This is the Archive of the Vermont Watercolor Society online newsletters from the old web site. It is for reference only.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

News from Outside the VWS


As you may recall, Vermont Arts Council
is sponsoring a HUGE project - passing out wooden palettes for everyone and anyone to paint, decorate, etc. We are still working on a possible show for VWS somewhere- possibly in conjunction with an organization such as Pentangle in Woodstock. I have been experimenting with gluing a watercolor on paper to the palette. It can be done. This could be great fun...and possibly a fund-raiser for VWS. If I see some interest, I could get a bunch of palettes to pass out at our SPRING LUNCHEON - April 2, 2006


Speaking of the Palettes project- I have not seen a lot of interest from the membership for creating a group show, but here's a note from Ben&Jerry's- a possible site for display or an open show. Anyone want to follow through with this idea? It would mean contacting B &G, and organizing the show. I think if it is a Palettes project we could do a bit of fund-raising for VWS and get great publicity as well.

Here is a possible opportunity. Think weather hot enough to make you reach for ice cream instead of your mittens.

Martha Fitch, Director
Vermont Crafts Council

Demonstrations and Sales at Ben & Jerrys

During July and August at our Waterbury Factory we are piloting an outdoor project in which we would like to involve local artisans, entertainers and educators.
Ben & Jerry's can provide a venue (our outside activity lane), a 15 x 15 tent and plenty of summer visitors-typically 2,000 each day in July & August. Vendor requirements would include a certificate of liability and a letter of commitment. The hours of operation would be seven days 10:30-4:30. Vendors would be welcome one day per week or several. At this point the schedule is very flexible. Demonstrations of work is highly encouraged.
If you are interested and would like more information please contact me by phone or email.
Thank you very much!
Amy Weller
Tour Logistics Coordinator
Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc
802-882-1240 x2285

If this venue is not a possibility, there are many more opportunities, but someone needs to come forward to volunteer to look into this further.
Check out the news from Vermont Arts Council:

VWS is a member as an organization, but you can join as an individual and get their excellent newsletter. Cindy Crawford

Art Without Boundaries

* With the mission to provide a regular source of income for artists who wish to paint, show and sell their work, The Art Without
Boundaries Foundation announced a matching grants program to benefit deserving artists wishing to train as Certified
Mnemetecnic Therapists. MT is a new, multidisciplinary therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. As a CMT, the artist can earn $100 an hour, own their own business and enjoy a rewarding career that benefits the community.

Qualifications: Artist must be skilled in watercolor or acrylic painting; have experience with persons with Alzheimer’s disease or
other related disorders; have two years of college or equivalent life experience and be able to sing or carry a tune.
Artist must also have entrepreneurial spirit and some financial resources for business start-up. In keeping with the mission of The Art Without Boundaries Foundation, artists who are single mothers will be given first consideration for grants and loans, but all qualified individuals are welcome to apply on our website:
No phone calls or e-mails, please.
Art Without Boundaries Foundation
*Toll free: 1-866-938-6546

This painting was produced by an Alzheimer’s patient in a Mnemetecnic Therapy session.
“Snowy Ohio Morning” by Cerine

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