an exception in her/his case, may bring a request to the Board of Directors for consideration.
e. Failure to respect the artwork of others, within and without the VWS, in
the form of disparaging comments or attitudes is prohibited.
f. Incidents not specifically covered in the above standards that are detrimental to the VWS or one of its members, may be brought to the Ethics committee for resolution as an ethics issue.
g. All complaints to the ethics committee must be in writing, signed by the accuser. The complaint must be made available to the accused if requested.
3. Actions.
a. A majority vote of the Board of Directors members present will be necessary in order to create a decision and resolution.
b. The offending party will be requested to attend a meeting of the Ethics Committee to present her/his account of the event(s).
c. Resolution of an incident may include, but not be restricted to, the following actions:
i. A decision in favor of the alleged offender.
ii. A reprimand in formal letter form.
iii. Exclusion from one or more present and future VWS shows.
iv. Expulsion from the VWS for flagrant and/or repeated violation of standards.
v. Any other actions deemed appropriate by the Ethics Committee.
vi. If the Board deems the incident is a serious matter with possible legal ramifications, the Board may ask for legal counsel.
vii. All complaints will be kept confidential in the VWS file and the file of the VWS member.
d. The Board of Directors, acting as an Ethics Committee, shall keep written minutes of its meetings and decisions and these are to be preserved indefinitely.
e. The incident and its conclusion will be entered into the individual’s VWS file, and published in the VWS Newsletter.
f. The resolution of the matter will be reported in writing to the offended party, by the Ethics Committee of the VWS.


[1] The Calendar Year of the VWS shall be January 1 through December 31. Dues are payable beginning October 1st, and delinquent December 31st prior to the year they are due.
[2] Members are responsible for prompt payment of dues. Notification of overdue payments will be made by the Treasurer by March 15th, by use of Email or the US Mail, to the delinquent party.
[3] Anyone whose membership is not current, i.e., has not paid her/his dues by
December 31st, cannot participate in official VWS shows, or vote on official VWS issues following that date until dues payment has been received.
[4] A member’s status is “Delinquent” if dues are not paid by December 31st prior to the year they become due and continues until March 31st of the year they are due.
[5] A member’s status is “Inactive” if dues payment has not been received by March 31st of the dues year and continues until December 31st of the dues year. The member will continue to receive VWS communications during this status.
(1) [6] Payment of dues for the current year releases the Delinquent or Inactive status and the member can participate immediately in official VWS shows and vote on official VWS issues.
[7] A member’s status becomes “Terminated” and she/he is no longer a member of the VWS after December 31st of the dues year, i.e., after a year of nonpayment of dues.
[8] A Terminated, or former, member may be reinstated by paying current dues, no matter what amount of time has passed. Signature status, however, will be lost after one year’s absence from paying dues, and the returning member reverts to the status of Member until she/he reestablishes Signature membership as stated in ARTICLE III [1].
[9] A member whose status has become Terminated because of Resignation from the VWS, upon reinstatement, will retain a previous Signature Membership status.
[10] In the case of undue hardship, the Board may vote to allow a former Signature
Member to retain her/his signature status when rejoining.
[11] New members are eligible to participate in any events or exhibits as soon as dues are
[12] Nonmembers are welcome at the spring and fall VWS meetings, and
at workshops and similar events designated as “open to the public”.
[13] Annual dues of the VWS and other similar items may be changed by majority vote at any meeting at which there is a quorum present. All members will be notified of any changes in dues.
[14] Members may submit their intention to resign from the VWS by writing to
the Treasurer.
[15] The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of the VWS funds and shall keep
complete and accurate records of VWS receipts and disbursements. Such
records shall consist of a numbered checkbook and a bound record book
in which an entry is made for VWS transactions in a manner that no funds
are left unaccounted.
[16] The Treasurer shall choose the banking institution in which the funds of the VWS are deposited in the name of the Vermont Watercolor Society, or VWS. The signatures of the Treasurer and the President shall be on file with the banking institution as authorized to sign checks.
[17] A budget shall be prepared by the Treasurer and the Board to be presented at the November Annual Meeting for the following year. Once approved, the items in said budget may be paid by the Treasurer without further approval. Lacking a budget, the Treasurer shall pay all due and just debts of the VWS. Items greater than two-hundred dollars ($200) in cost shall be brought before the Board for approval, and if necessary, before a special panel of members.
[18] The Treasurer shall be prepared at each meeting of the VWS to report on the condition of the treasury, including any disbursement and current balance. The records of the Treasurer shall be open to examination by any member in good standing, at any reasonable time and place in the presence of the Treasurer and VWS President.
[19] The Treasurer maintains the FileMaker Pro database. A volunteer may be
appointed to assist with this function.


[1] Amendment of these By-laws may be accomplished by two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at any meeting where there is a quorum and provided that a written copy of such proposed amendment(s) was sent to each member at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. [2] Any amendment(s) of these By-laws shall become effective immediately upon adoption.


[1] The Board may authorize any officer or director to enter into any contract in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to a specific business.
[2] Prior to signing contracts, matters shall be reviewed by legal counsel, if the wisdom of the Board deems it appropriate.


[1] If for any reason, the Board deems it appropriate to dissolve the VWS, any assets remaining after payment of, or provision for, its debts and liabilities shall, consistent with the purposes of the VWS, be turned over to another public benefit nonprofit corporation within the State of Vermont.
[2] No part of the net assets of the VWS shall inure to the benefit of, or be paid or distributed to an Officer, Director, member, employee, or donor of the VWS.


The “By-laws Committee” has revised the VWS By-laws of Nov. 18, 2007. Many, many hours have been spent on several revisions.. The majority is unchanged. In some items language has been changed, but the content is basically the same. Some items are new. Many of the new items are ideas that have been discussed previously. Some of what appears to be new is clarification of existing material. Much has come straight from our President, Cindy’s, “The proposed board reorganization.” and “Overview of specific board positions”. Some of the new is essential for the by-laws of a corporation. A lot is common sense, and tightening up of the infrastructure.

The Secretary of State’s Office in Montpelier was contacted, Title 11B of the Vermont Statutes Annotated was consulted, and model by-laws for a public benefit nonprofit corporation were examined. The VWS is a public benefit nonprofit corporation.

The Vermont Attorney General has the authority to take a public benefit nonprofit corporation to court to ensure that it is being operated in the public interest.

The items listed here are meant to be compared with corresponding items in the accompanying By-laws as explanation. The underlined areas in the body of the By-laws represent new items/wording/clarification.
Added the words “corporation” and “Inc”. We will still call it Vermont Watercolor Society without the Inc., except that Inc. should probably be on checking account, and letterheads and things like that. Also added a word or two about the registered address of the corporation, which is different from the address of the principle office of the VWS.
Added about registering with the State of Vermont as a nonprofit corporation, because in the past it has been overlooked. It is easy to do, and the VWS was terminated by operation of law on 6/13/2002 when it was overlooked. When that happens the corporation is considered not to be in good standing and must apply for reinstatement in order to regain good standing status by filing a biennial report form with the regular filing fee of $15.00 (which is waived if no compensation was paid to any officer, director, or employee during the prior calendar year) and pay a $25.00 penalty fee.
No change.
[1][b] Clarification.
[2] Member to replace Associate Member---I have heard complaint about Associate status ---is it demeaning? I do not feel strongly about a change, just like the sound of Member better.
[2][b] The same as [2].
[3] New heading.
[4] New heading.
[5] Added voting rights. Voting and finances are sacred.
These are as outlined by Cindy in her overview of specific board positions and so represents all new material , with the exception of item [1] and part of [4].
[3][c] Because it is a secretarial duty, and we will not have a corresponding secretary , I have added: Shall be responsible, either personally or through delegation to a volunteer, for taking care of correspondence and other writing tasks for the VWS as the President and the Board may require. This is a good volunteer job.
[3][d] Because of the Membership role of the Treasurer, I have added: Shall keep abreast of membership trends. Shall either personally, or through delegation to a volunteer, send out welcome letters and information packets to new members, distribute brochures and other information, and pursue recruitment of new members. I have been sending out welcome letters to new members, anyway. The treasurer’s database is always the most current. Another good volunteer job.
[4] Added the option of paying dues.
An entirely new section, set up as in Cindy’s overview of specific board positions, except for the following.
[1] Self explanatory.
[5]New, but says the same as IV[4] under Officers.

Another new section.
[1] New.
[2] From Cindy,s overview.
[3] Logical.
[4] Important.
[6] Slight change---need a leader.
[7] New. An effort must be made to keep by-laws current, and this is a way.
[8] Important in order that the day to day affairs of the VWS will remain fluid.
Basically unchanged.
[4] Wording altered a little.
[6] Tightened a little.
No change.
[1] New Heading. A little language change.
[2] [a] thru [d]and [f] are new.
[2][g] Ethics Committee completely unchanged.
The heading MEMBERSHIP is new here, but because the area of finance and membership is so closely intertwined, it seems a reasonable association, especially so, because of the Treasurer/Membership position listed under Officers. This section is mostly unchanged , but it has been itemized and rearranged from previous paragraph form, which gives a lengthy list.
[2] New date, with method of contact specified.
[3] Clarification, with the addition of cannot vote.
[4],[5],[6],[7],[8] Clarification. [6] also allows vote.
[9] New, self explanatory.
[13] An important item, I believe. In the previous By-laws, Article IX Amendments, a rather non-translatable item (2) was “An amendment of any addendum to these By-laws shall be accomplished in the same manner as above [see Article (1)], but shall not require new By-laws to be submitted for approval. This is to allow for change in such minor matters as amount of yearly dues and other similar items within the authority of the membership.” I believe the new item [13] is much less cumbersome, therefore easier to use and more effective.
[19] Self explanatory.
[1] Unchanged.
The almost non-translatable item (2) of the previous by-laws’ Article X Amendments mentioned just above has been dropped in its entirety.
[2] The current one---changes part of the previous item (1), “Any amendments of the By-laws shall not become effective until such amendment has been approved and signed by the officers of the VWS” to a much simpler version: “… shall become effective immediately upon adoption.”
[1] Completely new and simplified.
[2] Different outlook on legal counsel. I believe the Board of the VWS is savvy enough to know when to punt.
Dissolution of the corporation must be included in the By-laws.

Everett Webber, VWS